Sunday, June 16, 2019

One personal ethical issue and one corporate Research Paper

One personal ethical issue and one corporate - inquiry Paper ExampleThe company was found to have a lot of unsettled debts, suspicious financial records, failure in giving its financial reports or disclosing it liquidity state. The fundamental law is accused of supporting the political interest of the political bigwigs in the country, at the expense of delivering better services to the countrys people. anele industry is a great contributor to the Nigerian economy (Ajayi, 2011, p.A8). If well managed, (Ajayi, 2011, p.A8), the revenues generated can boost the infrastructure and social amenities of the country such as education and health to greater heights. The management of the corporation colludes with the political bigwigs in return for selfish gains of appointments to higher offices. Good management and financial transparency is what the organization needs to fulfill its corporate social responsibility.Personal ethical issue on the other hand regards how a person judges an occur rence, event, or a subject based on morality as to whether it is right or wrong. This is shaped by the social settings of the different individuals. While in my opinion the abortion by a Schoolgirl as wrong and immoral, another individual may look at it as beneficial to enable the Schoolgirl, continue with her

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