Friday, May 17, 2019

Management Essay

Our group feels that this question can be answered in 2 different slipway namely, from the managers perspective or from the employees perspective for each panorama of Ajzens theory.1. Attitude toward the behaviourIn this case, the attitude here refers to that of the recession. From employees perspective employees will be poor in spirits and morale during a recession as they know that there is a luxuriously possibility that they will be retrenched by the company. From managers perspective The manager will get hold of a positive attitude about improving the performance of the employees during a recession because if they do not do so, the company will take a long time or never recover from the recession. The manager can improve the employees performance bya. Communicating with the employees about the recession and the viable imp practises it will have on the pull inplace. b. Provide continuous feedback which includes occasional recognition and rewards to boost their morale. c. Attribute the employees accordant performance and update them on the state of the economy.2. Subjective norm From employees perspective employees feel that they should not grant in their 100% at work in times of a recession as the likelihood of being retrenched is still prominent, so why work so hard? They are pressured by their peers to act in this manner. From managers perspective managers are pressured by the top management (CEOs, shareholders) to think of ways to improve the employees performance. Such methods are as mentioned earlier above.3. Perceived Behavioural ControlFrom employees perspective it is actually easy to succumb to peer pressure and not give in their best in their work in times of a recession. From managers perspective managers are completely in raze on their intention to improve the employees performance during a recession as it is their job to do so.

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