Friday, May 10, 2019

24 hours surviliance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

24 hours surviliance - Case Study modelingAs such the paper would be discussing the surveillance of the current facility with regard to various pass judgments that atomic number 18 needed to adopt to feel safe and protected.The surveillance is very important part of certification measure for the multistory building which has multiple exits. The major objective of the surveillance is monitoring of intruders and suspects who could pose threat to the safety device of the battalion inside the complex. Hence, the facility/ building and surrounding area would be under surveillance. CCTVs would be installed in all the areas of critical importance that would be inter affiliated and feed into the main control room. All the rooms, stairs, elevators, tap areas, hallways would have CCTV and spy cameras. The two restrooms and cafeteria would be excluded from the surveillance but nevertheless, their entrance would be guarded by security guards and CCTV cameras. The cameras would also be ins talled on the strategic positions in the realm and parking to monitor the activities of people moving around the campus.The installation of CCTV cameras on a closed network would be centrally monitored by the control room continuously. Around 11 CCTV monochrome cameras would be used across the rooms and humans places like elevators, stairs etc. They would also be equipped with alarm system that would be connected to the main security office which would have direct connections with the local police station. Moreover, the complex would also be guarded by 4 fully armed security guards. It is envisaged that appropriate identity cards would be issued to permanent members and visitors would be given token which would monitored electronically. These are important aspects that are designed to alert security officers to burglary/ theft in progress or identify suspects hanging around in the building, open ground or parking places so that crime can be prevented.Surveillance is key factor in security issues that helps

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