Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller as a Tragedy Essay -- Tragedie

A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller as a calamityA view from the Bridge was written by Arthur Miller in 1955 and set inthe 1950s Brooklyn, New York. Most of this area was inhabited byimmigrants that arrived from countries much(prenominal) as Italy and Sicily,before the restriction of immigrants law was passed. Although the lawdenies flock to migrate to the country. Illegal immigrants will oftenbe smuggled in from countries bid Sicily. The briny area is based inRed Hook. Illegal immigrants come into the country and work on thedockyards and Sicily at the time was in great poverty and hardship.The mess in this area of red hook are Italian American civiliancitizens that have travelled the Island of Sicily because of the hardtimes that they have had. Such things like no cars, no food, noschool, no clean water and no jobs for the poor.Two such(prenominal) characters are in the play called Rodolfo and Marco, who arebrothers. That has come from such areas of Sicily. Eddie is married toBeatrice but has sexual feelings for his niece, Catherine and becauseof his pride he cannot admit that he is in the wrong. This makes itdifficult for him to take good advice when given. Eventually Eddiecannot take the thought of losing Catherine to Rodolfo, he phones theimmigration bureau and tells them about Rodolfo and Marco. When theimmigration officers come and take Rodolfo and Marco. Marco realisesthat Eddie was the one who told the immigration officers about thembeing illegal immigrants. Marco is furious because he knows that hehas no chance of staying in America and provide money for his familyin Sicily. Whereas if Rodolfo marries Catherine he would become anAmerican citizen. Finally when the day of Catherine?s an... ... whitewash relevant today because it still goes on in today?sworld. For example Natural law uses emotions to kill people and thegovernment uses constitutional law to stop people by using the police.I think that ?A View from the Bridge? has been a very good tragedy andhas a good structure so people can identify the moral of theplay. I would class ?A View from the Bridge? as an excellent virtuous tragedybecause it has all the Aristotelian elements for a classic tragedy.One of the main ways of being a classic tragedy is that it has to be instructive and ?A View from the Bridge? is very didactic with a choruswhich keeps you informed and explained what is going on so that theaudience are always one step ahead of the play. Also a classic tragedyis ?Universal truth? so it can relate to anyone, people can watch theplay a century later and still learn from it.

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