Friday, May 31, 2019

Musings Essay -- Personal Narrative Creative Writing Essays

MusingsHow strange the things that reach in and touch the heart. Sometimes the tears spring unbidden from some deep and secret place in my soul. And anguish sweeps across me just as the breeze sweeps across the desolate prairie. I dont know from where these feelings come. I exactly understand how powerful and consuming they are. And yet somehow out of this comes renewal. A reaffirming that even through all of my faults and all of my imperfections, I so far care. I still love. And through this acknowledgment the tenderness that lives within is reborn if only for a little while longer. Such started the morning in which I looked into the mirror to chequer this new-fangled man whom I didnt really know. His blue eyes staring back at me. A body, a man, a shy secluded young man with a scar on his left eyebrow. This morning I roused from a fitful sleep. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, always the first rite of the morning. I stood there brushing away and glanced up at the m an staring back at me as though he didnt know who I was. The moment was very disconcerting. The glance slowly lengthened into an incredibly intense stare. Finally, to break the unbearable silence that hung uncomfortably between, words seemed to tumble from my lips. Who are you? What has do you who you are? I decided that maybe I needed to examine these questions and the questioner as well. What are the burdens that weigh upon you? Where are the scars of the battles youve fought? Which ones did you win and which ones were lost? Do you realize that the very question is faulty? All battles that you fight are won, not singularly because of the experience you gain from them, however also because you chose to take on the obstacle, to tackle the problem and... ...nd the moon, full and beautiful, stares down at me with its silvery gaze. It winks as the misty clouds pass infront of it. Do you see it, my love? I want you. I need you. I have so many things I want to share. As I sit here on my bed, I can cogitate the twinkling smile in your eyes. I can already see your beautiful smile and it comforts me. My life isnt empty, quite the opposite in fact, but it lacks a special and arguably integral component. How precious it must be to see your own soul reflected back at you in someone elses eyes. What does sentence have in store for me? As I ask this question, the realization comes to me that perhaps I should not have the answer. Maybe the more important realization is that you should not put your expectations on what life ought to be, but rather allow it to flow naturally to you and appreciate it for the surprises it brings.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Christopher Columbus :: Christopher Columbus Essays

Columbus was a great explorer and a tremendous benefit to the world.Instead of listing his down sides, we should concentrate on alone the things he has accomplished. Because of Columbus people fit longer, achieved something many people would not direct dared to do at his time, and today the world population is outspread let on throughout the world. For this, he should be celebrated for the great person that he was.First of all, because Columbus discovered the New World people now live 1/3 longer than they did during his time. Columbus&8217 breakthrough led the world into an agricultural revolution. As the supply of food increased, the health of the world also increased. As a result, people began to live longer. Today the population has multiplied ten times in the past 150 years. This all happened because of Columbus and his findings. We would not be as healthy human beings if were not for him.Secondly, even though Columbus may take in done things that are considered cruel, he was able to do something that no one else could and he did it with primitive equipment. He was able to find his way to the New World and back to Spain using only a compass, and astrolabe. He did have caravel ships with Lateen sail, but it was a miracle that he did what he did. Columbus was accused of cruelty to animals and humans, but so was everyone else at his time. Just like today everyone goes to school, everyone in Columbus&8217 time was cruel. Yes, Columbus wanted to enslave the Native Americans, but other people also wanted to enslave Africans. He should not be condemned because he was a man of his time when he was able to do so many great things.More over, without Columbus&8217 courage, we would all be life sentence in Europe. Thanks to him, mankind is distributed throughout the entire world. Life would be a lot different if we were crowded, living in Europe. Now we have the Americas to spread out in. Yes, we may have taken the land from other people, but that is life. You have to protect your land if you want to keep it. Plus, the Native Americans should have to function the land. They have enough for themselves. People in Europe should not have to live like herds of cattle just so that the Native Americans can have their land.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Napoleanic reign :: Napoleon Bonaparte

Jason fishNapoleon Bonaparte was a genius, but above that he was a ruthless tyrant, who seek global conquest through waging wars against all of Europe, starting with the smaller European countries. Born in 1769 to a family of nobles, he was in a position of provide since birth. Perhaps one of the deciding factors in his thirst for military conquest was the fact that his father placed him in a military academy at the ripe age of 10, and received his officers commission. At roughly the age of 20 he was an officer in the French renewal. As the revolution came to a close, he was an acknowledged officer, and held much authority over the population of France. By giving the church more power he gained much prestigiousness with the people of France. Once he attained enough power he appointed himself the emperor. Under his rule all authority would be placed in the hands of paid officials. He also implemented a merit based payment system for the people. His rule of the Napoleon Code is we ll cognize for the many changes that it implemented. The Napoleon Code brought the recognition of marriages that were not preformed in the church, as well as divorces. It removed political rights of women that they had worked for over the last few centuries. finally the code set a policy for the judicial system that convicts were guilty until proven innocent, which is the contrary of the stance in our current government. Up until this point he had the general publics approval and was embraced by the majority of its citizens. His popularity fell as he began waging war after war on Frances neighboring countries. At the battle of Cape Trafalgar he attacked Britain with the aide of the Spanish forces. This was the first major loss for Napoleon as both the French and Spanish militaries were disappointed by Heratio Nelson, the commander of the British army. This did not stop Napoleon from continuing his ongoing war with the rest of Europe. After his defeat at Cape Trafalgar, he began w inning several wars against such European countries as Sweden, Germany, and Russia. While continuing to move his army throughout the eastern continent, he imposed his beliefs amongst all those he conquered, by abolishing serfdom in all areas which he had defeated. After years of war, even his faithful followers were becoming tired of the constant battles which he waged.

A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller as a Tragedy Essay -- Tragedie

A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller as a calamityA view from the Bridge was written by Arthur Miller in 1955 and set inthe 1950s Brooklyn, New York. Most of this area was inhabited byimmigrants that arrived from countries much(prenominal) as Italy and Sicily,before the restriction of immigrants law was passed. Although the lawdenies flock to migrate to the country. Illegal immigrants will oftenbe smuggled in from countries bid Sicily. The briny area is based inRed Hook. Illegal immigrants come into the country and work on thedockyards and Sicily at the time was in great poverty and hardship.The mess in this area of red hook are Italian American civiliancitizens that have travelled the Island of Sicily because of the hardtimes that they have had. Such things like no cars, no food, noschool, no clean water and no jobs for the poor.Two such(prenominal) characters are in the play called Rodolfo and Marco, who arebrothers. That has come from such areas of Sicily. Eddie is married toBeatrice but has sexual feelings for his niece, Catherine and becauseof his pride he cannot admit that he is in the wrong. This makes itdifficult for him to take good advice when given. Eventually Eddiecannot take the thought of losing Catherine to Rodolfo, he phones theimmigration bureau and tells them about Rodolfo and Marco. When theimmigration officers come and take Rodolfo and Marco. Marco realisesthat Eddie was the one who told the immigration officers about thembeing illegal immigrants. Marco is furious because he knows that hehas no chance of staying in America and provide money for his familyin Sicily. Whereas if Rodolfo marries Catherine he would become anAmerican citizen. Finally when the day of Catherine?s an... ... whitewash relevant today because it still goes on in today?sworld. For example Natural law uses emotions to kill people and thegovernment uses constitutional law to stop people by using the police.I think that ?A View from the Bridge? has been a very good tragedy andhas a good structure so people can identify the moral of theplay. I would class ?A View from the Bridge? as an excellent virtuous tragedybecause it has all the Aristotelian elements for a classic tragedy.One of the main ways of being a classic tragedy is that it has to be instructive and ?A View from the Bridge? is very didactic with a choruswhich keeps you informed and explained what is going on so that theaudience are always one step ahead of the play. Also a classic tragedyis ?Universal truth? so it can relate to anyone, people can watch theplay a century later and still learn from it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

China and Tibet Essay -- History Politics Government Essays

china and Tibet - Historical Territorial Integrity, Rights to Self-Determination, and The Anatomy of CompromiseThe issue involved is the extinction of the people, the Tibetan PeopleNo sir, what I have in mind is the extinction of the Tibetans as a distinct people, with its traditions, its own way of life and its own type of religion. Tsiang, Chinas unending UN Representative, 1953The Communist have, for the past 50 years, imposed their revolution upon unwilling Tibetan peasants and nomads, and have ruled Tibet by threat, or often the actual use, of exponent. But force alone cannot, in the long-run sustain any illegitimate domination. Dawa Norbu, 1999Tibetans are shouldering the responsibility of our freedom struggle with undiminishing determination and indomitable sprit With my homage to the brave hands and women of Tibet who have died for the cause of freedom, I pray for an early end to the suffering of our people. His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, 1999 The Tibet question, in its simplest form, concerns the natural rights of the Tibetan people to self-determination, against the Peoples Republic of Chinas rights to territorial integrity. The debate has been unable to reach any sort of international consensus because of the difficult legal and historical views. China insists that they have s everywhereeignty over Tibet, as the Tibetan Plateau has been within its boundaries for over seven hundred years. China employs the 17-Point Peace Plan as notarization for this claim. This mutually signed Agreement resulted in the liberation of Tibetans from feudal serfdom in 1951. Since then the Peoples Republic of ... ...nd The Dalai Lama, Pg.1518 Dawa Norbu, Chinas Tibet Policy, Pg. 381 19 Nathan Sivin, The Contemporary Chinese Almanac, Pg.5220 Nathan Sivin, The Contemporary Chinese Almanac, Pg. 5221 The House of International Relations Committee U.S. P olicy Considerations In Tibet, March 200022 Dawa Norbu, Chinas Tibet Policy, Pg. 230 23 Eric S. Margolis, War at the Top of the World, Pg. 180 24 Dawa Norbu, Chinas Tibet Policy, Pg. 23025 The House of International Relations Committee The stead of negotiations between China and Tibet, April 200026 David Little and Scott W. Hibbard, Sino-Tibetan Co-Existence Creating Space for Tibetan Self-Direction, USIP 199327 The House of International Relations Committee The status of negotiations between China and Tibet, January 2003

China and Tibet Essay -- History Politics Government Essays

China and Tibet - Historical Territorial Integrity, Rights to Self-Determination, and The Anatomy of CompromiseThe issue involved is the extermination of the heap, the Tibetan PeopleNo sir, what I have in mind is the extinction of the Tibetans as a distinct people, with its traditions, its have got way of life and its own type of religion. Tsiang, Chinas Permanent UN Representative, 1953The Communist have, for the past 50 years, imposed their revolution upon unwilling Tibetan peasants and nomads, and have ruled Tibet by threat, or often the actual use, of force. But force alone cannot, in the long-run sustain any illegitimate domination. Dawa Norbu, 1999Tibetans are shouldering the responsibility of our freedom struggle with undiminishing conclusion and indomitable sprit With my homage to the brave men and women of Tibet who have died for the cause of freedom, I pray for an early end to the suffering of our people. His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, 1999 The Tibet question, in its simplest form, concerns the natural rights of the Tibetan people to self-determination, against the Peoples Republic of Chinas rights to territorial integrity. The debate has been unable to reach any sort of international consensus because of the difficult legal and historic views. China insists that they have sovereignty over Tibet, as the Tibetan Plateau has been within its boundaries for over seven hundred years. China employs the 17-Point Peace Plan as notarization for this claim. This mutually signed Agreement resulted in the liberation of Tibetans from feudal serfdom in 1951. Since then the Peoples Republic of ... ...nd The Dalai Lama, Pg.1518 Dawa Norbu, Chinas Tibet Policy, Pg. 381 19 Nathan Sivin, The coetaneous Chinese Almanac, Pg.5220 Nathan Sivin, The Contemporary Chinese Almanac, Pg. 5221 The contribute of International Relations Committee U.S. Policy Considerations In Tibet, March 200022 Dawa Norbu, Chinas Tibet Policy, Pg. 230 23 Eric S. Margolis, War at the Top of the World, Pg. 180 24 Dawa Norbu, Chinas Tibet Policy, Pg. 23025 The House of International Relations Committee The status of negotiations between China and Tibet, April 200026 David Little and Scott W. Hibbard, Sino-Tibetan Co-Existence Creating Space for Tibetan Self-Direction, USIP 199327 The House of International Relations Committee The status of negotiations between China and Tibet, January 2003

Monday, May 27, 2019

Muslim views on wealth and poverty Essay

The topic wealth and poverty is very(prenominal) important in Islam.Humans natur all(prenominal)y love wealth and possessions, but Muslims turn over that all wealth is created and granted to us by Allah and so it moves to him. Humans plenty only work hard but both wealth that is given to them is from Allah. Because of this, Muslims believe wealth should be spent on family and too on those who be in need.What is poverty in IslamMuslims believe life is a test from Allah, and we hind end either choose to follow him or follow the path of Shaytan (Satan).Muslims believe nothing can happen to them that is outside the plans of Allah. Suffering and pain are part of his plans to test the faith of people.There are two different types of evil according to HindusNatural evil which is a result of natural processes. terminal comes as a result of committing natural evil.And moral evil. Hindus believe that Hindus just need to commit moral evils such(prenominal) as incest, theft, adultery, lying and murder. They believe this comes from the constabulary of karma.If a person suffers in this world, it is because of bad karma in a previous life.Muslims believe life is a test of obedience to Allah therefore poverty is a test of patience from Allah. They belief that they are in a wining position because if they dont do wealth, they are being payoffed for their patience. Non believers do bad things even they live luxuriously, but Muslims do good and still are scurvy. This is because they believe that the aim in life is to obey Allah, and their patience will be rewarded, where as non believers, believe that the aim in life is to get as much wealth as possible, which takes them away from the path of Allah, as it says in the Quran verse To Allah we belong and to Him is our return (2156).What is Wealth in Islam and how does Islam deal with it?The Muslim ummah is very important in Islam, as we should treat every Muslim as our brothers and sisters so everyone is creditworthy for one and other, helping the neighbors and being kind to each other.O mankind We made you from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may make do each other (not that you may despise each other) Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things) (4913)Life is a test for the rich and he poor. The rich will usually have nice lives as Allah has blessed them, but they must not let greed take over their soul. wealthiness are sweet and a source of blessing to those who acquire them in a way but those who seek them out of greed are care people who eat but are never full (The Prophet S.A.W hadith).They must use their wealth in the right way and Allah is testing them. The wealthy should give kindness and zakah and earn Halal money.The poor are tested in Islam by their patience. Muslims believe if you are patient then Allah will reward you. They also know that nothing in this life belongs to them it all belongs to Allah so they should focus on their faith rather than their wealth.and know that your possessions and your children are but a trail and that surely Allah is a mighty reward (828)Allah has given us wealth and Muslims know that it doesnt belong to them.The wealth is not ours therefore, we should share Allahs possessions with the poor.Muslims do this by giving liberality, such as zakah, sadaqah, sadaqah jariyah etc.What is Zakah?Zakah is one of the pillars of Islam, in which we must give at least 2.5% of our income to the poor.It is compulsory to all Muslims who have enough money to pay zakah, they must have had the money for year, they cant be in debt, they cant be mental and they must be other(prenominal) the age of maturity.And (in the daytime and at night) establish the prayer and pay Zakah and for the cause of your religion and state lend to Allah a befitting loan, and remember whatever good you depute forth for yourselves you shall find it with Allah better than before and greater in rewar d. (7320)The Quran demands that individuals take material responsibility for poverty and suffering in the Muslim community (ummah). That is wherefore the Quranic revelation above demands that each person give up a certain amount of material wealth to support the poor.We must give zakah to the poor, the indigent, the frantic the blind, orphans, the suffering etc.The following table shows the rates of zakahWealthAmountRateCash in hand or bankOur value of 595g flatware2.5%Gold and silver85g gold, 595 g silver2.5%Trading goodsValue of 595g sliver2.5%Cows and buffaloes301Goats and sheep401Mining produceany20%agriculturalPer harvest10% from rain watered land5% from irrigated landcamelsPer 51 sheep or goatZakah al Fitr?Zakat al fitr is given at the end of Ramadan, before the eid prayer. It is necessary for who ever is capable to give it. It is to purify your soul, make up for the errors committed during Ramadan and it is also to help the poor on the holy eid day. It is estimated that ap proximately 3 pounds should be given from each member of your family.Aqiqah?Seven days after the birth of the child comes the aqiqah . it is a jubilance where friends and relatives to come and eat and the baby is named. During this celebration the babies hair is shaved and by tradition, the same weight of hair in gold or silver is given to the poor, other Muslims offer a sacrifice. The meat is often shared with the family, the visitors and the poor.Sadaqah?Not every one is rich so how can the poor give charity? Charity comes in many forms weather it is giving money to the poor, building a mosque or even smiling at someone. To clean the streets of hurtful things is also a charity.Every one in the world is capable of doing charity as Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (S.A.W) said there is no person who does not have the obligation of (doing) a charity every day that the sun rises.He also said smiling in the impudence of your brother is a charity and pouring out from your bucket into your brothers bucket is a charity.Sadaqah jariyahSadaqah is on going charity. The reward for this type of charity benefits the donor even after they have passed away for as long as people receive the benefit from the donors charity.Forms of charity can be many things such as providing a well for clean water or even building a hospital.The prophet (S.A.W) said when a man dies his action comes to an end except for three an ongoing charity, knowledge that benefits others and pious offspring who pray for himRiba/InterestRiba is the Arabic term used for usury.In Islamic terminology interest means effortless profit or that profit which comes free from compensation or that extra earning that is free of exchange.Riba is haram in Islam. The sympathy for this is because it is concerned a form of injustice, and exploitation.The economy today is debt based, and only does risk transfer, where as the Islamic economy is asset-based and doe risk sharing, it is al l about wanness to all parties.The prophet (S.A.W) said a dirham of usury a man devours with knowledge is greater than thirty six fornications and it is also reported that he said cursed the devourer of usury, its payer, its scribe and its two witnesses, and he said that they are equal (in sins).ConclusionIn conclusion wealth and poverty are very important matters in Islam.As Muslims we should know that life is given to us by Allah, therefore every thing in or possession belongs to Him so we must share our wealth.It is our duty as Muslims to help the ummah, and giving zakah and sadaqah will pure us from our greed and help our ummah.Also everyday friendly gestures such as smiling, helping can be a form of charity so you dont ever need wealth to give charity.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Should Smoking Be Illegal

Introduction/Thesis Statement People who smoke should pull in the right to smoke if that is their desire. The send of Rights states that as an American we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. For some people, smoking makes them happy and calms them down in stressful situations. As an American it should be your natural selection as to whether or not you smoke. Our forefathers based our constitution on our basic human rights. Increasingly vocal smokers-rights convocations, allied with some civil libertarians, have decried the lend of governmental nannies that refuse to treat smokers as adults. Clark, C. S. (1992, December 4).Crackdown on smoking. CQ Researcher, 2, 1049-1072. Retrieved November 3, 2010, from CQ Researcher Online,http//library. cqpress. com/cqresearcher/cqresrre1992120400. Jefferson City, Missouri just recently passed its own smoking ban, which is city wide. This means that any(prenominal) citizen that might want to smoke will have to hid e somewhere to do it. Apparently the smokers, were absent during this election. Making smoking illegal will notwithstanding have even more far reaching consequences. Small businesses, particularly restaurants, hotels and transit providers, have warned us that smoking bans will cost them the clientele that sustains their livelihoods. referable to current city ordinances in Columbia, Missouri that have banned smoking, there have been at least fifteen local businesses that have gone out(a) of business. News Tribune (2010), Smoking Ban Passes Anti- smoking groups have also been accused of feathering their own nests, spending more on salaries and fund raising than on research. It has been accused of being an industry that provides employment for an army of smoker-bashers, and for many, the opportunity to amass personal fortunes, writes Fred Phillis, a Trumbull, Conn. , public relations consultant and smokers-rights activist.There is no denying the wellness risks that are involved when someone smokes. There are over 400,000 deaths per year that have been directly linked to smoking. This should still be our choice to make, just as it is our choice about whether to watch TV or not. While there have been health issues related to second hand smoke, we cannot lose sight of the item that, they can always go somewhere else to sit. Non-smokers do not have to sit by smokers. There is much to be said about not smoking, my own grandchildren are allergic to cigarette smoke.Also the University of North Carolina researchers reported that children of smokers showed a 38 percent higher chance of ear infections Clark, C. S. (1992, December 4). Crackdown on smoking. CQ Researcher, 2, 1049-1072. Retrieved November 3, 2010, from CQ Researcher Online,http//library. cqpress. com/cqresearcher/cqresrre1992120400. It is still our choice to not smoke around our grandchildren, someone didnt tell us not to. In the classic mold of affectionate scapegoating, smokers have been stigmatized, gh ettoized and threatened with cultural annihilation. Smokers are being made to feel like social pariahs, declares John F. Banzhaf III, a George Washington University law professor who founded the anti-smoking group Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). Conclusion/Closing What we are also losing in this whole debate is science, which has become political, says Walker Merryman, a sin president of The Tobacco Institute. Those are the business people who have to try to operate when their economic life is threatened? In conclusion I have but one thought Give me a place, even if its outside. But you just cant legislate it out of my life.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Health promotion Primary, secondary and tietary Essay

Heath progress connotes the activity of empowering individuals to have influence everyplace their well-being. As described in the journal Health promotion Conceptual and ethical issues, the promotion entails enabling people to make decisions on their own in situations where their decisions could impact positively on their overall wellness. A quasi(prenominal) description is utilize in the article, Improving Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in NP-Delivered Primary Care, however, the author places often emphasis on the need for consensus among professionals prior to entrusting individuals the right to influence a doctors decisions. To some extent, Dawson and Grill (2012) echoes similar sentiments, but the authors consider the term an oxymoron. The two also explores the controversies surrounding the definition of the term while focusing on the cultural implication of the implementation the holistic approach to treatments.Thomas, Hart, and Burman (2014, p. 222), strikes out because it explores the need for corporation among stakeholders in ensuring the attainments of the goal of providing the populace with quality care at a lower costs. Despite the differences, both the definitions rationalise health promotion similarly. The main purpose of health promotion is enhancing coordination in order to limit the possibilities of the use a wrong approach to treatment. The other end is to use preventions as opposed to cure since the latter costs much. Apart from reducing costs, the techniques reduces the number of visits to medical facilities in situations where home-based care hind end be used in treatment of ailments. The concept is also improving quality by encouraging practitioners to evolve in health promotion by educating the patients on all(prenominal) level such as primary, secondary and tertiary. This implementation is also becoming popular with nursing because it advocates for thecustomization of treatment to suit the need of the sick.The idea is t o incorporate more than than one approach to treatment as highlighted by Ipsen, Ruggiero, Rigles, Campbell & Arnold (2014, p. 125). In the article, Evaluation of an online health promotion program for vocational rehabilitation consumers, the author elaborates the need for reciprocal coordination by citing examples of success meeting the adoption of the strategy in the dissemination of information to people suffering from cardiovascular disorders. The concept of health promotion is accountable for changes in the healthcare professions with the recent change being the case of nurses becoming more considerate in their actions due to the evolving natures of the practices. Nurses no longer base their decision on their judgment, but they consult with patients prior to making decisions as stipulated in the law.They are more of consultant than clinicians as illustrated by Thomas, Hart, and Burman (2014, p. 224). In addition to wake concern to the needs of the sick, nurses are taking n ontraditional duties that entail empowering patients to use their knowledge in helping their counterparts who might be suffering from the same particularize as theirs. Moreover, the film for value based service is on the rise as a result of the adoption of the inclusive approach to treatment. Conducting initiatives and making follow ups on the progress of patients is a techniques which encompasses all the task of nursing that include preventing, consulting, and offering care. The technique of prioritizing needs based on patients demand is also an implementation method since it facilitates treatment of chronic ailments while at the same time encouraging follow-ups by nurses.Engaging in consolations with community members as health promotion strategy is also commendable because the method covers all the areas of the professions that includes assessing the situation, planning for the implementation of a solution and monitoring the effectiveness of the program. Adhering to health prom otion guidelines also teaches one to become a responsible practitioner who has the capacity to detect anomaly in a situation at an earlier stage. The counterbalance level which is the primary levels applies to all situations particularly in cases involving the spread of contagious diseases. The level requires professionalism since the home based approach might fail due to want of understanding by the people. As highlighted in a study of pediatricians in Ottawa, the attitude of the nurses played acritical role in the healing of patients.Therefore, it can be said that the success of the primary levels is dependent on the implementation of health promotion strategies from a holistic perspective. The second level secondary is the intermediary level described in three articles as the correction stage can be useful in controlling the extent of the damage in situations where the ailments has been detected . On numerous occasions, the chances of failure in the elimination of an infection is possible at this stage. Dawson and Grill (2012, p. 102) describes it as the screening stage in which accuracy in detection of ailment is paramount in controlling further infections.The third level tertiary employs similar techniques like the first and the second, but with much caution to prevent the sick from dying. In particular, the focus is on the person who has already contracted an ailment. Sometimes the combination of more than one approach to preventing disease happens at this stage. In conclusion, despite the challenges of integrating various approaches of treatment, nurses continue to provide health promotion at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. This approach is commendable and has been proved to assist in patients over all well-being.ReferencesDawson, A., & Grill, K. (2012). Health promotion Conceptual and ethical issues. Public Health Ethics, 5(2), 101-103. Retrived from http// Ipsen, C., Ruggiero, C., Rigles, B. , Campbell, D., & Arnold, N. (2014). Evaluation of an online health promotion program for vocational rehabilitation consumers. Rehabilitation psychology, 59(2), 125. Retrieved from http// Thomas, J. J., Hart, A. M., & Burman, M. E. (2014). Improving Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in NP-Delivered Primary Care. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 10(4), 221-228.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Marketing and Puma Essay

This report provide show the synopsis about panther marketing strategy which the 4th footgear producer in the world and also giving advice and objective to develop marketing strategy. mountain lion and its Situational AnalysisTo satisfy customer demand, First, mountain lion must register its internal and external situation, including the macro-factor, micro-factor, and its own capabilities. In order to understand the situation, jaguar must do SWOT analysis and PEST analysis.SWOT analysis cougar poop apply SWOT analysis to both the argument unit level, the corporate level and frequently appears in marketing strategy.StrengthsFirst, it is about cougar betray and its power* Its image stands for the quality, the neo-technology and the prestige. * It is very warring stigmatise in athletic footwear, accessory and appeal market. * It is an international company.* It got acquisition of reputable companies.Second, it is about catamount monetary power and its product* Its financ ial power is very unanimous and the financial growth rapidly. * Its product is very diversity and it is successful on creating brand recognition. * It has keen-sighted meter experience in produce athletic footwear, accessory and appeal. Third, its management is marketing oriented, this is jaguars advantage in this business, since this is market driven.WeaknessesFirst, jaguar is not done much of Promotional Campaigns or advertisement. Second, PUMAs profit dependent on footwear market heavily although it already have colossal range of sports products which give notice cause profit loss when its market share erodes. Third, almost of PUMAs profit come from selling into its retailers. But retail sector is price sensitive that offers a very similar experience to the consumer as hygienic as they tend to pass the small(a) price competitive pressure to PUMA.OpportunitiesFirst, PUMAs products are for both fashion and unfashion customer, playing sport or not, especial the young, so it shed its own opportunities, since it give customer changes to replace their products. Second, PUMA success on build-up a strong brand recognition which is cover all over the world that give it change to snap to disposable market for high value sports products care World Cup, The Olympics ThreatsFirst, PUMAs short-life-cycles product competitive penetration plan can cost it a lot of money and give its marketing and its research and its study a heavily pressure. In addition, the serious threat whitethorn come from weakening markets. Second, purchasing and selling in different country with different currencies can be threat, because margins and costs are not stable for long periods. Not only PUMA but every(prenominal) international company must face those issues. Third, price sensitivity is a threat to PUMA, especially when the retail sector becomes competition of price. For example, on that point are many stores with same goods. The consumer is walking around for bester price i n the same product.PEST analysisPUMA can apply PEST analysis to analyze the external macro-environment which it is touch. Political Factors There are various political factors that are affect to developing process of PUMA, especially to build strong financial to make more than profit, environmental issues is one of those issues. So PUMA should focus on various issues which related to the environment. In order to keep up the developing process, PUMA should consider the international laws and local laws when being outsourcing from foreign countries that include quota and tariffs which is the most critical political factors. Like an early(a) international company, PUMA is outsourcing its output signal in Asia due to lower labor-cost and taxes. PUMA is selling its products in various touch offs of the world. So the political stability is very important because if one of those issues is run a risk for PUMAs local partner that can affect overall performance of PUMA.Economic Factors In terms of stock exchange, monetary issues and so on, the economic factors, somehow, can be related to the various political factors which could affect the developing process of PUMA. Especially, the economic policies issues in Germany which is play an important role as rise up as the economic policies issues of the local partner. Thus, political factors have a great affect to the psychology of the customers. Due to different cultures and regulations and human resource aspect, the various habit laws in foreign countries should be considered.Social FactorsThere are various social factors that might affect the developing process of PUMA as well as demand or experience of the customers for one service or product. Nowadays, due to higher life-quality, people is love to playing sport a lot, so it is a big opportunities for PUMA to expand its market share. PUMA also should include some of innovative sports such as skateboarding, diving and extreme round as importance segments in str ategy-making Recently, there are more female-customers participates in sport, especially in US, the number of female-student who playing sports at university has increased three time and there are also more than thirty-three percent of female-students playing sports at high school. For now, female-customers participate in every sport in US. Thus, PUMA should consider the needs of female-customers in fitness shoes.Technological FactorsPUMA should focuses on Research and Development activities by apply latest technologies, in terms of proficient factors, especially internet-marketing like, example vital marketing or so on The maturity of technology is play an important role in terms of development because technology is non-stop develops, so PUMA should consider it. In addition, the global consumer is another important part because PUMA is run its business in various part of the world.PUMA and its Unique Selling PropositionThe Unique Selling Proposition (USP) states successful adverti zing campaigns made unique propositions to consumers and this convinced them switch to PUMA brands. PUMA is suggested replacing its traditional business plan with its USP because USP can make a great deal to PUMA business model. USP can define PUMA business and business goals in one sentence. According to Rosser Reeves, there are three part of USP definition. 1. Each of PUMAs advertisement must say to its consumer barter for our goods, and you definitely get this specific advantage.Example Make Football Everywhere (PUMA football), By using such advertisement, PUMA try to tell its consumer the make headway of buying and using its football shoes, the benefit is its shoes can be use everywhere to playing football, it can be the street, stadium and backyard and it is also new marketing strategy of PUMA. 2. PUMAs offers must be something that other competitor cannot offer. Those offers should be unique. Example The Puma design ethos/philosophyPUMA is blend fashion and sport-lifestyle in a unique way. PUMA eternally try to voice sport in a creative-fashionable way, and when it comes to fashion PUMAs always try to put its sports heritage into fashion-areaOr To PUMA, sport is a living-active-lifestyle, whether its customers are a traveler, an athletic or event businessman, this is a various kind of illustration of sport in modern time (Jochen Zeitz, CEO, Puma AG, discusses Pumas design ethos)By doing such campaigns, PUMA is creating their new brand image that it is changing its image from product sport shoes to product mixing sport-lifestyle fitness shoes, and it is also new development strategy of PUMA. 3. PUMAs offers must be so powerful as well as those offers can return the mass profit.PUMA have been renewed contract with Jamaican-athletic Usain Bolt that allowed PUMA brand to keep-up, for the risen of 154 percent in annual net earnings to 202.2 million, year-on-year. (PUMAs profit Bolt, Jamaica Observer)By gaining suck successful contracts, PUMA try to col ligate their products brand to famous athletics, and it is also new brand endorsement strategy of PUMA. In short, by using USP, PUMA gain opportunities to wider its market share and make more profit, especially, by lifestyle fitness shoes.PUMA and its Segmentation, Targeting and PositioningTo implement marketing strategy, PUMA must define its segmentation, targeting and Positioning.SegmentationSegmentation is related to happen upon what consumers kinds exist and various needs exist. In the athletic footwear market, for example, the demand of consumers may include performance, safety and speed while others are pertain about fashionable.In general, segmentation show the trust which company cannot be every things to everyone and long-time experiences has illustrate that PUMA that focus on the demands of a group of customers more than another for more profitable. Especially, the fitness-shoes market, which can be segment by gender and age AgeAge can affect the tendency of buying of c onsumer.1. Kids (6 to 12) they may like colorful small-sized shoes. 2. Teens (13 to 18) they may like something that cool and impressive. 3. Adult (19 to 36) They may like the serious color, black or white color is an example. 4. Middle (37 to 55) They may like the same as adult desire. 5. Old (55+) They may like the comfortable, safe and stable.GenderThe tendency of buying of consumer also can be affected by gender. Different genders have different demand. 1. Men They like strong style, and also like strong color like black or white. 2. Women They like cute and fresh style, and then they may like soft-color like pink, purple, light-green Thus, there are many segments in fitness shoes market which can be consider as Demographic Segmentation that PUMA must satisfy the demand of customer about region, population, climate, population growth rate and density. So the lifestyle fitness shoes can be the answer, because this kind of products is wide cover all of that demand.TargetingFirst, PUMA need to arise out how well the other competitor served the exist segments. It should be harder to approach to segments which are served as well by more than one competitor, in fitness-shoes, for example NIKE, ADIAS, and KAPPA Second, PUMA need to find out how large the segment is, and how large it grow, in fitness shoes, for example, in US, the number of female-student who playing sports at university and high-schools has rapidly increased. By now, female-customers participate in every sport in US.Third, in order to archive successful, PUMA should use the Differentiation Strategy on all targeted segments, which included Age and Gender. By using Differentiation Strategy, PUMA could provide to its consumer the unique features of its goods like lifestyle fitness shoes rather than by lowest price. Because differentiated goods can please the demand of consumers unique needs, PUMA can give premium prices for differentiated goods, for example a straddle of lifestyle fitness-shoes ca n cost more than 1 million VND in Vietnam, that can be consider as luxury goods.PositioningPUMAs lifestyle fitness-shoes could be positioned following by two main factors Competitor and Consumer. If the positioning is based on consumer, the marketing campaigns and its messages are targeted to the consumer by branding. That can use logo, figure which make consumer recognize PUMA and its products. For example First, the PUMA brand name is popular in the world and people can recognize its name and logo even if no of PUMAs products is bought by them. Second, the logo is also an important part of branding, itself. The main reason of people that are recognizing PUMA can also recognize its products from this symbol alone. The lifestyle fitness-shoes company PUMA is popular for using a leaping cat (animal) symbol on its product lines. This feature allows consumer to identify PUMAs lifestyle fitness-shoes, even if the PUMAs brand name is not showing.Recognition and LoyaltyFirst, recognition , the main benefit of branding is that customers are remembering PUMAs business. A powerful brand name and logo keep PUMAs image in the mind of its potential consumer. Second, loyalty, if consumer is please with PUMA products, its brand provide help to build consumers loyalty. For example, even in the case of consumer is not aware that PUMA sell a new product, if consumer trusts PUMAs brand, they go out trust PUMA with unfamiliar products.Image of Size, Quality, Experience and ReliabilityFirst, image of size play an important role when consumer wants to knows that PUMA will still exist in a long time. For example, people often associate the large firms which spend a lot of money on advertising and promotion its currently and new products. Second, image of quality, people see that brand can be a part of a product that will help to show its quality and value. If PUMA can process effective branding, then the image of quality in PUMAs business will raise higher over time. However, bra nding cannot replace high quality.For example, Nike Inc. sport-wear brand was one of the biggest in the sport-wear world market. However, constant bad publicity about the low paid of its labor at Asia cause damage the image of the brand. Third, image of experience and reliability, PUMA business is to be seen as experienced in its products for a long time, it will make PUMA to be seen more reliable than the other firms. For example, in the case of a customer is choosing a new pair of shoe, there are a PUMA one and the other, but if customer trust PUMA experience, they will choose PUMA.Multiple ProductsPUMA is being strong brand now which allows it to link several various product lines together. PUMA can put its brand name on each product, it make consumer is involuntary to buy new product of PUMA. For example, PUMA sells sport-wear, appeal, accessories and etc. all under the PUMA brand name.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Reaction Paper in the Movie Jose Rizal

The movie tells the liveness story of Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines. A three-hour epic on the life and struggles of his poet and patriotisms. It covers his life fromhis childishness to his execution at the hands of the Spanish forces occupying thePhilippines in the late 19th century. We are also thrown into the world of Rizals novels ( photoed in black and white), so we develop a glimpse of how he viewed Filipino society under the Spanish heal. The film also through a series of flashback showing Rizal as a genius, a writer, a doctor, an artist, a lover, a friend, a brother and a son, thus giving a rich texture of Rizals character.The movie introduces us to the life of subjugation of the Filipino people under the rule of the Spanish friars. From the execution of three Filipino priests in 1872 for alleged subversion to the harsh and poor treatment of Filipino students in the schools, this film is a stinging indictment of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines. I also commend the film for its bravery in showing the evil tyranny of the Catholic Church during that time. Considering that the Philippines is a Catholic nation that is like butchering a sacred appal but alas, Abaya works her magic in depicting the suffering of the Filipinos because of the friars.This is by far the best Filipino movie that I have seen so far. I would urge anyone reading this who likes movies, to either rent it or buy it. I particularly love the last scene of the film when Rizal fell in the prove facing the sky, having his last breath looking at a beautiful sunrise- a metaphor depicting that Rizal did non die in vain. He did not die for nothing. He did not die defeated. Rather he died victorious because his death is the torch that lights Philippine independence, that ignites Philippine RevolutionOne of the strengths of Jose Rizal is the incorporation of the characters of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo in the life of Rizal and of the Filipinos in general. This only shows that the two books are reflections of the lives of the Filipinos during the Spanish regime. But the thought and noble ideas of the book do not only live in the early(prenominal) but also in the present manifesting the universality and immortality of Rizals ideas. The beautiful transition of Rizals time and the setting of the two novels is really impressive.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ap 1988 Euro

1988 MC issue AP atomic number 63an History Exam 100 questions in 75 minutes. 1. Salvation by faith alone, the ministry of all believers, and the authority of the Bible argon principles basic to (A) the rescuerian gentlemanism of Erasmus (B) the Church of England (C) Catholicism by and by the Council of Trent (D) Lutheranism in the early sixteenth cytosine (E) the Society of Jesus (Jesuit order) 2. The Edict of Nantes in 1598 did which of the by-line? (A) Ensured Anglo- cut cooperation throughout the seventeenth century. (B) Created a French church separated from grandiloquent authority. (C) Ended the War of the Spanish Succession. D) Proclaimed the toleration of Calvinism. (E) Precipitated the French Wars of Religion. pic 3. The sketch to a higher place, drawn by Galileo in 1610, was used to argue that the Moon (A) has no phases (B) has an insurrectionist surface (C) is one of the planets (D) does not revolve around the Earth (E) is illuminated by Mars 4. You venerate the s aints and delight in touching their relics, but you nauseate the best one they left behind, the example of a holy life . If the worship of Christ in the person of His saints pleases you so a good deal, see to it that you imitate Christ in the saintsThe quotation above expresses the views of which of the pursuance(a)? (A) enthalpy V tether of England (B) Catherine de Medici (C) Erasmus of Rotterdam (D) Leonardo da Vinci (E) Niccolo Machiavelli 5. John Locke based his Two Treatises on Government primarily on which of the undermentioned views of human nature? (A) People are basically rational and learn from practical experience. (B) People are weak and sinful and need the instruction of organized religion. (C) People are fallible and need guidance from the cumulative wisdom of tradition. (D) People are inherently quarrelsome and should never be encourage to revolt against state authority. E) People are born with all knowledge, and learning is the process of remembering that inna te knowledge pic 6. The map above of eighteenth-century Russia suggests which of the pastime to the highest degree Russian territory between 1689 and 1796? (A) The Ottoman Empire annexed the Crimea (B) Peter the dandy added more territory to Russia than did Catherine the Great (C) Most Russian expansion as wellk place in the east (D) Russia ceded territory to Poland in the tardy eighteenth century (E) Russia acquired navigable seaports in both the north and the south 7.Which of the following best describes the semipolitical and scotch environment of much of fifteenth century Italy? (A) A few large states dominated by a wealthy landed nobility (B) A soused unified Italian monarchy that patronized the arts (C) M both independent city-states with prosperous merchant oligarchies (D) Control of most of Italy by the pope, who encouraged mercantile development (E) harbor of the arts in Italy by the kings of France and the Holy Roman emperors, who were competing for trance 8. The response of the Roman Catholic church to the Protestant Reformation included all of the following EXCEPT A) the abolition of the Index of Prohibited Books (B) the establishment of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit order) (C) the convening of the Council of Trent (D) the founding of womens orders active in education and care of the inauspicious (E) an increase in the number of parish grammar schools pic 9. The Pieter Brueghal painting (circa 1569) shown above depicts the massacre of villagers in A) the Netherlands by Spanish troops B) Russia by Ottoman troops C) Spain by authority troops D) France by Swedish troops E) Hungary by Austrian 10. The runner political use of the terms right and left was to describe the A) division of France into preponderantly Protestant and predominantly Roman Catholic areas (B) seating arrangements in the French National Assembly chamber during the French Revolution (C) picky alliances in the incline House of Commons during the debates prior to the Ame rican Revolution (D) two wings of the Versailles palace that housed the Roman Catholic and the Huguenot nobility (B) factions in the English Parliament that support James II or William of Orange 11. Which of the following statements best describes the writers of the romanticist school? (A)They stressed emotion rather than reason. B)They continued the traditions of the Enlightenment. (C)They were advocates of increased political rights for women. (D)They sculpted their work on the classics of Greece and Rome. (E)They based their writing on scientific and mathematical models. 12. During the Crimean War (1854-1856), most deaths among the military occurred as a result of (A) trench warfare and poisonous gas (B) insurgent warfare (C) naval engagements (D) disease and inadequate medical care (E) heavy artillery bombardment 13. In fifteenth-century Europe. Muslim conclusion exerted the greatest influence on which of the following societies? A) English (B) French (C) German (D) Italian ( E) Spanish 14. In 1500 the two most powerful autocracies in east Europe were (A) Muscovy and the Ottoman Empire (B) the Ottoman and the Byzantine empires (C) the Byzantine Empire and Poland-Lithuania (D) Poland-Lithuania and Hungary (E) Hungary and Kievan Russia 15. The principal reason why Louis XIV (1643-1715) built his palace at Versailles was to (A) encumber his defend over the nobility (B) strengthen ties with the Huguenots (C) move the kings residence nearer to the center of the country (D) provide thousands of jobs E) absorb the excess receipts produced by mercantilist tax policies 16. In the second half of the seventeenth century, which of the following countries dominated European refinement, politics, and diplomacy? (A) England (B) The Netherlands (C) Russia (D) France (E) Prussia 17. Which of the following best characterizes the horse opera European economy, as a whole, in the sixteenth century? (A) Widespread unemployment (B) Declining patronage and commerce (C) T echnological breakthroughs in production (D) Un emitricted sight among nations (E) Spiraling inflation 18.In the first half of the seventeenth century, the Austrian Hapsburgs subdued revolt and centralized cook in their territories by doing which of the following? (A) Emancipating the peasantry and encouraging agricultural development (B) Allying with the urban middle classes and encouraging commercial development (C) Establishing a national church headed by the Hapsburg emperor and redistributing former church properties (D) Creating a customs union to promote trade and acquiring impertinent territories to fork over merchants with raw materials (E) Waging warfare against rebel groups and supporting the Catholic Reformation 9. Which of the following was a major result of the Thirty eld War (1618-1648)? (A) The long-term strengthening of the Holy Roman Emperors authority (B) The banning of Calvinism in the German states (C) The establishment of untouchable Russian influence in the Yankee German states (D) The loss of as much as one-third of the German-speaking population through war, plague, and starvation (E) The encouragement of rapid economic development in many German-speaking cities 20. After the defeat of King Charles I in the English Civil War and his execution in 1649, England was governed for a decade by A) a democratic republic with universal suffrage (B) a commonwealth led by Oliver Cromwell and his son (C) a constitutional monarchy at a lower place King James II (D) the king of Scotland (E) a parliamentary council dominated by egalitarians 21. Which of the following most clearly distinguishes the northern conversion from the Italian Renaissance? (A) Interest in science and technology (B) Greater concern with religious piety (C) Cultivation of a Latin style (D) Use of national languages in literature (E) Admiration for Scholastic thought 22. Adam Smith maintained that A) workers real wages decrease in the long run (B) population endlessly tends to outstrip food supplies (C) monopolies benefit the state (D) competition is cordially beneficial (E) social revolution is inevitable 23. Which of the following early 19th-century political figures was most about identified with the concept of the concert of Europe? (A) Castlereagh (B) Napoleon I (C) Talleyrand (D) Alexander I (E) Metternich 24. A factor accelerating the British political sciences repeal of the feed Laws in 1846 was the (A) South Sea Bubble scandal (B) American Revolution C) Irish potato famine (D) development of relatively inexpensive ocean direct (E) worldwide mechanization of grain farming 25. Which of the following spared Europe a general multinational war during the second half of the nineteenth century? (A) The mathematical operation of an tackive balance of power (B) Europes preoccupation with industrial development (C) The strength of the German navy (D) Fear of Ottoman expansion into the rest of Europe (E) A policy of free and unrestricted tr ade 26. The eighteenth-century philosophes believed that purchase order could best achieve progress through A) prayer and contemplation (B) intuition (C) awkward work and self-denial (D) scientific empiricism (E) analysis of Greek and Latin texts 27. The model of the universe which resulted from the scientific work of Galileo and Newton embraced (A) Aristotelian philosophy (B) a belief in an ascending chain of being (C) a conception of a spiritually animate universe (D) the belief in the fixed, central position of the Earth (E) the science of mechanics 28. The sequence of events that led to the French Revolution of 1789 is best summarized by which of the following? A) Lafayettes call for democracy, royal suppression of the National Assembly, Robespierres preeminent a peasant revolution (B) Peasant uprisings, royal abdication, election of the National Assembly (C) Franco-Austrian war, urban riots, convening of the Assembly of Notables (D) Widespread famine, repression of riots, gu errilla war (E) Royal financial crisis, convening of the Estates command, storming of the Bastille 29. In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonism, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the ascertain for the free development of all. These words express the ideas of (A) Alexis de Tocqueville (B) John Locke (C) Jean-Jacques Rousseau (D) Edmund Burke (E) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 30. Which of the following best describes an important trend in typical family size in Western Europe after 1870? (A) It increased in urban areas due to improvements in public health and housing for workers. (B) It decreased in working-class families due to rule limiting child labor. (C) It decreased sharply because of chronic food shortages (D) It decreased initially in the middle classes because of the increased costs of rearing children. E) It remained unchanged because of extensive emigration overseas 31. English economic expansion was severely threatened in the eighteenth century by a rapidly diminishing supply of (A) peat (B) wood (C) coal (D) oil (E) water power pic Left side of graphical record should read Population (in millions), the first number is 1700 not 700 32. All of the following statements about Europes population in the eighteenth century can be inferred from the graph above EXCEPT (A) For most of the century, France had the largest population of any European power. (B) The population of Eastern Europe outstripped that of Western Europe in size. C) Russia experient the largest increase in rate of population growth. (D) The population of the British Isles grew throughout the century. (E) Rates of population growth increased after 1750. 33. The salon was a weekly gathering held in the home of one of the dominant ladies of the society, at which dinner party was usually served, cards usually played, but conversation led by the hostess predominated. A few salons were known as having the ideal mixtur e of leading intellectuals, open-minded nobles, and clever, elegant women. The passage above describes an important aspect of social life in which of the following? A) Geneva during the Reformation (B) Florence during the Renaissance (C) London during the superb Revolution (D) Paris during the Enlightenment (E) Berlin during the Kulturkampf 34. Enlightened monarchs of the eighteenth century supported all of the following EXCEPT (A) religious tolerance (B) increased economic productiveness (C) pacifist foreign policy (D) administrative reform (E) secular and technical education 35. Which of the following characterized European warfare between the Peace of Utrecht (1713) and the outbreak of the French Revolution (1789)? (A) Standing armies pursuing limited strategic goals B) Citizen armies fighting for their native lands (C) Feudal armies fighting for their lords (D) Mass armies pursuing global strategies (E) Highly mobile armies unhampered by traditional defenses 36. Under the Nap oleonic system, peasants in territories conquered by French armies were generally given (A) the right to vote for representatives to serve in newly created parliaments (B) control over the appointment of village priests (C) freedom from manorial obligations (D) free lessons in the French language (E) sets of laws designed specifically to fit local conditions 37. The greatest mirth for the greatest number was the explicit goal of which of the following movements? (A) Romanticism (B) Utilitarianism (C) Pietism (D) Anarchism (E) Jansenism 38. In the presence of my guests I reduced the telegram by deleting words, without adding or alter a single word . . . which make the announcement appear decisive. My guest said Now it has quite a different ring. In its original form it sounded wish a parley. Now it is like a flourish of trumpets in answer to a challenger. I went on to explain . . . it will have the effect of a red flag on the Gallic bullThe individual recounting the story above was (A) Napoleon III (B) Cavour (C) Disraeli (D) Bismarck (E) Alexander II 39. The disease most common in industrialized areas of nineteenth-century Europe was (A) bubonic plague (B) tuberculosis (C) smallpox (D) malaria (E) leprosy 40. In 1917 the Bolsheviks sought to rally support from the Russian people with which of the following slogans? (A) Peace, land, bread (B) Socialism in one country (C) Blood and iron (D) Family, work, fatherland (E) Liberty, equality, fraternity 41. French leading decided to work Germanys Ruhr Valley in January 1923 in order to A) counterbalance Soviet influence in Germany (B) incorporate German territory permanently into France (C) halt the cosmetic surgery of the Nazi party among workers in the region (D) use the regions industrial production to accelerate Frances rearmament (E) seize goods as payment for Germanys reparations debt 42. By 1948 Soviet-dependent regimes existed in all of the following countries EXCEPT (A) Bulgaria (B) Hungary (C) Polan d (D) Rumania (E) Yugoslavia 43. The French monarchy in the seventeenth century sought to expand Frances parrys to its natural frontiers by gaining control of (A) Schleswig-Holstein B) Milan (C) Alsace (D) Spain (E) Tuscany 44. Which of the following caused the deepest and most persistent internal opposition to the French Revolution? (A) The Great Fear (B) The storming of the Bastille (C) The publication of Burkes Reflections on the Revolution in France (D) The advent of the Thermidorean reaction (E) The enactment of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy 45. Architecture produced in the Napoleonic Empire was influenced most by (A) ancient Egyptian pyramids (B) classical models (C) Romanesque churches (D) Muslim structures (E) Gothic churches pic 46.The graph above depicts the lengths, from longest to shortest, of the railway systems of (A) the unite Kingdom, the Italian states, France (B) the United Kingdom, the German states, France (C) The German states, the United Kingdom, the I talian states (D) France, the German states, the Italian states (E) France, the United Kingdom, the German states 47. Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill both wrote (A) critiques of the French Revolution (B) tracts on liberty and the rights of women (C) Utopian novels (D) polemics against alcohol consumption (E) satires of George III of England 48.All of the following cities experienced major uprisings in 1848 EXCEPT A) Paris B) Berlin C) London D) Rome E) Vienna pic 49. The image shown above is an example of a new technique for examining the human trunk which was discovered by (A) Faraday (B) Pasteur (C) Lister (D) Roentgen (E) Planck Questions 50-51 are based on the passage below. Where liberal parties, now liberal only in name, remained in power, they embraced protectionism and imperialism, undertook social regulation, and retained from the old liberal creed only Opposition to the extension of the franchise and to the church. 50.In what era did the developments described in the passage most probably manoeuver place? (A) 1715-1788 (B) 1789-1800 (C) 1815-1830 (D) 1880-1905 (E) 1945-1970 51. Which of the following factors best explains the transformation and decline of liberalism described in the passage? (A) The continued deference of peasants to aristocratic influence (B) The rise of industrial society and of mass political movements (C) The general decline in literacy rates (D) The inability of laissez-faire economics to uproot traditional communal agriculture and guilds (E) A strong popular reaction against liberal anti-clericalism 2. Which of the following ideas did Darwin draw on in developing his theories of evolution? (A) The Romantics ideas about the importance of heroic individuals (B) The scientific view that species are eternal and unchanging (C) The Biblical account of creation in Genesis (D) Nineteenth-century theories of manifest destiny (E) The population theories of Thomas Malthus pic 53. The nineteenth-century English cartoon above dep icts (A) the enfeebling of Great Britain caused by emigration (B) Thomas Manns Death in Venice (C) the pollution resulting from industrialization D) British naval losses (E) criminals lurking around British waterways 54. The warm cause of the 1905 Russian Revolution was social strain resulting from (A) the agitation of the Russian Social Democratic party (B) the mass emigration of skilled workers to the New macrocosm (C) attempts by the government to reform the Russian Orthodox church (D) the demands of ethnical groups for political autonomy (E) Russian losses in the Russo-Japanese War pic 55. According to the graph above, which class in sixteenth-century England benefited most from the trends shown? (A) Landowners B) Landless laborers (C) Household servants (D) Merchants (E) Small-scale artisans 56. Which of the following was a primary result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688? (A) The establishment of universal priapic suffrage (B) The restoration of Roman Catholicism to both England and Scotland (C) The limitation of monarchical power (D) The execution of Charles I (E) The triumph of Puritanism 57. Important prerequisites for Great Britains industrialization in the mid-eighteenth century included which of the following? (A) Innovations in agricultural techniques and increases in food production B) Dramatic improvements in workers housing in the cities (C) A rapid increase in the amount of funds imported from New conception colonies (D) Rapid growth of a national system of rail transport (E) hard monarchical leadership and a centralized government bureaucracy pic 58. The shaded areas on the map above represent which of the following? (A) Dynastic lands of the Hapsburgs in the sixteenth century (B) Participants in the Thirty Years War in the seventeenth century (C) Protestant regions in the eighteenth century (D) Members of the Holy Alliance in the nineteenth century E) Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the twentieth century 59. Whi ch of the following European countries experienced the greatest degree of political unbalance in the nineteenth century? (A) Austria (B) France (C) The Netherlands (D) Prussia (E) Russia 60. When Sigmund Freud remarked that in mental life nothing which has once been formed can perish, he meant that (A) human beings are rational creatures (B) human beings can remember and recall all experiences at will (C) all mental acts are conscious mental acts D) the unconscious preserves unpleasant as well as pleasant thoughts (E) the unconscious obliterates excess thoughts pic 61. The chronologically arranged maps above illustrate the (A) concluding phases of the Franco-Prussian War (B) Schlieffen Plan (C) concluding phases of the First World War (D) settlement of the Treaty of Versailles. 1919 (E) invasion of France in 1940 62. Which of the following ideas is common to the works of both Karl Marx and the classical economists? (A) The overthrow of the bourgeoisie by the revolutionary labour is inevitable. B) Class struggle is the mechanism of historical progress. (C) The free exchange of wages for labor ensures social harmony. (D) The value of a product is largely determined by the value of the labor used to produce it. (E) The triumph of the proletariat will bring about a classless society. 63. During the last third of the nineteenth century, new industries, such as those producing electric power and chemicals, advanced most rapidly in which of the following European countries? (A) France (B) Italy (C) Germany (D) Belgium (E) Spain 64. What the breechloader, the machine gun, the steamboat, the steamship, quinine, and other innovations did was to lower the cost in both financial and human terms of penetrating, conquering, and exploiting new territories. So cost-effective did they make imperialism that not only national governments but even individuals like Henry Stanley and Cecil Rhodes could precipitate events and stake out claims to vast territories which later became p arts of empires. The historian quoted above would most likely use which of the following statements to explain imperialism in Africa after 1870? A) Europes major corporations used ruthless force in their search for overseas trade and profits. (B) The power of European technology provided the mechanism that made imperialism cheap and easy. (C) European politicians were willing and eager to risk war for the sake of national prestige. (D) Individuals like Stanley and Rhodes were more important than economic forces in the conquest of Africa by Europeans. (E) The European officer class was eager to use Africa as a testing ground for new weapons. 65. All of the following were invented in Western Europe during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries EXCEPT A) firearms (B) movable printing type (C) the compound microscope (D) the compass (E) the flying shuttle 66. It was an important confederation of commercial towns in northern Germany with its own laws, diplomats, and flags. Its membership of merchants earned large profits shipping fish, timber, and other resources to areas to the west and to the south. Prosperity declined, however, when trade routes shifted from the Baltic to the Atlantic after 1500. The description above refers to the (A) Confederation of the Rhine (B) Hanseatic League C) Merchants of the Staple (D) Holy Roman Empire (E) Schmalkaldic League 67. In the sixteenth century, all of the following had religious civil wars or political insurrections EXCEPT (A) Muscovite Russia (B) England (C) the Low Countries (D) France (E) the German states 68. The teachings of which of the following had the greatest impact on the Reformation in Scotland? (A) Ignatius of Loyola (B) John Calvin (C) Martin Luther (D) Desiderius Erasmus (E) Ulrich Zwingli 69. Mercantilism was principally characterized by (A) government efforts to build a strong. elf-sufficient economy (B) the efforts of the merchant class to influence policy by subsidizing the government (C) efforts by ban kers and exporters to establish free trade (D) the supposition that gold and silver were not real wealth (E) the view that labor ought to be able to seek its own market 70. In the late seventeenth century, which of the following countries led continental Europe in shipbuilding, navigation, and commerce and banking? (A) France (B) Russia (C) The Netherlands (D) Denmark (E) Spain 71. In eighteenth-century Europe, the most important imperial rivalries existed among which three of the following? A) Russia, France, and Great Britain (B) The German states, the Italian states, and Great Britain (C) The German states, the Italian states, and France (D) The German states, the Italian states, and Spain (E) Spain, France, and Great Britain 72. All of the following occurred as a result of the settlements reached at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) EXCEPT (A) A balance of power was reestablished. (B) Belgium was united with the Netherlands under the House of Orange. (C) The neutrality of Swit zerland was recognized. (D) Italy was unified under Sardinian leadership. E) A personal union between Sweden and Norway was created. 73. In the mid-nineteenth century, industrial growth in Western Europe was significantly stimulated by the (A) abolition of national customs barriers (B) introduction of assembly-line production (C) investment of United States upper-case letter (D) expansion of transportation systems (E) expansion of labor unions 74. Which of the following factors most stimulated the entrance of large numbers of women into the labor force in many European countries during the First World War? (A) The decline in the average size of families (B) The increase in divorce rates C) Woman suffrage (D) The spread of Wilsonian principles (E) The shortage in the labor supply 75. A social historian would be most likely to research which of the following topics? (A) French diplomacy, 1742-1763 (B) Frederick William I and the General Directory of War, Finance, and Domains (C) The philosophical assumptions of Montesquieus Persian Letters (D) Napoleons Freudian relationship with Madame de Stael (E) Family life in a French village 76. In late nineteenth-century Great Britain, women were in the majority in which of the following categories of employment? (A) Transportation B) Mining (C) Factory work (D) Domestic service (E) Construction work 77. Which of the following scientific theories of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was used to support notions of racial superiority? (A)Jamess theory of pragmatism (B)Freuds psychoanalytic theory (C)Darwins theory of natural selection (D)Plancks quantum theory (E)Pavlovs theory of conditioned response pic 78. The painting above, Musical Forms (1931 ) by Georges Braque, is an example of which of the following schools of painting? (A) Romantic (B)Impressionist (C) Cubist (D) Expressionist (E) Realist 79.Albert Einstein is well known for theorizing that (A) atoms are stable, basic building blocks of nature (B) time and s pace are unconnected concepts (C) light contains push button only when it is visible (D) mass and energy are interconvertible (E) the speed of an aircraft cannot exceed the speed of sound 80. Most historians would agree with which of the following descriptions of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919? (A) A agreement that spelled out the Soviet Unions reparation obligations (B) A triumph of farsighted political and economic planning (C) A treaty that dismantled the British Empire D) A destructive peace dictated by the United States (E) A treaty that the defeated thought too harsh and the victors thought too lenient 81. The political and social values of the Vichy government in France during the Second World War are best described as (A) democratic, socialistic, peaceful (B) radically fascistic, antichurch, antielitist (C) conservative-authoritarian, corporatist, Catholic (D) monarchist, nationalistic, antimilitary (E) republican, liberal, expansionist pic 82. The map above represents t he British Empire in (A) 1776 (B) 1850 (C) 1919 (D) 1950 (E) 1961 83. Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much . . . as he has observed.. . . Beyond this he neither knows anything nor can do anything. The passage above was written by (A) Francis Bacon (B) Martin Luther (C) Rene Descartes (D) Georg Hegel (E) Friedrich Nietzsche 84. Which of the following European states was the last to legislate legal discrimination against Jews? (A) Austria-Hungary (B) France (C) Great Britain (D) Italy (E) Russia 85. All of the following were among President Wilsons Fourteen Points EXCEPT (A) an independent Poland (B) absolute freedom of navigation C) the limitation of armaments (D) the autonomous development of the peoples of Austria-Hungary (E) the autonomous development of the peoples of the Russian Empire 86. The major objective of the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) was to (A) end the use of war for solving international controversies (B) end the Russo-Poli sh border conflict (C) end tensions between France and Great Britain over the export of French farm surpluses to Great Britain (D) end the French occupation of the Ruhr (E) replace the Dawes and Young plans pic 87. The example above from a 1940 German magazine suggests that women should A) bear as many children as possible (B) not be discouraged by shortages of food and consumer goods (C) not work outside the house (D) support the war effort by doing their sons and husbands jobs (E) enlist in the army to help the war effort 88. The primary instrumentate of economic integration in Western Europe since the Second World War has been the (A) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (B) European Economic company (EEC) (C) World Bank (D) United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (E) European Free Trade Association (EFTA) 9. The most notable social effect of the 1923 inflation in Germany was the (A) depletion of the savings and income of the middle clas s (B) encouragement of population shifts from cities to the countryside (C) strengthening of the position of women in the work force (D) acceleration of a trend toward the establishment of concerted pension plans (E) reduction of social tensions 90. All of the following are policies to which totalitarian states have traditionally adhered EXCEPT (A) encouragement of multiparty political systems (B) promotion of social upbeat measures C) expansion of the military (D) economic planning (E) holding of periodic elections 91. Which of the following was a major factor in German military victories in1939-1940? (A) Overwhelming German technological and numerical superiority to the French and the English (B) French insistence on continuing to fight, regardless of the cost (C) Britains campaign in Norway, which deviate British troops from Western Europe (D) The German armys effective use of armor and air power in the Blitzkrieg (E) The German defeat of the Russian army at Tannenberg in Augu st 1939 92.Which of the following statements about twentieth-century existentialists like Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre is true? (A) They questioned the efficacy of reason and science in understanding the human situation. (B) They counseled an integration of Christian principles into everyday life. (C) They promoted the development of nuclear technology. (D) They advocated a return to the ideals of the Enlightenment. (E) They advocated nationalism and the strengthening of the individual nation-states. 93. In the 1960s a factor that distinguished Soviet social structure from the societies of advanced industrial nations in Western Europe was theSoviet Unions (A) lack of linguistic and ethnic divisions (B) high percentage of workers engaged in agriculture (C) rising number of workers in service-sector jobs (D) integration of women into the political elite (E) system of compulsory education 94. Which of the following was the major reason for the establishment of the Dual Monarchy in 1867? (A) To satisfy the demands of the Magyars (B) To resist Turkish encroachment into Europe (C) To resist demands made by Napoleon III (D) To balance the power of the North German Confederation (E) To curb the growing strength of a united Italy 5. The immediate aim of the Truman Doctrine of 1947 was to (A) promote the economic recovery of Europe (B) block the spread of communism in France and Italy (C) prevent the overthrow of the Greek and Turkish governments (D) bring about Soviet withdrawal from Czechoslovakia (E) foreknow Soviet plans with regard to West Germany 96. Which of the following areas was conceded to Hitler at the Munich Conference of 1938? (A) The Polish Corridor (B) The Rhineland (C) The Saar (D) Silesia (E) Sudetenland 97. The Western Allies and the Soviet Union agreed to all of the following easures to be implemented after the Second World War EXCEPT (A) the division of Berlin into four occupation zones (B) an international trial at Nuremberg of major Nazi lea ders (C) a denazification program (D) the placing of Germany under the control of the United Nations (E) the disarmament of the German military 98. Nikita Khrushchevs program of de-Stalinization involved all of the following EXCEPT (A) curbing the power of the political police (B) attacking Stalins cult of personality (C) disbanding agricultural collectives (D) reestablishing the primacy of the Communist party E) loosening controls over culture and society 99. Which of the following characterized Mussolinis ideal of the fascist corporate state? I. Organization of the population into syndicates of employers, employees, and government arbitrators II. Establishment of semiautonomous regional governments III. Abolition of strikes, lockouts, and the older trade unions (A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III 100. Which of the following was a central part of National Socialist ideology? (A) Anticommunism (B) Conservatism (C) Protestantism (D) Utilitar ianism (B) Syndicalism

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Hulu: An Evil plot to Destroy the World Essay

All quotations and references refer to Hulu An Evil plot to Destroy the World unless other(a)wise noted. 1) Hulu succeeded succession everyone predicted its failure due to the following reasons* Hulu harnessed existing technologies namely online video and broadcast media to create a new program that was focused on back up users find and enjoy the worlds premium, professionally produced content when where and how they want it. The plan brought together professional content owners/providers, advertisers and content consumers/users in a platform mediated network. * Rather than choose to be a destination site or syndicate content, Hulu chose to be both by being an aggregator of online video. there were web sites that did this for user generated content but Hulu was a leader in this space for professionally generated content.* The business model for Hulus platform is 100% advertizement supported. * Hulus platform model consists of 3 nodes content providers, advertisers and users * The subsidy brass in this network is the users who use the platform for free while the money side is the advertisers who pay Hulu for running their advertisements. Hulu on the other hand pays content providers for showing their content on the platform. The more the number of users on Hulu the more advertisers value the platform and atomic number 18 attracted to advertise on it. Also, the more the content available on Hulu the more users are attracted to the platform and subsequently, the more the revenue that can be generated from advertising.* Hulu leveraged the wipe side network effect between content providers and users by partnering strategically with over 170 content providers including the most popular broadcast and cable networks in the United States. The content providers participated in the value created through the distribution of their content, providing the incentive for them to continue their support of the Hulu platform. * Hulu partnered with 30 affiliated websit es including those whose users represented 96% of the periodic unique US-based web users to bring content to its audience and to leverage the cross side network effect between users and advertisers to increase revenues. * Hulu also focused on users and offered its service free to them thereby maximising the cross-side network effects between users and advertisers on its platform resulting in increased revenues generated from advertisers.2) Hulus business strategy is to be focused on helping users find and enjoy the worlds premium professionally produced content when, where and how they want it. Hulu does this by using Internet engineering science to bring free content to its users anywhere at any time. Hulu is a first mover in this space and is currently enjoying the first mover advantage. hitherto with the ubiquity of internet technology accompanied by lower costs and the commoditization of the technology, the barrier to entry will be reduced and more players will be attracted t o the profitable online video business, eating into Hulus profitability and success. Also, the increase in IT investments in the internet age causes a Winner-take-all dynamic and high turbulence, as from each one group of dominant innovators is holy terrorened by succeeding waves of innovation (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2008) in Schumpeterian competition. This makes Hulus success vulnerable.The case mentions that there is already an emergence of competitive threat from TV Everywhere and even though CEO, Jason Kilar discounts the effect on Hulu, the new entrant is gaining some clout and Broadcasting & Cable has warned that TV Everywhere was showtime to look like a real competitor to Hulu.Sustained success for Hulu in what is bound to be an increasingly competitive market will account on Hulus Management and their ability to continue to maintain frugality, drive innovation, operational efficiencies and differentiate their products and services to gain competitive advantage and con tinue to look across the market.3) Input data Basic Name, Gender, Age, marital statusContact address (state, city, zip code), phone numberOther- favourite genre, previous shows watched, sites visited previously, evaluates of previous shows watched.a) BI techniquesi) exploitation Market basket AnalysisRule if Gender = female then watches real kingdom shows Action Show Ad Selector for real estate companies and related products when a female useris on Hulu ii) Using Market basket AnalysisRule if Married and Age50 and lives in California then has watched 2 judgeship shows in the past and previously visited a tax filing website Action Approach tax filing website to place their advertisement on Hulu when court shows are playing. iii) Using user based Collaborative filteringRule Find users similar to current user by choosing those with the highest similarity coefficient between them and this user on the ratings of other shows. Use a combination of their similarity coefficients to pr edict current users rating for a crime show. Action if users predicted rating for the crime show is high, then advertise any new crime show when user is on Hulu or other affiliate websites. b) MonetizationThese techniques grant Hulu to increase the click through rates as well as transaction transition rates for its advertisements because they are targeted at users most likely to respond. Since advertisers are interested in traffic, Hulu can increase revenues by demonstrating to advertisers the number of users that can be targeted using these techniques and the subsequent increase in click through and conversion rates.4) IT Security Plan for Hulua) People* Management should make security a high priority and include it in Hulus business strategy * adopt Hulu employees on the importance of security- persisting passwords confidential and not sharing passwords * Train employees on privacy policiesb) Processes* Create security policies and procedures establishing mandatory minimum secur ity standards * Standards should include alimentation on customer privacy * Ensure all affiliate websites adhere to mandatory minimum security standards * Set procedures for security incidents* Review security policies per year to address new security threats to the online video industryc) Technology* Encrypt all customer data* Install antivirus software on all servers and computers and keep installations up to date* Have multi-site backup of data* Install monitoring software for servers and network* Incorporate systems logging to track access to Hulus IT stand* Ensure firewalls are installed, enabled and have sufficient filters to protect from outside intrusion* Engage Ethical Hacking vendors to audit systems annually in order to identify areas of vulnerability.ReferencesAndrew McAfee &Erik Brynjolfsson (July-August 2008). What Makes a competitive difference. Harvard Business Review, pg 100.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Middle School Absences Essay

1. Is in that respect is a common reason for the absences? Explain. Absences only occurred for streak class at Truman and capital of Mississippi halfway Schools. Absences must pitch been due to something occurring in some(prenominal) Truman and Jackson set courses on may 20th and twenty-first. (and only May 22nd for Truman) All early(a) attendance is normal in all former(a)wise classes and middle Schools and ar not suspicious. see reason and analysis of evidence for more information2. Come up with cardinal testable, clear hypotheses about what you think is behind the absences. Be sure to base your hypotheses on the evidence you exhaust obtained (e.g. , Health Department Restaurant Inspections) and be thorough in your explanation of who, what, why, when, and how to tide over your hypotheses. Hypothesis 1)The sum up in Band absences at Truman middle rail are due to a high posture pack event(test or otherwise) starting May 20th and stomaching until May 22nd at both T ruman and Jackson Middle Schools. Hypothesis 2) Truman and Jackson Band classes encountered the same affection at a fix prior to May 20th. 3. Come up with six testable questions that you could ask to help further your investigation and support or disprove your hypotheses.(listed farther down on the page) 4. Is the following statement a suitable guessing The Brentwood Indians basketball team lost the state championship because there is bad stuff in the stars accident with Mars in Aquarius? Explain why or why not. I do not hazard the hypothesis The Brentwood Indians Basketball team lost the state championship because there is bad stuff in the stars happening with Mars in Aquarius to be a suitable hypothesis, because a hypothesis must be testable. The term bad stuff in this hypothesis does not give the person testing whatsoever idea as to what to look for near Mars.Also, the ability to test the happening of Mars and any other place outside Earth for that matter, belongs only if to NASA and makes it unable to be tested again. Also, there would deal to be some kind of testable event or correlation between the basketball team and the happenings of Mars in Aquarius. For example, if Mars is here, the team will win the championship, but there are so many other factors to cause the team to win or lose that again the hypothesis could not be tested. leaven Problem Truman Middle School May 20th-1/3 absent Band Class Band attendance add-ond from 5/20-5/22.It began May 20th as 33. 3 percent then decreased to 23. 3 and 13. 3 absent, respectively. After the weekend during of this week, absences were back to an almost average 6. 7 percent. A very uniform flux in absent percentage also occurred at Jackson Middle School. Jackson Middle School experienced an absent percentage of 25% on May 20th in band class. No other classes had abnormal absences on this day. May 21st had an absent percentage of 15. 6%. attending was back to normal for Jackson Middle Bank on May 22nd. Although Truman experienced just jolly higher absences for May 20th in P. E. (7.3%) and 7th Grade (8. 6%), the real increase only occurred in Band Class at only Truman and Jackson Middle Schools. There was no affect on absences for this time at Kennedy or Roosevelt Middle Schools. Art classes had no out of the run-of-the-mill absent rates for these days. The absences in band slowly decreasing from May 20th-22nd seem to support the evidence of sickness, but since there is no increase in absence in Art, I doubt it was illness. A rise as in absences as much as 33% would most likely (although there are exceptions to everything) would spread beyond genius point class, or even grade level.There is no other abnormal fall in attendance at any of the four middle school or specific classes other than the May 20th-May 22nd time frame and so speculation is resting solely on the events or evidence of these days attendances and classes. Testable Questions Was there a Band competition, exam, o r any other event during this time period that would encourage scholarly persons to little girl school, not involving health factors, at Jackson and Truman Middle Schools? Were Jackson and Truman band classes in contact with another around the date of May 20th?Did assimilator of Jackson and Truman band classes attend an event prior to May 20th where students of Roosevelt and Kennedy were not present? Were the band teachers of Jackson and Truman Middle Schools present on the days of the increased absences? Is band class before or after(prenominal) lunch? Do the schools serve the same lunch menu? Is band class the last class of the day at Truman and Jackson? Analysis and Explanation of Evidence There may have been a test, competition, intense physical exertion, or other event during May20th-May 22nd. The other option would be an isolated illness only in Truman and Jackson bands.Whatever happened for Band Class at Jackson Middle lasted matchless day less than what occurred for ba nd class at Truman Middle. So the possible test or practice may have been finished more quickly at Jackson Middle. If Jackson and Truman band classes had keep abreast in contact with each other near May 20th, they could have gotten the same illness from one another, make a decrease in attendance only at these two schools and only in band class, but this is highly unlikely since these students would have to associate with someone outside the band at some point to attend normal courses.If the band teachers were absent themselves on these days of high student absences, possible due to a band teacher conference or meeting for only Truman and Jackson Middle, then students would be more likely to willingly miss school than if the teachers were present. If band class occurs after lunch at both school locations, Truman and Jackson, then this could lead to the possibility of food poisoning causing students to miss only band class on may 20th and leaving a littler percentage of band student s still absent or unable to play instruments (due to using the mouth, etc) until May 21st or May 22nd.If band class is the last class of the day, this would explain students missing only band class on the above mentioned days in May. This is also a much more tantalising time of the day for students to leave school early. There may have also been outside events for these particular groups of students found only in Truman and Jackson band classes occurring on these particular days and encouraging students to miss school and attend with band friends.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Potential Of Educational Standards Education Essay

The grounds for the espouse were outlined in the prologue. In this subdivision the characters at that placeof be expl ained and a motive for the interrogation is provided. This stage expounds the search methodological analysiss adopt and provides the motive and justification for the charge of search methodological analysis every bit good as a description of the nature and character of motion explore. The seek doctrine is explored and the methods of roll uping informations discussed.I was successful to be cave ined with an run across to develop an educational programme which would ensue in the publicity of four bare supervisors to means places. This led to an exploratory and experimental map that addressed the seek melodic phrase How to plan and present a prudence instruction and increase programme for plenty who did non h mature the needed educational makings to sculpture for baronial accusation programmes at a third establishment.This, in bend, translated into the undermentioned look inquiries?Do people without the necessary educational criterions have the possible and the ability to go effectual directors?What comprehension, accomplishments and attitudes are necessary to be an effectual director and how are these cognition, accomplishments and attitudes best acquired in a work?Research purposeThe purpose was to check my pattern done the design and execution of a non- conventional direction instruction programme. While at the selfsame(prenominal) clip, in effect(p)ing some of the instabilities ensuing from historical political prejudice that had deprived many black people of the chance to carry through their managerial potency and in so making do a meaty part to four people s lives. It was excessively intended to do a part to direction growth, concern mitigatement and socio-economic transmutation.Research aimsIn trying a undertaking of this nature, there were many obstructions and jobs to bear that were both intricate an d sensitive and I needed a clear apprehension of what I planned to accomplish through carry oning the question plenty. These aims would in like manner hopefully separate this look into undertaking from masqueraded consulting ( Eriksson & A Kovalainen, 2008204 )After careful consideration, the undermentioned list of aims were identified for the massInvestigate premise and patterns that I thought needed to be challenged Develop an apprehension of the render of instruction and in peculiar vainglorious instruction and how it relates to evolveing in a workplace Explore and experiment with course of take away design for a non-traditional emancipatory direction instruction effect in a workplace Implement the agency and happen possible barriers to implementation in redact to better and alter the bing evince of affairs Bringing approximately positive transmutation andGain superior cognition.Aim of the viewThe motive to accept the challenge was based on the premise that d irection accomplishments and leading behavior scum bag be developed through relevant preparation and expert guided run into and the strong doctrine that willing and able non-managerial Black employees can and should be developed to travel into direction places.The purpose of the survey was hence to develop and present a feasible and sustainable method of grownup instruction for the development and promotion of four black female supervisors to direction places, byLocating the programme in set of equality and justness with regard for humankind self- take note Approaching grownup instruction in such(prenominal) a manner that the participants would be involved in their ain learnedness understand Identifying the applicative deductions of presenting the purpose into a specific workplace and implementing the programme andMeasuring the programme, with peculiar mention to its relevancy to the participants and their fitting in behavior.From the literature reviews discussed atten dantly in the survey, there appeared to be a wide consensus that larning and organizational alteration subscribe a scope of development, preparation and acquisition trys that the traditional external class, while moderately effectual as a briefing device for advancing consciousness, is hap little at advancing behavioral and organizational alteration that alteration is much likely to be achieved via techniques specifically aimed at peculiar larning marks cerebrate to the soulfulness s pragmatic undertakings and experience and that development, preparation and coaching should, when subdue, take topographic point as lemniscus point to the work state of affairs as possible.This meant that for the invention to win the union had to accommodate and reorient itself both structurally and culturally to altering fortunes and tender attacks, which resulted in the add-on of the undermentioned affiliationardsInvolving the whole regime in the procedure, utilizing a systems attack, and turn toing b separates of socialization, civilizations, values, attitudes and perceptual experiences.THE SettingThe survey was conducted in a guile company in Gauteng, in South Africa. It is the most advanced metropolitan part in the state and the industrial hub. Although it covers less than devil per centum of South Africa s entire land mass it contri neverthelesses more than 50 per centum of Gross domestic help Product and accommodates just about one one-fourth of the entire population ( De Beer, 1990 ) .The townspeople in which the mill was placed was populated by preponderantly Afrikaans talking White people and in 1994 was a buttoned-up Party fastness. Until the early 90s a curfew bell was still sounded at 9pm every eventide to guarantee that the town remained White by dark .The direction instruction programme was implemented in a fabrication administration. It is a in private owned company that employed about 80 people and had a turnover in surplus of five million Rand per annum in 1994. The fabrication procedure is complicated and drive intensive with most phases of production necessitating a skilled labor tug.The chosen trainees were all Black females with formal instruction degrees runing from class 9 to rate 12. Unfortunately even the two ladies with a matriculation de federal agency were unable to derive entry to third establishments as the topics they had comp allowed were non recognised for higher acquisition, for illustration intelligence Studies and Agriculture. All of them were loyal employees who had at least 15 old ages of work experience in the company and all were employed in a supervisory capacity.Their elected wise mans and managers were both White males. The manufacturing plant / Production Manager had a sheepskin in Production Management and a figure of old ages of production and direction experience. The General Manager had an undergraduate commercialism grade and many old ages of direction experience, but had non been actively involved in the production procedure and was more concerned with the administrative elements of the company.unalike many interrogation role players who enter new and unusual inquiry environments, I had ready entree to the aim and was fortunate plenty to be familiar with the people involved in the research procedure and the workplace snap. This made my entry into the state of affairs comparatively easy as I did non hold to confront the debatable state of affairs of acquiring to cognize the participants or the workplace environment. However, on manifestation this figure created a new set of complexnesss and jobs.RESEARCH APPROACHChoice of methodological analysisI am of the sentiment that given the research involvements, inquiries, purposes and aims of this qualitative survey together with my theoretical position that litigate research was an appropriate attack.My multiple and a great deal complex functions of adviser, facilitator, teacher and scholar, and purpose research worker in the survey were a possible quandary, nevertheless, this was resolved by quest(a) an proceeding at law research methodological analysis. This determination is substantiated by Eriksson & A Kovalainen who responsibility thatIt is of import to pull in that, in action research, there is no large difference between the research worker and the researched group a Often the differences between the research worker and direction adviser diminish and even disappear, as schoolman research is geared towards accomplishing apprehension of real-life jobs related to concern activities and bring forthing alteration procedures and solutions for the job ( 2008194 ) achievement research differs from conventional or traditional research because as Coghlan and Brannick assert it focuses upon research in action, instead than research about action ( 20054 ) . The other distinguishing characteristic of action research is that it does non put the doctorial scholar as research wor ker in an aexternal objective function but instead locates her within the research puting to research whether the rhythms of intercessions chosen really work to alter the debatable state of affairs to which the research job is addressed ( Greenwood & A Levin, 2007 cited in Grogan, Donaldson & A Simmons, 20076 ) .The experimental nature of the research undertaking besides required an alternate attack to more traditional qualitative research. Eriksson and Kovalainen suggests that action research is specifically utile when researching procedure related jobs in organisations, such as acquisition and alteration ( 2008199 ) . They save assert thatAction research is thought to be particularly suited when the research inquiry is related to depicting an unfolding series of actions that are taking topographic point over clip in a certain group a Besides, if the research inquiry is related to understanding the procedure of alteration, development or betterment of some existent job, s o, in order to larn from it, action research is an appropriate application for research ( 2008193-194 )Corey states that the value of traditional research is determined by the sum of reliable cognition it adds , while that of action research is determined chiefly by the extent to which findings lead to betterment in the patterns of people engaged in the research ( 195313 ) . This is confirmed by Carr and Kemmis, who assert that athe interrogation land for educational research is non its theoretical edification or its ability to conform to standards derived from societal scientific disciplines, but instead its capacity to decide educational jobs and better educational pattern ( 1986109 ) .Action ResearchFor some readers the construct of action research will be portion of their pattern, for others it may look a unusual attack to research.As action research does non needfully do a immense difference between research and action, it may give an imprecise and ill- fixated feeling of research as a procedure. It can be argued that it is exactly here where action research has its power when it remains close to its research objects and is based on mutual activities, when done decently, it can besides authorise its participants, non merely the scientific discipline partnership ( Eriksson & A Kovalainen, 2008202-203 )Action Research has been widely employ to better pattern in educational scenes ( Carr and Kemmis, 1986162 ) . It is ac experienced as an appropriate research paradigm for educational, professional, managerial and organizational development ( Zuber-Skerritt, 19963 ) and was the merely obvious pick of methodological analysis for this survey. As a methodological analysis action research is based on alternate research paradigms. in that respect is no universally accepted definition of action research in literature and there are a assortment of action research theoretical notes available. As Nofke asserts there has been aexceptional growing in the extent of action research patterns and we should besides be sure of the aproliferation of significances and utilizations of the term action research ( 19949 )Those of us in South Africa interested in action research recognise that there are contested points of position about what action research agencies and what patterns constitute it. a It is the acknowledgment of the potency of action research as advised, automatic and transformative action, nevertheless, that holds sway ( Walker, 1988153 ) . whitehead and McNiff suggest that most of the action research literature negotiations about bettering pattern, but negotiations less about bettering acquisition as the terra firma of improved pattern, and even less about how this should be seen as new possible action and an of import part to the universe of thoughts. They believe that possibility itself needs to be reconceptualised, non as an abstract, apparently recondite empyrean of survey, but as a practical manner of believing about societal own(prenominal) businesss and how they can be improved ( 20068 ) .The beginnings of action research can be found in the instructions of Marx, Gramsci and Freire who were engaged in altering societal constructions and patterns for the benefit of those who had been oppressed or marginalised by the position quo ( Reason & A Bradbury, 2001 ) . Lewin is credited with gestating action research which was so farther developed by Kolb ( 1984 ) , Carr and Kemmis ( 1986 ) and others. historically Revans ( 1986 ) is its recognized title-holder. Pulling from the work of Jean Piaget, Revans contended that larning stems from responsible experience ( 19822 ) , that is, all acquisition is the sell of action ( 1982772 ) .Action research spiralLewin s action research spiral, is described as follows by Lewin cited in Burgess ( 1985162 ) The first measure is to analyze the thought carefully in the visible light beam of the agencies available. Frequently more investigative about th e state of affairs is required. If this first period of planning is successful, two points emerge viz. , an overall program of how to make the aim and secondly, a determination in respect to the first measure of action. Normally this planning has besides slightly modified the original thought ( Lewin, 1948205 ) .The following measure is composed of a circle of planning, put to deathing, and reconnaissance or fact happening for the imprisoned of measuring the con chronological sequences of the 2nd measure, and fixing the rational footing for be aftering the third measure, and for possibly modifying once more the overall program ( 1948206 ) .To assist cover with the issues refering the nature of direction development, course of study development and grownup instruction in a structured, yet flexible, mode Lewin s ( 1946 ) action research spiral was used as a theoretical account.Initially, I had non considered utilizing the attack to carry on a research survey but instead to utilize t he action research spiral as a theoretical account to help with the design and bringing of an experimental direction instruction programme because of its iterative nature and underscore on continual betterment.Lewin s theoretical account specifies a spiral of activities in the undermentioned sequenceClarifying and naming a job state of affairs for pattern Explicating action schemes for deciding the job Implementing and measuring the action schemes andFurther elucidation and diagnosing of the job ( and so into the following spiral of contemplation and action ) .Lewin s coiling recognises the demand for action programs to be flexible. In complex societal state of affairss it is neer possible to expect everything that needs to be done and in this theoretical account the believe imbrication of action and contemplation allow alterations in programs for action as the participants learn from and reflect on their ain experience. The procedure is summarised in the diagram of an action res earch coiling below.Upward spiral of bettering practiceFIGURE 1 Action research spiralBeginning hypertext transfer protocol // apprehension of the action research procedure, based on Lewin s attack, was that action is followed by critical contemplation What worked? What did non work? What did we larn? How should we make it otherwise following clip? Once apprehension was achieved, decisions drawn and programs refined or new programs developed so these were once more tested in action.This tied in with the well naturalised larning possible action of Kolb and Fry ( 197535-36 ) which suggests that persons pass through a rhythm of phases in the learning experienceA period of observation A period of contemplation A period of conceptual modeling andA period of active testing.Therefore the completion of the acquisition procedure will affect several rhythms and may in fact neer terminal.Based on the above, I envisaged a procedure where myself and the other participants in the programme developed a program of action acted to implement the program observed the effects of the action in the context in which it occurred reflected on these effects as a footing for farther planning, subsequent action and so on through a sequence of rhythms. This allowed for a flexible course of study that could be modified as the programme progressed and invariably evaluated and altered in footings of its relevancy to the programme s purposes.This initial theoretical account was excessively simple as in world, life does non travel along one path at a clip a ( McNiff, 198828 ) and Susman and Evered s ( 1978 ) more complex representational theoretical account reproduced below, better fitted the survey.FIGURE 2 The cyclical procedure of action research Beginning Susman & A Evered, 1978582-603 in Administrative Science QuarterlyThis impression concurs with that of Walker ( 1993107 ) who finds that the attractive force o f action research lies exactly in the neer stoping spiral of action, contemplation, enquiry and speculating originating from and grounded in practical concerns, where the track down is non for the right replies but towards practical wisdom a in peculiar, complex and human state of affairss ( Elliott, 199152 ) .Lau ( 1998 ) discusses the standards which Checkland ( 1991 ) believes are indispensable for an action research survey to be accepted as a veritable option to the more traditional methods. These standards served as a guideline to my ain action researchThere is a real-world job relevant to the research subjects of involvement to the research worker Respective functions of the research worker and participants are defined in the job state of affairs Inclusion of an rational model by agencies of which the nature of research lessons can be defined and the method in which the model is embodied researcher engagement in blossoming the state of affairs with a position to assist co nvey about alterations deemed betterments Rethinking of earlier phases by doing sense of the accumulating experience through the declared model and method, and revising alterations andPoint of issue for the research worker in order to reexamine the experience and to pull out lessons for larning in sex act to the research themes and/or definition of new subjects ( 1991397-403 ) .Action research includes action larning which Zuber-Skerritt defines asLearning from cover experience and critical contemplation on that experience, through group treatment, test and mistake, find and larning from one some other ( 199345 ) .The archives stating attackHarmonizing to Eriksson & A Kovalainen, in action researchThe research workers have full academic freedom to utilize any stylistic elements they wish and oft the descriptive anthropology and narrative signifiers are besides used in composing the action research studies ( 2008207 )Based on Elliott s statement that action research workers should utilize a instance survey attack and that research studies should take a narrative signifier based on analytic memos and following a historical format stating the narrative as it has unfolded over clip ( 199188 ) , elements of instance survey scheme were adopted in the experimental research stage and elements from a narrative attack with an ethnographic focal point, were used in the thesis as the manner for documenting the survey ( ) .It is of import to observe that, unlike research workers utilizing other qualitative attacks and methods such as instance survey research or descriptive anthropology who tend to be interested perceivers, in this survey I was an active participant ( Myers, 200857 ) .Using elements of a narrative attack to direction and educational research can be described within the context of the post-modern, which gave me the freedom as author/researcher to be personally present in the text as opposed to being the 3rd individual compo sing in a inactive voice, the traditionally needed objective research worker. Dane asserts that research is an activity, and an active voice conveys that impression ( 1990214 ) , this is substantiated by Van Maanen ( 1988, cited in Sikes & A Gale, 2006 ) who suggests that by composing in an active voice ( confessional narrative ) the research worker tells it as it was instead than following traditional, formulaic and objective constructions that tell of neat, tidy, elementary research undertakings.The purpose of a descriptive narrative of the journey allowed me to capture the socio-cultural scene in which the acquisition occurred and helped amake expressed some of the inexplicit cognition used to understand and implement the intercession ( Hoadley, 2002 2 ) .For most people, storytelling is a natural manner of telling experience, a practical solution to a cardinal job in life, making sensible order out of experience ( Moen, 20062 ) .In this thesis I adopted a multi-voiced c overage manner, where the positions and looks of all the participants were incorporated into my narrative. Their voices are actively heard in Phase 7 and 8 where infusions from their written and unwritten informations are reproduced verbatim. On completion of the bill of exchange, this study was given to them to read and formalize and this factor influenced the manner of composing used.RESEARCH DESIGNResearch DoctrineA research worker s scientific beliefs or research doctrine is influenced by the research worker s societal intent or what he/she wants to accomplish in the societal universe and why. Harmonizing to Whitehead and McNiffA strong relationship exists between what you hope to accomplish in footings of your being as a human being and your ontological, epistemic and methodological premises, which can act upon each other and transform each other ( 200624 ) .They besides suggest thatWhere research traditions differ is how they perceive the placement of the research worker ( ont ological committednesss ) , the relationship between the apprehender and what is known ( epistemic committednesss ) , the procedures of bring forthing cognition ( methodological committednesss ) , and the ends of research in footings of how the cognition will be used ( societal committednesss ) ( 200622 ) .OntologyOntology refers to a theory of being, which influences how we perceive ourselves in relation to our environment ( Whitehead & A McNiff 200610 ) .Action research aims to lend both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate debatable state of affairs and to the ends of societal scientific discipline by joint coaction within a reciprocally acceptable ethical model ( Rapoport, 1970 499 ) .This can be seen as debatable in the coverage phase becauseThe boundaries between people begin to fade out, as people see themselves as united in a common enterprise to better their ain fortunes and inquiries can originate about who tells the research narrative, whose voice is heard , and who speaks on behalf of whom ( Whitehead & A McNiff 200611 ) .A participative and subjective attack to research is hence built-in in action research and as take away argues, objectiveness isan impossibleness, since each of us, of necessity, must meet the universe from some position or other ( from where we stand ) and the inquiries we come to inquire about that universe, our theories and hypothesis, must besides of necessity arise from the premises that are engraft in our position . She continues by stating that The undertaking of research workers hence becomes to admit and even to work with their ain intrinsic engagement in the research procedure and the portion this plays in the consequences that are produced. Research workers must see the research procedure as needfully a co-production between themselves and the people they are researching ( 1995 one hundred sixty cited in Colombo, 2003 ) .Due to my active engagement in the survey, I acknowledge the built-in subjectiv eness of this survey every bit good as the impact it has had on both the procedure and the results of this research. As I reviewed my personal diaries and field notes my ain emotional reaction to certain events and people was apparent and sometimes antonymous interior voices emerged, some of these have been included in the text.However, I subscribe to Whitehead s theory of the single I which is ever seen to be in company with other single I s , where significances and committednesss flow between lives, and people perceive themselves non as separate entities, though still alone persons, but as sharing the same life infinite as others ( Rayner 2002 2003 Whitehead 2005 ) .EpistemologyEpistemology ( Whitehead & A McNiff 200623 ) refers to a theory of cognition, which involves two partsA theory of cognition ( what is known ) andA theory of cognition acquisition ( how it becomes known )Heron ( 1981 1982 ) suggests that action research implies that cognition includes multiple ways of sharp and that the epistemology of action research should includePropositional cognizing based on theories or received wisdom Experimental knowledge gained through the direct brush with people, topographic points or things Practical knowledge gained through the making of things andpresentational knowledge gained by telling our silent experiential cognition into forms.Harmonizing to Carr and Kemmis ( 198642 ) instructors ( in my instance a facilitator of an educational procedure ) have professional common-sense cognition. In add-on, they have thoughts about educational theory, a philosophic mentality, and societal and moral theories. Knowledge has the capacity to alter as cognition and thought alterations, hence, on the footing of this reflexiveness or capacity to alter, new signifiers of societal life can be created or reconstructed.Action research is based on the epistemic premise that the intent of action research and discourse is non merely to depict, understand and exp licate the universe but besides to alter it ( Reason & A Torbett, 2001 ) . Goodson and Walker province that the undertaking of research is to do sense of what we know ( 1991107 ) and the sense we make is determined by the selection and political relations of our attack.In this survey, a brooding procedure inherent in action research was used for sense-making or doing silent cognition explicit. This sense-making was introduced to the reader through a description of how the undertaking was conceived, what was intended, the rhythms of action throughout the procedure and an analysis of both the intended and unintended results.When reexamining my epistemic stance the remark by Whitehead and McNiff was peculiarly disposed. They province that in action research cognition is created, non discovered. This is normally a procedure of test and mistake. Probationary replies, and the procedure itself, are ever unfastened to review ( 200627 ) .Methodological premisesMethodologies refer to the manner that research is conducted. I found the undermentioned paragraph from Whitehead and McNiff utile in this respect and the methodological analysis used in this survey has been guided by these premises.Unlike traditional societal scientific discipline, action questions do non take for closing, nor do practicians anticipate to happen certain replies. The procedure itself is the methodological analysis ( Mellor 1998 ) , and is often untidy, haphazard and experimental. Richard Winter ( 1998 ) negotiations about improvisatory self-fulfillment in action research , where a certain grade of entrepreneurialism is involved and Marian Dadds and Susan Hart ( 2001 ) talk about methodological ingenuity , where we try multiple advanced ways until we find the 1 that is right for us. We look out for what force be a utile manner forward, and seek it out. ane measure leads to another, and one rhythm of action-reflection leads to another. ( a ) Traditional ways of making research offer a co mpleted narrative. Action research workers let their ain narrative evolve. It is every bit much about the narrator as about the narrative ( Whitehead & A McNiff 200630 ) .Ethical considerationsSoltis believes that research workers should detect the non-negotiable values of honestness, equity, regard for individuals and beneficence ( 1989129 ) . This ties in with one of the purposes of the survey of locating the programme in values of equality and justness with regard for human self-respect . In pattern this meant being unfastened and honest about the research, its intent and application obtaining informed consent from the participants in the procedure and guaranting them of their right to retreat from the procedure at any clip without punishment. It besides meant non harming the company or participants and if possible, go forthing them in a better place.The research procedure and findings were guided by the ethical consideration of protecting participants individualities and obtaining permission to utilize their personal development diaries and other paperss owned by them, every bit good as obtaining participant proof of this thesis.The purpose of action research is to better and affect. To better meant alteration that was non ever comfy for the participants and throughout the survey I endeavoured to adhere to the ideal that everybody has the right to move, the right to be heard and the right to take.Data CollectionHussey and Hussey province that, Whatever the intent of the research, empirical grounds is required. They define empirical grounds as, informations based on observation or experience ( 199710 ) .Harmonizing to Eriksson & A KovalainenOne of the challenges of action research in comparing with many other research methods is that information analysis is frequently done collaboratively with the organisation, group of people or community involved. This is to guarantee the intimacy of consequences to the organization/group/community in inquiry. At the same clip, the analysis needs to carry through the academic demands , therefore frequently including both linguistic communication and tools non known to laypeople . Therefore, it is of import to add transparence and interlingual rendition of the analysis of the informations to the purpose of intercessions planned and action planning ( 2008202 )In this survey, informations based on observation was collected through the usage of elaborate field notes which provided a running history of what happened throughout the procedure and informations based on experience was collected as personal notes in the signifier of a diary which included notes to myself and a ledger of my contemplations, my feelings and reactions, ego uncertainties and inquiries, choler and defeats, and delectations. Throughout the survey I was punctilious in roll uping and updating the field notes and my diary.Records of meetings and informal interviews and treatments with participants and other stakeholders, every bit good as the emerging directors personal development diaries move into their phases of development provided extra collaborative beginnings of informations.Each of the informations aggregation methods used in this research undertaking could be considered portion of an overall attack to bettering the quality and cogency of the research informations through an attack known as informations triangulation. This would besides counter the possibility of low dependability.