Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Personal statement explaining a positive criminal background check for

Explaining a positive criminal background check for entering a Nursing program - Personal Statement Example The DWI offense happened in June of 1994 as a misdemeanor that ensued from having a few alcoholic beverages at a wedding reception and using poor judgment concerning driving home. I was placed on 2 years’ probation with community service and finished probation early. I have never driven while intoxicated since this incident and have since encouraged people not to do it either. In August of 1994, I completed a court ordered DWI education program (rehabilitative effort) that focused on learning about the negative consequences of driving while drunk. The experience reinforced the lesson never to drive while intoxicated due to the risks that could be posed on oneself and on others. On March 11, 1997, I was arrested for Driving While License Suspended and I was so surprised because this offense was apparently a mistake by the law enforcement agencies. Their records showed that I did not complete the above DWI Education course which was a compulsory requirement for DWI; and they suspended my license without duly informing me about it until I got pulled over that day. I went to court to clear matters up and they dismissed the case due to "Insufficient Evidence" since I showed proof that I was able to complete the DWI education on time and their records showed that they were at fault. This incident should have been duly noted and recorded and therefore should not even be taken into consideration as a misdemeanor and a behavior characteristic. I am hereby attesting that these narrated incidents are factual and having transpired more than 17 years ago, I believe these isolated incidents, despite one’s immaturity and irresponsible behavior at the time they occurred, should not bear significantly on future potentials and plans to be a registered nurse after pursuing the Nursing Program. I assure the Nursing Board that I have learned the lessons

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