Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 8

Human resource management - Essay Example In this paper, McDonald HR practices will be described in light of the unique diversity and cultural variation at the workplace. The paper will discuss performance management and culture management at McDonald based various human resource theories. This aspect of human resource management focuses on the management of various aspect of a business, which includes the employee, the product or service offered to the customers (Aguinis, 2007). At McDonald, performance management is a key function of the corporate managers and is aimed at improving the abilities of the employees to increase output and achieve the goals of the organization. The management keenly identifies measure and develops the performance of various employees based on the strategic decisions of the organization. McDonald developed a performance development system to help align individual performance goals with the objectives of the organization (Aguinis, 2007). Rewards to every employee at the company are influenced by the PDS performance and this determines the reward advanced to the employees. The management of performance at McDonald begins with the development of individual performance plan. Human resource managers engage all employees to develop individual performance plans and use the same plan to enhance their performance based on the goals of the organization. With this approach, the feedback on the performance of an employee is acquired from members of his team, the subordinate stuff, colleagues of similar ranks and even supervisors. This approach enables an organization plan for proper human resource development for its employees based on the positive and negative feedback received. As part of its performance management program, McDonald has introduced a 360-degree kind of feedback (Reissig, 2011). This feedback approach seeks to identify the performance of various employees through the feedback from the store customers. Through this approach, McDonald restaurants

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