Monday, July 29, 2019

Ideas Of Death In Epic Of Gilgamesh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ideas Of Death In Epic Of Gilgamesh - Essay Example He has another dream in which the afterlife is revealed to him. The vision of the afterlife is grim and depressing: those who had lived as royalty once now toiled as servants for eternity. Enkidu's vision makes even Gilgamesh weep with sorrow for his friend. In Enkidu's instance, then, the familiar pattern of Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance follows its course but in a slightly more compact way. Enkidu begins with anger at the gods Shamash, Ishtar and the mortal hunter and Shamhat. He then goes into depression, following the dream of the afterlife. Enkidu finally moves on to acceptance as begins to take responsibility for his foolhardy actions that have led to his death. This same course does not follow in the case of Gilgamesh. Enkidu comes to terms with his death before he passes on, but Gilgamesh is far from being so accepting. In fact, the proof of his friend's mortality only eggs him on to search for ways of avoiding the same fate. If this quality of Gilgame sh – a mixture of hubris and courage – that make him both admirable and detestable as a hero. While readers are in awe of his strength and courage in the face of dangers like the bull or Humbaba, there is also a certain distaste one might feel at his arrogance and self-obsession. Not only does he, as king, exploit his subjects, he even attempts to take on mortality itself. This quest for immortality is what predominates over the next section of the narrative. Enkidu's example serves to emphasize the inevitability of death.

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