Thursday, November 21, 2019

Two methods of losing weight, Eating right and exercise vs cosmetic Essay

Two methods of losing weight, Eating right and exercise vs cosmetic surgery - Essay Example The only similarity that eating right and doing exercise, and cosmetic surgery is that all of these phenomena work toward the establishment of the same aim that is, weight loss. When we include junk food in our diet, we are just giving our bodies empty calories that are of no use except for putting extra fat on us. We become obese and acquire a number of diseases that obesity directs toward us. When we do not exercise properly, we become lethargic and our bodies become inactive and lazy, which again put on us extra fat. Eating right and exercising regularly enable us to lose weight and become smart and energetic. Cosmetic surgery also intends to do the same. The person goes through a number of operations and surgeries to get that extra fat off the arms, belly and legs. Weight is significantly reduced and the difference is very obvious. Hence, we can say that all of these techniques help us to reduce weight. In contrast, eating right not only helps in losing extra weight by cutting off empty calories, but also provides the body with essential nutrients that it needs to stay healthy and active. Whitney, Whitney and Rolfes (2010, p.157) assert that, â€Å"A well-planned diet delivers adequate nutrients, a balanced array of nutrients, and an appropriate amount of energy (kcalories). It is based on nutrient-dense foods, moderate in substances that can be detrimental to health†. Cosmetic surgery only tends to make the body lose the extra fat that it has and does not provide any nutrients. Instead, the person has to take supplements to make up for the nutrients and multivitamins that the body loses in the process of losing weight through cosmetic surgery like liposuction. Hence where healthy diet provides body with healthy nutrients and exercise energizes the body while making it lose weight, cosmetic surgery has only one advantage of weight loss. Another contrast is that healthy diet and exercise have no side

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