Saturday, September 7, 2019

GE and Employee Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

GE and Employee Training - Essay Example As the discussion stresses a company can lay out significant amounts of money on training and teaching individuals in order to make them capable enough to be mangers. Yet the same individuals can leave the company soon after their training is complete to take up positions elsewhere. Effectively, what the company has done is to provide trained professionals to the competition which may not be in the best interest of the company. Additionally, any time which the human resources spend in training is time which is taken away from their other functions. These other functions have a direct impact on the bottom line but training is something which will only present results after a certain amount of delay.This paper highlights that to show the importance of internalising the training function and some of the ways to include it as a part of management, the example of GE is used since GE is one of the most admired companies in the world in terms of its management systems. These management syst ems include the concept of employee training and the development of human resources as a central part of the equation because GE uses training for a lot more than simply improving the HR.  The selection of GE as a focused company for this paper is important because GE has been used as an example of how a company should operate by many different analysts. By making training the primary function of HR, both Wilson and Welch show how the agreement between theory and practice helps a company become stronger than the competition.

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