Monday, September 30, 2019

Revolutionary History Essay

Between 1765 and 1788, the revolution that established the United States of America transpired. This revolution arose, because the power of the British Parliament to directly impose taxes on the American colonies was disputed by the latter. This revolution resulted in the establishment of a large republic and served to disprove the theory of political thinkers that republicanism could not govern over a country that was large. In this manner the state and federal constitutions that were adopted in the period from 1776 to 1788, represented the foremost political aspirations of that age. Another effect of this permanent republicanism was that monarchies became obsolete over a period of time (American Revolution.The Crystal Reference Encyclopedia. CredoReference). This revolution, which was democratic in nature, established the principle of equal rights in the US. This was due in great measure to the efforts of farmers and artisans. The extent to which these people favored freedom can be estimated from the fact that they took over the reins of government in the states of Pennsylvania and Vermont. Subsequently, in 1777, these states disassociated themselves from New York, in order to implement institutions that were significantly democratic. Moreover, social change was engendered by this revolution, in as much as slavery was transformed into a political and moral issue from what had been a well established reality. In the Northern states slavery became extinct and in northern portion of the South, the number of blacks who were no longer slaves increased dramatically (American Revolution.The Crystal Reference Encyclopedia. CredoReference). The French Revolution demolished the Bourbon monarchy and the ancien rà ©gime. It commenced with an insurrection by the nobility against projected financial reforms in the year 1787. Subsequently, the middle classes participated in this revolt. The National Assembly supplanted the Estates – General and it published the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. After this the working classes of Paris took control of the Bastille in July 1789. In 1791, the royal family was incarcerated for making plans to stage a counter revolution. The nations of Europe became unsettled due to these developments in France and this resulted in the French Revolutionary Wars. In 1793, King Louis XVI was decapitated by means of the guillotine. The existence of various political factions resulted in the Terror, which lasted from 1793 to 1794. During this period, around two hundred thousand people were detained and around fifteen thousand people were put to death (French Revolution. Andromeda Encyclopedic Dictionary of World History. CredoReference). The French Revolution, which started in the 1789, brought to an end the monarchy that had been in existence for a thousand years. After the King had been deposed, the government was controlled by Robespierre and others of his ilk. They executed a large number of people and in this manner unleashed considerable terror. Subsequently, Robespierre was himself executed and control passed to the Directory. This proved to be an incompetent and corrupt body, which permitted Napoleon Bonaparte to seize power in France and ultimately become its Emperor. The French Revolution was officially ended when Napoleon declared himself to be the Emperor of France (French Revolution. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy. Houghton Mifflin). This was a prolonged struggle in Mexico that followed the deposition of Porfirio Dà ­az. He was a dictator who ensured that power was concentrated in the hands of a few and who supported the elite. Leaders like Francisco Madero, Pancho Villa, Pascual Orozco, and Emiliano Zapata collected a large number of supporters. Subsequently, in 1911, Madero was made the president of Mexico. However, his reforms were not executed quickly and this caused both his former allies and foes to oppose him. He was executed by Victoriano Huerta, who became the dictator of Mexico. However, Huerta a drunken despot was overthrown by the machinations of Villa, Carranza and Obregà ³n and Carranza became the president in the year 1914. Since, Villa was not agreeable to this, considerable bloodshed ensued. Carranza ensured that a liberal constitution was written and adopted in 1917. He had Zapata, a popular peasant leader, ambushed and killed. This led to a popular revolt against Carranza, who was killed while attempting to flee Mexico City. The fierce fighting almost came to an end after Obregà ³n came to power. However, a few clashes continued to take place and the revolutionary period ended only in 1934 when Là ¡zaro Cà ¡rdenas came to power (Mexican Revolution. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia). The American Revolution resulted in an independent United States of America, whereas the French Revolution put an end to its own national government. The American Revolution influenced the French people with the ideas of freedom and independence. The visits of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson to France in the 1780s uplifted the spirits of the French people with new hopes for independence from tyranny. King Louis XVI supported the American Revolution that commenced in 1776 and encouraged the American colonies in their fight against the British in order to obtain independence. The King, however, failed to anticipate that he was ushering in his own downfall. The effects of both the American Revolution and the French Revolution changed the course of the history in such a way that absolute monarchies were unable to survive in many European countries, which were replaced peacefully with republics and democracies (American Revolution vs. French Revolution). The French Revolution became highly appealing to other nations due to the straightforwardness and universality of its objectives. Many people were inspired and convinced by the concepts of â€Å"Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity† that had been basis of the French Revolution. The only unresolved issues related to the interpretation and application of these concepts to the social and political milieu. This solution to this problem was provided by Karl Marx in his Das Capital, in whose opinion the French Revolution had not been taken to its logical conclusion and was therefore incomplete. His contention was that though freedom had been obtained, workers had been exploited and deprived of property. The benefits that had arisen due to the French Revolution had failed to uplift society as a whole. Karl Marx believed that the emancipation of the society in its totality was possible only if there was a socialist or communist revolution, which would eradicate private property and form a cooperative of producers. During the last stage of this transformation the state would wither away as it would cease to have any purpose. This final stage of Marx’s theory was similar to that of the anarchists of France, Italy, Russia and Spain (The Revolutionary Idea in the Modern World). The French revolution had a profound influence on the subsequent nationalist movements and some of these were the 1821 Greek Independence movement, the endeavour to bring about modernization in Egypt by Muhammed Ali and in the Ottoman Empire by Selim III and Mahmut II. Several social uprisings of the 1968s had also been inspired by the French Revolution. Moreover, the French Revolution affected the thinking of future generations by enabling them to accept change as normal and had a cohesive effect on the masses in process of building the state (Robinson). The Mexican Revolution was a success in the class of anti – state rebellions. It dethroned the Diaz regime and extinguished the caudillismo of Huerta and Carranza. It marked a milestone in the history of popular revolutions and popular sovereignty in under developed nations. This revolution demonstrated that revolutions by native peoples could emerge victorious. It paved the way for the subsequent revolutions against state authorities including both violent and nonviolent rebellion. Most of the Latin American governments adopted the principles raised in the Mexican constitutional principle of no re – eleccion. This constitutional principle had not been subjected to any attempt to amend or repeal it by any of the Mexican leaders, subsequent to the assassination of Alvaro Obregon in 1928 (Mexican Revolution). The principles of the revolution were debated by the political and academic scholars in and out of Mexico. The events, participants and the consequences of the Revolution were documented by many foreign authors. For instance, John Womack had written Zapata and the Mexican Revolution, and Friedrich Katz wrote Life and Times of Pancho Villa. These works narrated a lengthy and well documented report of the events of the Revolution. Moreover, the aftereffects and the events of the Mexican Revolution continue to influence Mexican politics as well as international policies (Mexican Revolution). The first half of the twentieth century was witness to changes in the Mexican government that were similar to that of the French Revolution. Every revolution consists of four stages and in the preliminary stage both Mexico and France faced problems that were reflected in the future. These problems were due to the extant leadership. After this preliminary stage there occurs the second stage consisting of frequent rebellions against the government. Subsequently, the revolution enters the third stage, which is characterized by a great deal of turbulence and can therefore be termed as the crisis stage. There were several instances when bloodshed and chaos prevailed during this crisis stage. The final stage is that of recovery and in this stage the governments consent to implement the plans and measures that would engender changes that would benefit the people. The preliminary stages of the Mexican and French Revolutions were the same. The Mexican president, Porifirio Diaz had been a successful President of Mexico for over three decades. He ruled the country in a manner that was similar to that in which Louis XVI had ruled France. In Mexico power was concentrated in the hands of a few people who had access to the President. The rest of the citizens did not have a voice or the right to vote for the officials they favored. There was no right to expression and there existed sanctions, which were similar to those obtaining in the Ancien Regime in France. These terrible conditions prevailed in the country and wealth was concentrated in the hands of a few. Furthermore, injustice was the order of the day and there was no law and order in either the cities or the countryside (The Mexican Revolution). In addition, there were a number of differences, for instance the French monarchs of the Ancien Regime had been absolutist monarchs and their ruling power had been centralized. President Porifirio Diaz ruled the nation as a dictator and it was often stated that the President had the best intentions for the future of Mexico. He was concerned with establishing a stable government and in order to achieve that objective he ensured that the training program for military and police personnel had been thoroughly changed in such a way that both those forces gained in power and strength. The French Revolution was better known for the problems that the different classes had with each other. The people of the upper class had been distressed due to the fact that they had lost power during the reign of Luis XIV and the people of the middle class were disgruntled due to the fact that some of the members of their class were becoming wealthier but were not permitted to hold noble titles. Workers of the urban areas were convinced that they were being ill treated and this belief lasted throughout the duration of the Revolution. France went to war with England in support of the Americans and this clearly indicated the incompetence of the rule of Louis XIV. The war served to severely deplete France of its resources and the Revolution was in the offing. Louis XIV was not in a position to control the revolution (Wasserman). The similarities of the Mexican Revolution and the French Revolution are further elicited during the crisis stage. There was a civil war in both the countries and in Mexico, there were opposing parties of Obregon and Carranza against Villa and Zapata. In France, there was a constant strife between the citizens throughout the country and particularly in the Vendee. The main objectives of these various groups were fulfilled in these revolutions. The people of Mexico sought equality, rights and a republic government similar to that of the United States. In France, the people wanted a systematic well – structured republic having no monarch. Both Mexico and France were able to achieve their desired goals. However, France was able to attain its objective in the crisis stage, but Mexico had to wait till the end of the revolution to achieve its desired goal. Thus these nations resemble each other to the extent of attaining their aims. The aftereffects of the Mexican Revolution and the French Revolution continue to influence the people even today. The Mexican Constitution, which was written in the year 1917, has remained unchanged till today. The Mexican Revolution can be considered as a revolution that had taken place in a developing nation and it has served as an inspiration to revolutions in the third world. The French Revolution left its mark due to the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which protects the fundamental rights of the citizens and these rights are still in vogue in France. The chief difference between these two revolutions was that Mexico was able to retain its republican government after the revolution, while France went into a dictatorship and then a monarchal form of government after the end of the revolution. At present, Mexico is a constitutional republic supported by its Constitution. Mexico has a president and a legislative branch and a governmental system that is stable. In contrast, the constitution of France was changed several times and the governmental system of France has a president and a parliament. In this aspect it resembles the system of governance of the United States. The fundamental aim of the French Revolution was the formation of a constitutional monarch similar to that of England. The main similarities between these two revolutions were that they both had an objective that was fought for and duly achieved. The French Revolution, the American Revolution and the Mexican Revolution were fought in order to attain freedom and justice. The United States sought freedom from the British rule, while France fought for dethroning a government under which the rich people tyrannized the poor and in order to obtain freedom from monarchal ruling. In Mexico, people sought freedom from the Diaz’s Oligarchy. However, a number of differences existed in respect of the causes of these revolutions due to the fact that the leaders subscribed to different opinions. The French Revolution commenced with a bloody attack on the Bastille, which represented the hated power of the aristocracy. The American Revolution, on the other hand, was conducted in a phased and well regulated manner. The Americans first engaged in negotiations with England and on these negotiations being rejected by the latter, the Americans decided to declare independence from the British. Since, England did not accept this declaration of independence by the colonies, the American Revolution began in right earnest (Nosotro). The Mexican Revolution started with a mass uprising against Diaz, who fled to Spain. However, this was revolution entailed a lot of bloodshed and treachery. The reason for the American, French and Mexican revolutions was that the people sought to obtain freedom from tyranny. These revolutions left a significant influence on history. The United States explored all other avenues, prior to embarking on a war with the British. The French Revolution on the other hand began as a mass movement and created terror and panic due to the large number of executions, moreover, it was characterized by rampaging mobs (Nosotro). In this respect the reign of terror unleashed by Robespierre attained considerable notoriety. The Mexican Revolution was targeted at the elite, who had assigned all the power to themselves. The poor of Mexico wanted land and an escape from poverty. Popular and legendary leaders like Zapata promised to obtain land for the poor peasants. The American Revolution destroyed the attitude of respect for social superiors and constituted authority. American society remained structurally unchanged due to this revolution. All the same, the false belief that disobedience to authority was disobedience to God was dispelled by the revolution. The public increasingly started to believe that rulers should serve the people rather than behave as their masters. This resulted in the establishment of a new social order in which persons with authority were chosen on the basis of merit and not on the basis of prestige, social status or wealth. Moreover, such elected persons would have to comply with the will of the people rather than demand the unquestioning loyalty of the public. The French Revolution served as an inspiration for several other revolutions like those that occurred in South America. It is very important due to the fact that the new ideas regarding freedom that originated in this revolution were disseminated all over Europe. The message that it conveyed to the world was that even in the absence of a well planned strategy, it was possible for a popular uprising to depose the extant authorities. It brought about the establishment of the precedents to democratic institutions, representative governments and constitutions. The Mexican Revolution brought about the transition from a dictatorship to a democratic system that had less foreign control, better living conditions for its citizens, labor reforms and economic and social reforms. The objective of these revolutions was to secure liberty from tyrannical authorities. While the American Revolution resulted in the establishment of United States of America, the French Revolution resulted in the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy and the Mexican Revolution brought about an end to the Oligarchic rule and engendered far reaching land reforms that improved the living condition of the Mexican peasants. Works Cited American Revolution vs. French Revolution. 1 July 2007 . American Revolution.The Crystal Reference Encyclopedia. CredoReference. 2005. 3 July 2007 . French Revolution. Andromeda Encyclopedic Dictionary of World History. CredoReference. 2001. 3 July 2007 . French Revolution. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy. Houghton Mifflin. 2002. 3 July 2007 . Mexican Revolution. 1 July 2007 . Mexican Revolution. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 2003. 3 July 2007 . Nosotro, Rit. Reasons for the American and French Revolutions. 1 July 2007 . Robinson, David. Muslim Societies in African History . Cambridge University Press. P.84. ISBN 052153366X, 2004. The Mexican Revolution. November 1996. 1 July 2007 . The Revolutionary Idea in the Modern World. 1 July 2007 . Wasserman, Mark. â€Å"Persistent Oligarchs: Elites and Politics in Chihuahua, Mexico, 1910-1940.† Duke University Press, 1993. 68 – 71.   

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Plato, Descartes, and The Matrix Essay

Consider this, Is what we believe to be real and true real and true? In the movie The Matrix, Neo is a computer programer by day and hacker by night. He senses that something is wrong with the world but insists what he know he feels. When he dreams, he isn’t sure if it was real or just a dream just as Descartes believes he cannot trust his senses to tell him whether or not he is still dreaming. Neo meets with Morpheus and Morpheus gives Neo the option of knowing the truth. According to Morpheus the world isn’t real, it is an illusion and offers Neo a life altering choice. To take a pill that will give him the truth. The truth Morpheus refers to is that the world Neo believes in is just an illusion. What Neo perceives as real by his senses is nothing more than a computer generating ideas in his head without any real experiences. Morpheus gives Neo the option of continuing to live his life in the shadows and the way he perceives it or to see the light and the truth. This closely resembles the allegory of the cave by Pluto. Plato invites us to imagine humans being held prisoners, with no freedom to move or see except what is directly in front of them in the form of shadows. This is the prisoners reality. This is what they come to believe is real. When in-fact there is another world just beyond their reality. It is only after one prisoner escapes the shackles and chains and finds that the actual world is not just shadows but a world with the light of the sun. The prisoner has difficulty adjusting his eyes to the brightness, but eventually does. This experience parallels to what Neo experiences. Descartes poses the questions in his work Meditations of First Philosophy, 1961, of how we cannot for certain that the world he experiences isn’t not the product of an illusion forced upon him by an evil demon. He questions what he believes is real because of what he sees and feels while dreaming and therefore can’t trust his senses to tell him if 2he is still dreaming. When Neo accepts the â€Å"red pill† and his perception of his life slips away when he realizes that the human race is held in containers, unconscious, with a computer generating their thoughts and experiences. Humans invented Artificial Intelligence and in turn the AI took over mankind and enslaved them using them for the energy they required to stay ‘alive’. Neo realizes what Descartes proposed, that Neo’s life was just controlled by an evil demon, the Matrix. But Descartes went on to argue the existence of God, saying a Good God would not let an evil demon control us. Neo struggles with this new truth because he didn’t believe in fate because he didn’t like the idea he wasn’t in control of life. Neo life as he knew it is gone, and he is faced with the new reality and he struggles with the different emotions first of shock, fear and disbelief and then acceptance. He joins the group of dissidents to help others see the truth and reality of life. Knowing the truth doesn’t necessarily ‘set you free’ as we find out. A fellow dissident Cypher discovers the truth is hard and decides that ‘ignorance is bliss’. He negotiates a deal to deliver Morpheus in turn for his previous ‘life’. For Cypher, the truth was too much to handle, he liked the illusion of his previous life. Once Neo gains knowledge of he Matrix, he is able to discern between the truth and illusion and ascends to a higher level of understanding. He realizes that he can no longer blindly accept information received through his senses, but must requires answers to his questions. He like Descartes comes to the conclusion â€Å"I think, therefore I am†. The difference between the Matrix and Plato and Descartes is the movie gives Neo a way back to the physical real world whereas Plato and Descartes only suggest there is another reality and we are dreaming but doesn’t give us a way back. None of the notables address God within the realm of truth. God states he is the way of the light and the truth. We are challenged in our daily lives to live a real life.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Food security Essay

All efforts to bridge the gap between government estimates and the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council over the Food Security Act are coming up against a central concern posed by the Congress chief: How can the selection criteria ensure the poor and deserving don’t get left out? NAC members who interact with the government point out that Sonia repeatedly underlines her personal experience over the years during visits to deprived areas where she has found that the poor are simply not counted in any state survey and are denied any benefits. The Congress chief’s poser that the inability of the poor, particularly tribals and dalits, to access below poverty line cards needed to tap official welfare schemes will defeat the very objective of a law providing 35 kg food grain a month to the widest set of recipients is proving tough to answer. Here, even automatic inclusion parameters may not mean the severely disadvantaged groups will be assured a minimum level of food security, said sources familiar with the Congress supremo’s thinking. Sonia is keen the proposed law be effective in addressing needs of those who live on the brink and need state support and her conviction that exclusion criteria are applied in a bureaucratic manner and end up leaving the needy out in the cold tilts the scale towards universal eligibility which the government continues to baulk at. Several permutations have been considered including limiting universal public distribution system to districts with chronic poverty or looking for the right urban-rural ratios. But while some campaigners argue that government’s fears of having to maintain large stocks are misplaced as universal PDS will be accessed only by those who need it, the government is not quite convinced. The government feels that legal provisions stating population percentages to be catered for will mean it has to provide for adequate food grain for all intended beneficiaries. A law is mandatory and the optimum values have to be factored in. The tussle over selection of beneficiaries has seen populist politics pushing for dilution of criteria like pucca houses or income levels. But the Congress president’s core concern that expanding the net still does not necessarily mean that obvious beneficiaries are being catered for being tossed up and down the table in both formal and informal consultations. Food security act pledge in Prez’s address A national food security act to guarantee 25 kg of rice or wheat a month to BPL families, consolidation of rural employment and Bharat Nirman, a focus on terrorism and India’s neighbourhood, initiatives for urban employment and a promise to battle recessionary trends are likely to be part of President’s address to Parliament. The first meeting of the Union Cabinet after the conclusion of government-formation, scheduled for Saturday morning, may consider President Pratibha Patil’s speech to the joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament. The speech, to be delivered on June 4, has been extensively worked on by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The President’s address is expected to highlight areas outlined by the PM like infrastructure and security. High on the government’s agenda are plans for a National Counter Terrorism Centre, modernisation of police forces through training and technology and diversified recruitment. It will also speak of pushing programmes like highways that have languished. Some legislations like the Unorganised workers’ social security bill and Right to Education Bill, National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, expansion of the Rashtriya Swathya Bima Yojana and the National Child Labour Project, integrated development of minority concentration districts and approval of a National Tribal Policy are initiatives the government would like to speeden up. With economy and job losses very much a concern, the address will look to stress development of social and physical infrastructure along with specific plans like an urban employment safety net. The government will work on a comprehensive overhaul of public healthcare, restructuring Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), strengthening implementation of 11th and 12th plan power projects and attention on employment-generating small sector enterprises. The government is planning major efforts to decrease infant and mother mortality rates, bring about accountability in Primary Health Centres, initiate a household survey of the National Rural Healthcare Mission, besides approving rigorous oversight in ensuring dispensation of medicines before expiry dates. In the education sector, the main focus is likely to be on quality education by restructuring SSA, seen as a success story, and on guaranteeing education for all. The government is expected to  restructure SSA into a Mission for Quality Elementary Education to deal effectively with teacher absenteeism and drop out rates. The government has set up a target of adding 78,577 Mw of power generation capacity in the current 11th five year plan which has been raised to 1 lakh MW during the 12th five year plan. A major thrust on the micro small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector — hit badly by the global economic slowdown — to protect workers and artisans can be expected. Government may insist on use of handlooms and handicrafts in decor for government offices as well as for venues for the forthcoming At the start of UPA’s first term in office, the President’s address had reflected the commitments made in the common minimum programme and this time around, Congress’s manifesto is expected to be â€Å"foundation† of the speech. A nation-wide skill development programme and scholarship schemes for needy students and those from the minority communities are on the government’s check list. The electoral success in attracting minority votes could see the President refer to Congress’s poll promise of taking its minority reservation models in states like Andhra Pradesh, to the national level. The government feels that it has been the recipient of a rural feel-good with the agrarian economy benefitting from higher MPS, NREGA and the loan waiver. With an eye to consolidating its image as pro-farmer, the government is expected to work towards providing interest relief to all farmers who repay bank loans on schedule. The loan waiver has reached 3.68 crore families. In the power sector, operationalisation of the National Electricity Fund, infrastructure implementation in the north-east, faster implementation of flagship programmes and monitoring through third parties and capacity building are on the table. Sanghatana says Food Security Act will ruin farmers The Shetkari Sanghatana has come out strongly against the proposed Food Security Act of the UPA government terming it as anti-farmer and a measure that would fuel inflation, derail country’s economy and produce an army of lazy people who get food almost for free without need to work. â€Å"The proposed law is aimed at only garnering votes in 2014 elections by the ruling parties at the Centre. Providing subsidized food to 67% of country’s population or 81 crore people would cost the country Rs1,25,000 crore. It would have far-reaching implications on productivity and economy of the country and destroy dignity of labour,† said Ram Neole, spokesman of the Sanghatana. â€Å"Providing cheap foodgrains to the disabled, needy people can be seen as a noble gesture of a caring government in a welfare state. But the Food Security ordinance brought in a haste without waiting for a parliamentary clearance to cover an overwhelming majority of population is a cheap political gimmick,† said Neole. His Shetkari Sanghatana led by Sharad Joshi favoured free market economy with farmers getting adequate rates for their produce. â€Å"The Food Act would mean that farmers producing paddy, wheat and coarse grains like jowar would never get the right price as the government that controls pricing and procurement would never allow a hike so as to contain the cost of the scheme,† explained Neole. Under the new law those demanding the foodgrains would be given rice for Rs3, wheat for Rs2 and jowar for Rs1 a kg. â€Å"Of course, when faced with huge budgetary deficit that is bound to happen, the government would increase taxes on traders and salaried classes and businessmen and professionals burdening them further,† Neole apprehended. â€Å"All this will lead to loss of income for farmers, more taxes and non-availability of labour force for productive work at farms and factories,† he feared. Contradicting this viewpoint, Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti president Kishore Tiwari has jumped in support of the law. In a statement here, he said: â€Å"Only those ignorant of hunger and deprivation that kills lakhs of people in villages every year would oppose the law.† Such political parties and people would be taught a lesson in 2014 elections for opposing a pro-poor policy,† said Tiwari. â€Å"The poor have a right to food and the proposed law is the first step to acknowledge it,† he added. Food subsidy bill may touch Rs 75K cr on back of Food Security Act The proposed Food Security Act may not put additional burden on the government in the current fiscal year as the government can find the resources to fund the plan from the spending outlined for 2011-12, finance ministry officials said. However, the food subsidy bill could soar to as much as Rs 75,000 crore from the estimated Rs 60,572.98 crore for the 2011-12 fiscal year. Finance ministry officials said the government will provide the money for funding this exercise. The ministry has already asked various departments to  tighten their belts and not to undertake any new spending commitments as it sticks to its plan of meeting the fiscal deficit target of 4.6% of gross domestic product. The government is keen to stick to its deficit target as it has embarked on a drive to mend public finances. Earlier, the government had said it was ready to provide for any additional fuel subsidy as result of the spike in global crude oil prices and is confident of finding the resources from within the budget for the 2011-12 financial year. The government has an ambitious share sale programme in state run companies and plans to raise Rs 40,000 crore. Despite volatile stock market and global economic conditions, finance ministry officials are confident of achieving the target. It is also banking on other non-tax revenues to help it keep within it spending limits despite pressure points on the subsidy front. Sources said the ministry of food and consumer affairs was staring at a requirement of over 70 million tonnes of foodgrain to support the food security act. Given the trends in procurement and the need to maintain buffer stocks, it could pose a problem for the government and force it to import from the international market. Any plans to impose large quantities of grains could push up prices in the global market and widen the government’s subsidy burden. Some analysts say the food subsidy could touch Rs 1 lakh crore in two years. It remains to be seen how the government balances the demand for the food security act against the backdrop of a tight fiscal situation. Analysts say importing costly food to run the Food Security Act could blow a hole in public finances and reverse the trend in fiscal consolidation. Congress hopes to get food bill passed Conscious that the window to secure passage of the food security bill is narrowing as the scheduled end of the monsoon session of parliament nears, the Congress on Sunday expressed the hope that the landmark measure will get approved during the coming week. â€Å"We hope the food bill will be passed in parliament on Monday or Tuesday,† Congress spokesperson PC Chacko told IANS. The ongoing monsoon session of parliament is scheduled to end on August 30. Though the lower house functioned on Saturday, in lieu of a holiday last week, the food bill was not listed as opposition parties wanted it to be  debated on Monday. â€Å"The food bill will be taken up on Monday,† Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kamal Nath had told reporters on Friday. If it gets passed in the lower house on Monday, the bill can be taken up in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. Politics scuttled Congress managers’ plans to get it passed for the entire week Aug 19-24 as the opposition did not let the house run over the issues of missing coal-block allocation files, statehood for Telangana and high prices of food items. The managers hope that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement in the Rajya Sabha on Monday would end the controversy over missing coal-block files. The speaker’s suspension on Friday of 12 anti-Telangana members, who had been disrupting the lower house, has sought to address the issue of endorsement for a new state. The Lok Sabha functioned Saturday for the first time since the session began Aug 5 and passed three bills – Governors (Emoluments, Allowances and Privileges) Amendment Bill, 2012, The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2012 and Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Second Amendment) Bill, 2012.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Individual reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Individual reflection - Essay Example d three members and every member focused on their own part; I thought group presentations involved teamwork, where all the members discussed the whole assignment together. My part involved the critical analysis of the key economic, political, socio-cultural, and environmental factors influencing the destination of choice. Moreover, I tackled the background of the destination and the identification of the involvement of stakeholders in the planning process. Our group chose North Devon as the destination and analyzed the management plan. I felt enlightened to discover various aspects about North Devon. To begin with, we planned on how we were to meet for every discussion with the group members. At the first meeting, we read the guidance of the presentation requirements. Every member of the group was given their own role to research on. Every member of the group was required to make an outline of what they needed to do. The outline enabled me to be organized on my research from the initial to final stages of presenting the findings. All the members of the group tabled their outline for approval by the rest of the group members. The discussion groups helped me to keep on track with my research findings. We helped each other through sharing of information and the research process. The internet was a good source for me in the research and I shared this with all the group members. In addition, we also found the library books a good source of information, which provided concrete information regarding destination planning in tourism. However, I felt that it was so involving looking for p hysical books, while we could find the information and some of the books online. Moreover, we helped each other with any difficulty that we met in the investigation process. It was a challenge for us to determine the actual design of our PowerPoint presentation, but we had to compromise and assist each other in the determination and drafting of the actual work. This helped us to synthesize

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The affect of personal characteristics on negotiation Essay

The affect of personal characteristics on negotiation - Essay Example For instance, Miles, Hatfield and Huseman (1989) identified a spectrum of individuals who have different equity preferences. That's why in negotiations it could be unreasonable to adhere strictly to Adams' 'norm of equity', because bargainers' perception of what if 'fair' may be arbitrary. There exist two approaches to buyer-seller encounters in literature (Bazerman et al., 2000; Barry & Friedman, 1998): cooperative and/or problem-solving approach, and distributive and/or competitive. The first type, known also as integrative approach, presupposes conflict resolution, integration, and information exchange among buyers and sellers (Bazerman et al., 2000; Barry & Friedman, 1998; Pruitt, 1981). The competitive or distributive strategy involves threats and excessive demands, seeks to win concessions at the counterpart's expense (Barry & Friedman, 1998; Perdue & Summers, 1991). Miles, Hatfield and Huseman (1987) stayed that equity sensitivity is an individual difference that influence how individuals react to inequity. Equity sensitivity is a 'person's perception of what is and what is not equity and then uses that information to make predictions about reactions to inequity' (King, Miles and Day 1993, p.135). For example, on the one end of the continuum there are the benevolents, or 'givers' who express high satisfaction in relation to others when their output/input ratios are less than the comparison other; they have higher tolerance for under-reward. Also at mid-range there are the equity sensitives, who most closely adhere to the traditional norm of equity (where inputs and outputs are balanced) (Allen & White, 2002). On the other end of the continuum are 'takers', who are most satisfied when they receive more outcomes than inputs (King, Miles & Day, 1993). According to King, Miles & Day (1993), benevolent negotiators, or 'givers', won't provide more in puts, in comparison to their outputs, to their counterparts. In the negotiations these inputs appear in the form of sharing information, making concessions changes, and discussing preferences among bargaining parties, which are critical elements of the cooperative problem-solving strategy. Entitleds, or 'takers' focus on themselves and the outcomes, and are more likely to take action to rectify any imbalance in the input/output ration when compared to their counterparts (Allen & White, 2002; Miles, Hatfield and Huseman, 1989). In the negotiation process entitleds are likely to be less cooperative than their counterparts. So that, it could be expected the following strategies to take place: H1: Benevolent negotiators will demonstrate more cooperative behaviours than entitled negotiators. Because they are more concerned with the outcomes of the bargaining activity and are more likely to follow the cooperative manner of behaviour, they place higher importance to intristic outcomes such as cooperation (King, Miles & Day, 1993). As a result, a positive connection exists between equity sensitivity and negotiators' perceptions of their cooperative behavi

Dallas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dallas - Essay Example The city was under both the Spanish and French colonial governments before boundaries placed it under Spain. This adds to its great historical background and makes it unique and a tourist favorite. The planning of the city is done extremely well, with the buildings well arranged and the roads and streets offer easy navigation through the city. Although it lacks a navigable link to the sea, the scenery in Dallascity is just irresistible; the Trinity River winds itself through the city and serves as an ideal position to view the sunset either on the ferry or on the shores before it disappears into Houston (Hanson 68). Dubbed the romantic spot, couples always gather on the shores of this river and just sink into each other’s eyes while enjoying the beautiful environment around them. White Rock Lake is another beautiful area to visit in Dallas. It is a water reservoir where families go to spend their weekends and free time. Activities such as boating, rowing, jogging, and biking all serve as a means of entertainment to the people. There is also an Arboretum and Botanical garden located to the east shore of the lake that provide good relaxing places and serve as a tourist at traction sites (Hanson 21). Dallas has a humid subtropical climate, which favors most of the best outdoor activities. For instance, during the summer, the city records very high temperatures that range between 38 and 42 degree Celsius, which are favorable for swimming, and other water activities (Hanson 22). Winters in Dallas are mild warm with lots of snow rising up to 1.5 inches off the ground. Spring and autumn bring the most pleasant weather with the showing of wild flower that beautifully colors the environment (Hanson 22). A staple in Dallas is the Chilean Sea Bass on Lobster Risotto. This dish has gained recognition around the world due to its effect on the taste buds, and you simply cannot visit Dallas without paying a visit to one of the steakhouses

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Agile software development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Agile software development - Essay Example Agile software has a lot of flexibility as opposed to the rigid waterfall. The main hallmark of the agile system is its adaptability and agility. The iterative nature of agile makes it to be able to work without following a given pattern. A lot of iterations are involved including testing, coding and designing. Agile is different from waterfall in the sense that unlike the waterfall system which cannot allow for any changes to be made once the design is already completed, agile has no rigidity and allows for changes to be made and improvements to be done even at the last stages of software development. Teams developing software through the use of the Agile process are usually cross functional in their nature. There have been always an expertise sharing and close cooperation unlike the case with waterfall. (Highsmith, 2002) The waterfall model happens in a manner that is sequential, moving from one stage to the other. This software development undergoes various stages including identifying the specification before conception, then analyzing, working on the designs, coding and testing, debugging then installing and finally, maintaining in the end. The developing team moves to the next stage only after the previous stage is completed. The engineers working on the software do spend much time at every stage and there is no chance of debugging once the software is made ready for the testing process. The Waterfall methodology considers documentation as an integral part of the software development. The Agile methodology has a team that is adaptive and that can easily respond and adjust to the changes in the requirements. Effort and time must not be invested on by the team thus reducing the chances of being irrelevant in terms of customers’ needs and wants. The team has a face to face communication with the customers hence having quality products at the required time. It is not always difficult to assess and establish the required

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Vienna, Austria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Vienna, Austria - Essay Example The researcher of this essay aims to provide a brief description of Vienna, that is the capital of Austria and also one of the nine States of Austria. The population of Vienna is 1.6 million today, so that Vienna is the largest city of Austria as well as its cultural, economic and political center. The city lies on both sides of the River Danube, and only 60 kilometers off Austria's Eastern border. Vienna lies in the South East corner of Central Europe and is close to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The Wienerwald (Vienna Woods) and the foothills of the Eastern Alps begin shortly after the western suburbs of Vienna. The city was the capital of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy between 1867 and 1918. Today, Vienna city is composed of 23 districts, which though have their own names, are also numbered. However, the elections in these subdivisions are held on the district level, which gives the representatives the political clout. The researcher states that Vienna is famous for bea utiful architecture and breathtaking buildings, history and culture. Cafà © Society, the place to take a break from sightseeing, was invented in Vienna. One of the attractions of Vienna is State of Opera, that was built in the late 1800s. At once the Inner city was surrounded by defensive walls known as Innere Stadt, today it is within Ringstrasse, that is a broad boulevard, lined with imposing buildings, monuments, and parks, such as Gothic St Stephen's Cathedral, which has 113 m steeple that can be seen from most parts of Vienna. (Austria, 1) In Vienna a number of United Nations offices and various international institutions and companies are located. Some of these major institutions are: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (Vienna, 1). Vienna has a long tradition of art and culture in the areas of theatre, opera, classical music and fine arts. Burgtheater together with its branch, the Akademietheater, is considered to be one of the best theatres in the German-speaking world. The other theatres offering high quality entertainment are: Volkstheater Wien and the Theater in der Josefstadt. There are also other many theatres offering excellent quality in performing arts like modern, experimental plays or cabaret. Two theatres, Staatsoper and the Volksoper offer great opportunities to the Opera lovers. At Wiener Musikverein, the well -known theatre, concerts of classical music are performed. The Theater an der Wien has become famous in the recent years for hosting premiers of the musicals. Even in many Roman Catholic churches in central Vienna a number of religious and other music is organized. Vienna is famous for its glorious architecture. The buildings are made with beautiful designs of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and typical Austrian Biedermeier styles. The Secession, Karlsplatz Metropolitan Railway Station, and the Kirche am Steinhof by Otto Wagner rank among the best-known examples of Art Nouveau in the world. The Lipizzaner stallions of the Spanish Riding School, the Vienna Boys' Choir (Wiener Sngerknaben), Wiener Schnitzel, Sachertorte, and various pastries, including the bagel are some of the other special features of Vienna. Viennese Kathreintanzn is the best-known folk dancing of Vienna. In the Vienna city, also located are a number of educational institutes, universities, professional colleges and gymnasiums. There are a number of museums in Vienna of which the most famous is Hofburg, the former imperial palace that was built during the 13th century (Austria, 1). The treasury of this museum holds the imperial jewels. Kunsthistorisches Museum is located directly opposite to Hofburg; it houses a number paintings made by the old masters. Then there is Leopold Museum that displays works of the Viennese Secession, Viennese Modernism and

Monday, September 23, 2019

ECommerce Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

ECommerce - Coursework Example Here I will research about the biometrics that could be used both in hotels for room access and for online booking for Globetrotting Hotels. The main reason behind this research based analyses is provide better management system for the Globetrotting Hotels. This analysis will provide us a deep insight into the Globetrotting Hotels new technology implementation for the enhanced security, booking, payment and customer management. As technology evolves it brings lot of facilities regarding the better communication and management of the business. This evolution in technology has also influenced the enhanced handling in the different organizational course of action. Like that, at the present, we have automated ways for the sales, customer management, transaction handling and marketing. The advance practice of the business also requires the better security in all these areas. This report is about the implementation if the new technology at Globetrotting Hotels and its customer managing system. This new technology will renovate the customary practice regarding the handling of the overall security and payments. Here we have also decided to implement the biometrics system that will be used in hotels for room access and for online booking for Globetrotting Hotels. The idea of the Harry Smith who wants to build up a hotel chain that is tightly associated in the structure of independent hotels around the world to proffer a only one of its kind resource to the on the rise market for the global traveler that is looking for something different to the standard package holidays. The new hotel chain established by the Globetrotting Hotels is aimed to provide better living, travelling and touring facilities at many levels. This new hotel chain will be an independent and a unique mix of the local independent hotels. The management of this hotel chain is aimed

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Risk Management Essay Example for Free

Risk Management Essay This is a report from a member of the finance, audit and risk management (FARM) Committee. I am currently the assistant manager of the flagship store in Queen Street, Brisbane, and have been given the opportunity to manage the new store in Toowoomba. There are some information about the risk manage of the new store. a. Scope: MacVille recognizes that risk management is an essential component of good management practice and is committed to ensuring the implementation of risk management processes that focus on the proactive management of risks across the organization. MacVille is committed to achieving its vision, business objectives and quality objectives by the proactive management of risk at all levels of the organization. b. Goals: MacVille aims to deliver our valued customers the very best cafe-going experience. In three years, the business will have established a presence across the Queensland and NSW, with the opening of additional cafes. c. Analysis: to thoroughly identify risks, we must examine the external environment surrounding an organization. This includes the political, economic, social, legal, and technological factors affecting the business. d. Research: As part of their overall strategy in the Australian beverage market, MacVille Pty Ltd have developed a chain of cafes in the Central Business District (CBD) of Brisbane, Queensland and the CBD of Sydney, NSW. The board of directors has made the decision to expand their operations in Queensland with the purchase and re-branding of the existing Hurley’s cafe in Toowoomba, 130km west of Brisbane. e. Describe: By way of background, MacVille has agreed to employ all existing staff on three months probation. The current supervisor James Mansfield, has been offered the position of 2nd in charge and he has accepted. While settlement on the purchase of the business is not for another few weeks, the seller has agreed to grant us full access to the store’s operational processes and store information. I will liaise weekly with the Finance, Audit and Risk Management (FARM) Committee here at head office concerning the marketing, finance and store management functions that you are investigating. I will set up a regular meeting for you. Head office has a report on a similar expansion conducted by the NSW team and I hope you may help me in my research. You may need to review other statistical information and engage specialists to help you with your investigation. The legal firm Goldsmith  Partners are advising MacVille on the Hurley cafe acquisition and would be available to help you with legal or any compliance issues. The landlord of the shop in Toowoomba, Ron Langford, is also a local councillor and has offered his assistance in getting established in Toowoomba. He has offered his email address for correspondence.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Nursing Care Plan for Elderly Woman with Shortness of Breath

Nursing Care Plan for Elderly Woman with Shortness of Breath Fortis College Nursing Care Plan Patient Demographics Student: _Brenda Davis_____ Clinical Site: __JVH_______ Date: ___08/06/2014_______________ Client Initials: __E.D.__ Age: __65_______ Weight: _75.7 kg Height: ___69________in. Primary Language:_English____ Religion: _LDS, active in church__ Culture: __Retired lives with daughter and son-on law, they are at the bedside off and on throughout the day____________________ Admitting Diagnosis: ___Pneumoia_________________________________________________________ Secondary Diagnosis: __Hypoxia___________________________________________________________ Allergies Reactions: __No Allergies_______ Code Status: DNR_____ Physician:__Chandler________ Physical Assessment LABS DIAGNOSTIC TESTS MEDICATIONS References Ackley, B. J. Ladwig, G. B. (2014). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. (10th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Jordan Valley Hospital, Electronic medical records, West Jordan UT. Lewis, S.,Heitkemper, M., Dirksen, S., O’Brien, P., Bucher, L. (2010). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Elsevier. Pagana, KathleenDeska,Pagana, Timothy J. (2010). Mosbys Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests (4thed). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Skidmore-Roth, Linda, (2012) Mosbys Drug Guide for Nurses, with 2012 Update: 9th Edition

Friday, September 20, 2019

Information System For Caterpillar Information Technology Essay

Information System For Caterpillar Information Technology Essay Information is a vital to running a business today, hence the needs to control and utilise information has been developed rapidly in order to gain a competitive advantage. Information system is a useful general term which used to describe about the way of organisation manage their information successfully. Today is twenty first century and computers and computer-based system are very essential to run and setup the organisation. A comprehensive and integrated information system provides a space to consolidating fragmented pieces or sub systems, improving country decision-making capabilities, implementing evidence-based decision making and providing easy access to reliable and valid data and subsequently to good quality information for better decision-making. Caterpillar is one of the worlds foremost manufacturers of earthmoving machinery and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines, and electrical power generation systems. Caterpillar has declared that the Caterpillar Inc. Company was officially established in 1925.Since it was founded in 1925, Caterpillar has a proud history in product development, technological innovations and globalizations with presence around the world in Europe, South-North America, Russia, China, Japan, and Africa, the company provides products and services in a multinational market, Caterpillar employs about 200.00 people around the world between dealers, employees, and suppliers. In 2006, Caterpillar reported Sales and Revenues of $ 41.517 billion and profit of $ 3.537 billion, up 28 percent compared with the previous year. (General Motors Annual Report 2005) Introduction: To ensure the success, organization always depended on information system. For their continued survival all the medium to large organizations depend on their information technology. All kind of business like small to co-operation enterprise everyone use their own information system. In daily Telegraph they published a recent article; IT supplement advises that many large organizations could not survive longer than 24 hours without IT support! Day by day, year by year organizations have changed their information systems from dealing purely with data processing to strategic and decision support. Without the valid information is impossible to find success in the short, medium and long term plan. At present situation it is also recognized that in an organization information is very common required at all levels and that information can have find from many source. To gaining competitive advantage the valid information is very Importance to needs to be stressed. INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR CATERPILLAR: The different kind of Information System depends on different needs of the company. Today the market offers a range of software; accounting programs, management programs. The company depending on its budget have to identify the most effective system which will bring about more benefits. Despite using the information systems in each level, an alternative system called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) may be used to replace all the other systems mentioned above for each level within the organization. The information systems mentioned before address different functional areas usually in fragmented and incoherent fashion. The systems are created to meet the particular needs of the organization. On the other hand, the ERP system leads to more effective sharing of information and eventually to the production of more precise forecasts and plans. It is a package of programs that allow the company to integrate and share information by linking the subsidiaries, suppliers, employees, sales analysis, human resources, inventories, and financial issues simultaneously with managers and customers. It is an all-in-one package. The adoption of a single system has advantages such as dealing with only one software vendor, reduced maintenance and other repair costs, comparability between systems within the organization; and a more unifying strategy for the organization. However, it may be an expensive system to purchase and operate; and may lack flexibility to adapt to changing business need. ERP has been an effective system to adopt and Caterpillar will definitely gain competitive advantage over its rivals. INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION: These systems are focused on determining what information must be provided in order to achieve the objectives of the business strategy. Caterpillar being the worlds leading producer of earth moving equipment, industrial gas turbine engines and a global leader supplier of diesel engines, selling over 300 products with a service life of fifty or more years to support distributors in over 120 countries, needs to plan and establish accurate designs of Information system for each level within the organization. These systems will help the organization to make reliable decisions within each level of the organization as mentioned below. a) STRATEGIC LEVEL The strategic level is the top most level in an organization and through the use of Executive Support System (ESS) which is the highest level of information systems used within the senior management, it establishes medium to long term strategies which assist in strategic decision making. Caterpillars strategic decisions will have a major impact on the organization and will be based on future assumptions rather than the current. It is analysed from external sources (market surveys, trade publications, demographic studies, government reports and commissioned research from specialist suppliers). The information will tend to be highly uncertain and more of a general nature or summary. The organization needs to make decisions which will help them gain a competitive edge within the market by maximising its share, attaining huge profits, develop quality and right products, control the costs and provision of satisfaction for customers. Information Requirements at this level would therefore include: Profit forecasts Patterns of expenditure Sales analyses Demographic Survey Development of market forces General economy Information Technology: The organization needs to understand and forecast customer demands so as to keep up with the future trends. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a system which provides information about customers such as categories of customers and predicts their behaviours. This system would update Caterpillar to be able to fulfil customers demands (by innovating new products) and prevent wastage of customers to competitors. b) TACTICAL LEVEL This is associated with the middle management and involves medium term decisions. The information required will normally be in aggregate form and it is subject to less uncertainty compare to information required in the strategic level. Within this level, the organization can use two types of systems; Decision Support System (DSS) and Management Information System (MIS). MIS facilitates routine summarizing and reporting while DSS allows ad hoc queries and analytical reporting. Caterpillar will have to effectively manage and control its finances (prepare budgets), labour, inventories, machinery and other resources. Information Requirements at this level would be: Variance Reports Sales analysis Cash flow forecasts Personnel Records Management Reports Information Technology: The organization needs to maintain good relationships with its suppliers since they provide the necessary inputs and components for its production. One way of doing so is by creating Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) which establishes an electronic connection between the business and its suppliers and automatically sends messaged to the supplier when orders are to be made. c) KNOWLEDGE LEVEL This level is often present in some organizations and helps to keep up to date with the technology and makes use of the Knowledge Work Systems (KWS). For Caterpillar, this level would help to create designs and graphics of its machinery and other forms of design specification. Information Requirements: Design Specifications Drafts Previous or existing models Information Technology: Through the use of expensive Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufacturing equipment, Caterpillar has a chance to produce differentiated products which would act as a barrier to entry for other firms and to gain competitive advantage over other firms within the industry. d) OPERATIONAL LEVEL This level is concerned with the decisions made in the normal day to day operations within a business. Decisions in this area are designed to ensure the effective and efficient use of existing resources to realise budget objectives. This level makes use of the Transaction Processing System (TPS) which includes systems such as payroll, order tracking, machine control and employee records. Information Requirements: Personnel information Inventory and production levels Pricing decisions Credit control over customers Cash controls and other forms of accounting Cloud computing: Cloud computing is a term that normally using for anything that involves delivering hosted through the internet. Generally these services are divided in to three categories: Infrastructure-as-a-service (laas) Platform-as-a-service (paas) and Software-as-a-Service (saas).The name of cloud computing is stirred from the cloud symbol that usually symbolized the internet in flowchart and diagram. In the simplest, cocktail-hour terms, cloud computing is managed, shared applications, development platforms or computing infrastructure accessible via a network such as the internet. Above the clouds: Managing Risk in the World of Cloud Computing By Kevin T McDonalds. Cloud computing technology boasts all the benefits of multitenant, including built-in security, reliability, upgradeability and ease of use. Normally cloud computing platforms are growing in popularity, its exceptional advantages does a cloud computing architecture offer to companies in todays economic climate. Suitability of cloud computing: Proven Web-services integration: Cloud computing technology is most easier and quicker to compare with other enterprise applications by their unique nature. Such as McDonalds company using their web site logo I am loving it this is proven that all over the world for McDonalds recognition. World-class service delivery: Cloud computing infrastructures offer much greater scalability, complete disaster recovery and impressive uptime numbers. McDonalds offer their same service to the customer all over the world and they maintain their service in the same label. No hardware or software to install: The main beauty of cloud computing technology is its simplicity. This doesnt require any software to install and it requires significantly fewer capital to get up and running. Faster and lower risk development: No more waiting moths or years and spending millions of dollars before anyone gets to log into new solution. Cloud computing technology applications are live in a matter of weeks or months, even with extensive customization or combination. Support for deep customizations: Several IT professionals mistakenly think that cloud computing is difficult to customize as a result it is not a good choice for complex enterprises. This infrastructure not only allows deep customization and application configuration, it preserves all those customization even during upgrades. This is also ideal for application development tosiness support organizations evolving needs. Empowered business users: cloud computing technology allow on the fly, point and click customization and report generation for business users, so IT doesnt spend half its time making minor changes and running reports. Automatic upgrades that dont impact IT resources: These infrastructures put an end to a huge IT dilemma; if we upgrade to the latest and greatest version of the application, well be forced to spend time and resources to rebuild our customizations and combinations. Cloud computing doesnt force to decide between upgrading and preserving all hard work. Because all the customization and integrations are automatically preserved during an upgrade. Conclusion: According to research literature and Caterpillar information system it is evident that well establish system running by the company. From particular store to head office and also around the world the whole company running by one network. Every store is monitored by head office and how they operate business operation, tracking stock, ordering system, distribution channel, internal communication going through one IT network. Caterpillar has very strong relationship with cloud computing technology that gives great security and data storage facilities without investing additional amounts. Around the world data transfer and hassle free communication with secure system made Caterpillar in driving position in construction and mining equipment industry. Quality development strongly controlled and improved through latest technology and that made customer satisfaction and also keep customer loyal for future business. References: Above the Clouds: Managing Rusisk in the World of Cloud Computing  By Kevin T. McDonald

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Europes Largest Minority Essay -- essays research papers

The Romani people of Europe are often referred to as "Gypsies". Thought they prefer to be called Roma. The Roma are descendants of the ancient warrior classes of Northern India, particularly the Punjab, and they are identifiable by their language, religion, and customs. The "Gypsies" gained there widely known name due to the fact that when they first arrived in Europe people believed that they had migrated from Egypt. Even after this was found to be untrue that name stuck to this minority group. Because recorded history of the "Gypsies" prior to their first documented appearances in Europe in the early 15th century is non-existent, there has been much debate as to their origins and early migration. Based on linguistic evidence, it is believed that the modern day "Gypsies" of the Middle East, Europe, Asia, as well as the Americas, originated in Northwestern India. There is also a general agreement regarding the approximate timing of their immigration. It is believed that the bulk of their immigration was during the 11th century, and took place in three major trips. Though this large group of people have been living in Europe for over ten centuries they are still not treated as equals to this day. The exact number of "gypsies" who live in Europe is unknown and guesses are inaccurate due to their nomadic life style. What is known is that population of "gypsies" is a large one that makes them the largest minority living in Europe. Though large in population they are also largely discriminated against. This discrimination dates back almost ,if not to the of there arrival in Europe. Throughout the centuries they have faced discrimination in many different forms, for a variety of reasons. Also there have been quite a few major outbreaks of intense discrimination that took place in different areas throughout Europe. During medieval times rumors where spread that the "Gypsies" were descended from a sexual encounter between a "Gypsies" woman and Satan. Christians believed that a conspiracy of blacksmiths, wizards and women had been organized to attack... and placement system for the "Gypsies". These placements and training will helps them to find jobs This is extremely helpful because finding a job can be a extreme challenge to them on there own, due to there lack of training and the widespread belief/stereotype that they are thieves and cheats. The "Gypsies" are a group of people with an extremely rich culture. There performances at festivals and such attract many tourists who find there life styles unique and interesting. The reason this minority group is discriminated against so terribly is not due to being a bad group of people, but a misunderstood group of people. Throughout European society and time there had been and still is a serve lack of understanding about the "Gypsies" which has lead to all the discrimination they have faced and are still facing today. When most people think of "Gypsies" they think of the stereotype "Gypsy", a nomad, a thief, and uneducated. Though finding schools for "Gypsies" can be hard there are "Gypsy" children that attend school. Only a minuet percentage of the "Gypsies" are nomatic.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Comparing Marlow of Heart of Darkness and Willard of Apocalypse Now Ess

Comparing Marlow of Heart of Darkness and Willard of Apocalypse Now      Whenever books are adapted for film, changes inevitably have to be made. The medium of film offers several advantages and disadvantages over the book: it is not as adept at exploring the inner workings of people - it cannot explore their minds so easily; however, the added visual and audio capabilities of film open whole new areas of the imagination which, in the hands of a competent writer-director, can more than compensate. Heart of Darkness relies heavily on lengthy philosophical and expository passages, as well as some very unusual and complex imagery; â€Å"not the easiest material to rewrite as a screenplay† (Canby, 18). However, rewrite it Francis Ford Coppola did, altering the time and place of the novel from 19th century Congo to 20th century Vietnam. Coppola made an original film, with concepts and ideas taken from Heart of Darkness, rather than making a straight film version of the book. Consequently, there are many similarities and differences between the film and the book. The character of Marlow is renamed Willard in Apocalypse Now. This is noteworthy; the character of Kurtz has the same name in both the text and the film, so why not Marlow? â€Å"This is probably because the character of Kurtz in the film is almost identical to that in the book, whereas Willard is very different from Marlow† (Benner, 34). Kurtz is the person who has disconnected himself from society; he is not tied to any particular era, so his character works just as effectively in the 20th century as in the 19th. However, Marlow is the ordinary person in Heart of Darkness - the one ordinary man in the entire book, more-or-less; he is what ties the book into the society of ... ...tif/Symbol/Metaphor (accessed 23 Jan. 2000). Benner, Ralph Heart of Darkness: A film review by Ralph Benner created 1996 (accessed 26 Jan. 2000). Canby, Vincent. "Apocalypse Now." The New York Times Film Reviews. New York: The New York Times & Arno Press, 1981. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness & The Secret Sharer. New York: Penguin Books, 1978. Fortmeyer, Russell. 'Apocalypse' cast filled with rage created 1994 (accessed 23 Jan. 2000). Heart of Darkness: Theme/Symbol/Allusion/Foreshadow (accessed 23 Jan. 2000). Urch, Martin. Apocalypse Now: A film review by Martin Urch created 1994 (accessed 23 Jan. 2000).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Big Society: A Realistic Objective or a Political Myth?

Chapter 1 IntroductionSocio-political backgroundThe connection between civil society and the state reflects the changing nature of the public – private interaction and poses questions about the role of government in advanced capitalist societies. The constantly changing dynamics of the public-private coexistence is a direct response to the processes of globalization and modernization, which have placed the state in an entirely different realm, and have challenged its parameters as a political entity. On the international level, what Samuel Huntington called â€Å"the third wave of democratization† (1991) has seen the globalization of world politics, and according to some, the undermined capacity of the state (Cerny, 1990; Scholte, 2006; Rosenau 1990). The third wave of democratization in the world has also been marked by the rise of the global civil society and the increasing power of non-governmental organizations and associations (Bull, 1977). On the domestic level, a similar process can be traced. Throughout the last several decades, the traditional political ubiquity of the state has been challenged, with the rise of civil society and associational democracy (Baccaro, 2002). The state no longer exists in its exhausted and narrow confinement as a ‘provider’ of public services. Its functions, theorists like Baccaro argue, have been divulged to the local communities and voluntary associations, which have become the new pillar not only of public opinion, but also for public advocacy in legislature. Civil society challenges the modern state to some extent, but its functions do not aim to undermine its capabilities. As this dissertation will argue, they seek to reinforce them.1.2 Research aimsThis dissertation will examine the feasibility and sustainability of the Big Society Project as a model of political governance. In order to do this, the author will focus on the connection between the private and the public in the contemporary state, and will assess the resuscitating power of civil society in the public sector. It will illustrate the theoretical connection between the two through the critical analysis of a rather contemporary juxtaposition between civil society and the state, proposed by the Conservative Party in 2010. Specific aspects will cover the shift of state powers from the public to the private realm.1.3 Historical trends before the Big SocietyAlthough the Big Society was represented as a strategy by the Conservative Party, its ideological tenets can be found in earlier observations, related to the rise of an independent civil state and community participation. Attempts to accommodate civil society and the state in the same political equation have started at the turn of the last century, with a deep reconsideration of the main characteristics of advanced capitalist societies and the role of the state. A leading Marxist theorist, Antonio Gramsci proposes a classic division between the state and non-state elements of governance in his Selections from the Prison Notebooks (1971). He views civil society as an organic entity, which exists beyond the realm of the government. The controversy in his theoretical model of governance comes from the exaggerated view that the civil society can exist as a self-regulatory body in a stateless world. A more moderate view on the connection between civil society and the state is proposed by sociologist Max Weber. In his Politics of the Civil Society Weber discusses the idea of public citizenship and its role in mass democracy. He discusses civil society not as an alternative, but as a cultivating force, neces sary for the existence of the modern state (Weber, 2004). The Weberian approach to understanding civil society suggests that the connection between the public and private is not necessarily exclusionary, as suggested by the Marxists. In his 1962 Capitalism and Political Freedom, economist Milton Friedman discusses economic neo-liberalism as an important prerequisite for political freedom of the citizens. He emphasizes the central role of the government as a provider of legislature, which would enforce property rights and civil institutions. Friedman’s economic philosophy of government intervention suggests a model of public-private form of governance. In an extensive study on social movements called Beyond Left and Right, Anthony Giddens goes even further and suggests that social movements are stronger advocates for change than political parties are (Giddens, 1994). Last but not least, in his Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital (1995) Robert Putnam uses the decline of voluntary associations and civic engagement to explain the social decay of the American community. As symptoms of social apathy, he points out the political disengagement of the American public and its growing distrust to the government (Putnam, 1995). The ideological tenet of the Big Society can also be related to what Lucio Baccaro calls associational democracy (2002). He describes associational democracy as the intersection between civil society and the state. Baccaro’s vision of decentralization and empowerment of the local communities can be used to fit the Big Society into a wider theoretical realm. Baccaro offers a model of public-private governance, which reveals elements of societal conservatism behind the Big Society’s main goal – the shift of regulatory powers from the government bureaucrats into the hands of the people. It is not difficult to notice a historical trend on the changing divisions between civil society and the state. Last several decades have witnessed a major shift towards empowerment of the private sector, and transfer of powers and regulatory functions in the hands civil society organizations. This trend does not necessarily mean however that the state as a provider of services and individual well-being is in decline. On the contrary, this historic tendency suggests that civil society is a pillar, not a threat to the state and can act as a channel for reform in the public sector. The next section will examine its contemporary manifestations as a policy, proposed by David Cameron and the Conservative Party in 2010.1.4. What is the Big SocietyIn July 2010 in Liverpool, after the general elections, David Cameron re-launched the Big Society Programme, which was to become part of the political platform of the new coalition government. The programme had five main tenets: localism and more power for the communities; volunteerism; transfer of power from central to local government; support of cooperatives, charities, and social enterprises; transparency of government legislation (Cameron, 2010). Under the Big Society programme, initiatives such as the Big Society Bank and the National Citizen Service (NCS) were established. The idea behind the Big Society is to attribute more responsibilities to the citizens as key participants in the policy-making process. According to David Cameron, its main purpose was to propose a ground up approach of governance, where power and ideas will derive from the people (Cameron, 2010). The Conservative Party proposed the Big Society Project as the engine of public sector reform. The government indicated that the Big Society would empower local communities in their attempts to solve problems in their own neighborhood, and to voice their opinions. 1.4.1 Ideology The ideology behind the Big Society is an unconventional type of conservatism. It views successful governance as a hybrid between the private and the public sectors, and citizens’ initiative as a prerequisite for associational democracy. The idea behind the Big Society is very often confused with classic Marxism, which offers an extreme and rather utopian view of civic associations as a necessary replacement of the state. The rise of a big society however, does not imply the demise of the state. The Big Society can be interpreted as a politically sensible response to the economic recession, poverty, and social breakdown. It has lead to Cameron’s recognition of the role of the public sector and volunteerism as antidotes of a disintegrating society (Bochel & Defty, 2010; Evans, 2011; Smith, 2010). The ideas of the Big Society diverge from the stance of some of David Cameron’s predecessors such as Margaret Thatcher, because it recognizes the role of non-state associ ations as advocates for political change and providers for the citizens. At the same time, it does not use the societal factor as an umbrella for a smaller government (Norman, 2011; Smith, 2010). Therefore, the ideology behind the Big Society can be described as societal conservatism. Societal should not be confused with social (or socialist), because the Big Society project does not exclude privatization within the welfare sector and public sector cuts. 1.4.2 Responses The Big Society project has provoked mixed responses. Its supporters claim that the idea to unite the public and the private sector as providers for the citizens is revolutionary and democratically advanced. Liberals tend to view this idea as innovative, because it emphasizes the role of the citizens in shaping modern day policy. The main criticisms of the Big Society are that is has been used to justify the radical budget cuts in the public and social sectors, and is too utopian to be implemented in practice. A popular criticism points to the lack of citizens’ incentive and appropriate skills, which are prerequisites for a fulfilling civic participation (Grint & Holt, 2011; Hasan, 2010). 1.4.3 Local empowerment and decentralization Localism and decentralization have been key tenets on the Big society agenda. Some of the proposals, designed to empower local authorities and citizens include introducing directly elected mayors and police commissioners; devolving the financial powers of local government; increasing transparency and letting local citizens choose the organisational structure of their local council (Inside Government, 2011). The ideology behind local empowerment and decentralization is akin to the neo-liberal political thought. The transformation of local empowerment into an actual policy came to life in March 2011, when the Localism Bill was passed by the House of Commons despite controversies over social housing (Hodge, 2011). Some of the prescriptions of the Localism Bill have already been put into practice. Ministers have started giving councils greater financial freedom, by devolving ?7 billion more of government funding. They have removed burdens and bureaucratic controls so that they local governments can prioritize budgets to support public services in ways, which meet the priorities of local people and communities (Communities & Local Government, 2011). This is one way to enhance reform in the public sector, as it will give more incentive for local governments to improve their services, and they will be transformed from recipients of policy, into actual initiators of one. 1.4.4 Volunteerism Another important tenet of the Big Society Project is the idea of volunteerism and civic associations. The new government has encouraged voluntary organizations and social enterprises, as another way to reform the public sector. Two of the key programmes, related to Big Society volunteerism are the National Citizens Service (NCS) and Community Organizers. These two programmes target thousands of volunteers of all age groups and different social backgrounds nationwide, and their participation in community projects in 2011 and 2012 (Cabinet Office, 2011). The ideology behind volunterrism relates to associational democracy, which holds that democratization does not necessarily come from the state, but also from the citizenry, with its accumulated incentives and skills. As far as policy is concerned, both NCS and Community Organizers already exist as programmes. Whether efficacy has been achieved will be discussed in detail in the following chapters. In general, the Big Society is an opportunity for citizens to participate in the actual process of policy-making and to provide first-hand feedback to those responsible for legislation. The most important component of the Big Society is the financial autonomy of the local councils, because it will play important part in the allocation of budgets. Local councils know the needs of their residents better than the national government (Smith, 2010; Norman, 2011). Their financial plans will be much more realistic and sustainable, targeting the public sectors policies, which have the biggest demand and have been starved for resources in the past. Financial decentralization can bring not only better quality of public sector services, but also more realistic response to the actual needs of the local residents.1.5 SummaryThis chapter has traced the historical and policy features of the idea of the Big Society, and has examined some of its basic tenets. The remaining chapters will examine in de tail the feasibility of the Big Society as a form of political governance, which can make local communities more involved in the policy-making process. Bibliography: Baccaro, L. (2002) â€Å"Civil Society Meets the State: A Model of Associational Democracy†. International Labour Office Working Paper No. DP/138/2002. Available at SSRN: or doi:10.2139/ssrn.334860 Retrieved 05.03.2012 Bochel, H. & Defty, A. (2010) â€Å"Safe as HouseConservative Social Policy, Public Opinion and Parliament†, The Political Quarterly, Vol 81, No 1, January-March Bull, H. (1977). The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillian Cabinet Office (2010) â€Å"Government Launches Big Society Programme†, 18 May, Available at: Retrieved 05.03.2012 ___________ (2010) â€Å"Government Puts Big Society at the Heart of Public Sector Reform†, 18 May Available at: Retrieved 05.03.2012 ___________ (2010) â€Å"Building the Big Society†, Available at: Retrieved 05.03.2012 Cameron, D. (2010) â€Å"Big Society Speech†, Monday, 19 July Available at: Retrieved 05.03.2012 Cerny, P.G. (1990). The Changing Architecture of Politics: Structure, Agency and the Future of the State, London Communities and Local Government (2011) â€Å"The Localism Bill marks a turning point†, 7 June, Available at: Retrieved 05.03.2012 Della Porta, D. & Diani, M. (2006). Social Movements: An Introduction. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, UK. p. 93-113 Evans, K. (2011) â€Å"Big Society in the UK: A Policy Review†, Vol 25, Issue 2, pp. 164-171, March Friedman, M. (1962) â€Å"The Relation between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom,† Capitalism and Freedom. University of Chicago Press, pp. 7-17 Available at: Retrieved 05.03.2012 Giddens, A. (1994) Beyond Left and Right. The Future of Radical Politics, Stanford University Press Gramsci, A. (1971) Selections from the Prison Notebooks, Lawrence and Wishart Grint, K. & Holt, C. (2011) â€Å"Leading Questions: If ‘Total Place’, ‘Big Society’ and local leadership are the answers: What’s the question?†, Leadership, 7 (I) 85-98 Hasan, M. (2010) â€Å"The Sham of Cameron’s Big Society†, New Statesman, 22 November Hodge, K. (2011) â€Å"Localism bill passed, advice for the elderly and regeneration cash†, Housing Network Blog, Guardian, 19 May Available at: Retrieved 05.03.2012 Huntington, S. P. (1991) Democracy’s Third Wave. The Journal of Democracy, 2(2) Inside Government (2011) â€Å"Big Society 2011: Empowering Communities, Encouraging Social Action and Opening Up Public Services†, 31 March Available at: Retrieved 05.03.2012 Marquand, D. (2004) The Decline of the Public: Hollowing Out Citizenship, Polity Press, Cambridge Norman, J. (2011) The Anatomy of the New Politics Buckingham: University of Buckingham Press Putnam, R. (1995). â€Å"Bowling Alone. America’s Declining Social Capital† Journal of Democracy 6, 65-78 Available at:,%20Putnam,%20bowling%20alone.pdf Rosenau, J.N. (1990) Turbulence in World Politics: A Theory and Continuity, London Scholte, J.A.(2006). Globalization a Critical Introduction. Palgrave Macmilian, UK. p. 13-123 Smith, M. (2010) â€Å"From Big Government to Big Society: Changing the State–Society Balance†, Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 63, Issue 4, pp. 818-833 Weber, M. (2004) Politics of the Civil Society, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Monday, September 16, 2019

Market Analysis for the E-Guitar Market

Market Analysis and Low-Price-Segments The global market for music instruments covers about $16,8 billion. As there are no reliable sources on worldwide sales data for guitars, the U. S. market shall be examined exemplarily. Table 1 shows the development of units sold, retails, and the average prices over the last ten years. It can be observed that there is a growth of nearly 275% in units sold, and about 160% in retail, whereat the average price decreased by 57%. According to this there is a strong tendency for low price products. Year| Units Sold| Retail| Average Price| 2010| 2,991,260| $1,151,290,000| $372| 009| 3,302,670| $1,158,592,050| $350| 2008| 3,201,220| $1,022,861,000| $309| 2007| 2,341,551| $903,261,000| $386| 2006| 1,942,625| $921,057,000| $529| 2005| 1,742,498| $922,280,000| $529| 2004| 1,648,595| $923,522,000| $560| 2003| 1,337,347| $762,185,000| $569| 2002| 1,153,915| $694,883,000| $579| 2001| 1,090,329 | $710,769,000| $652| In table 2 this tendency appears very obvio usly. In the low price segment, that is prices below $500, are about two third of the whole market volume. Comparing acoustic and electric guitars it can be observed that there is a stronger request for high prize electrics than acoustics. Units  Sold| Units  Sold| Type  |   Acoustics| Electrics| Under $100  | 390,028  | 256,354| $101 to $200  | 410,030  | 561,537  | $201 to $350  | 110,008  | 195,317  | $351 to $500  | 40,003  | 97,659| $501 to $1,000  | 40,003  | 61,037  | $1,001 to $1,500  | 10,001  | 24,415  | Over $1,5o1| 20,001  | 36,621| Total| 1,490,260| 1,501,000| Also it turns out that high quality guitars as Gibson’s or Paul Reed Smith’s, which are presented in this paper, are prestige goods with an inverse price-demand relationship. That is higher prices are associated with higher quality.Gibson’s former attempt to join the low price segment in order to compete with rivals such as Yamaha and Ibanez, which are both producers of cheap guitars, did not turn out to be successful as it did not match with their â€Å"century-old tradition of creating investment-quality instruments that represent the highest standards of imaginative design and masterful craftsmanship† (Kotler et al. 2010, p. 327). The strategy of focusing on the high quality segment, at a time when most guitar manufacturers entered the low price segment, has proven very successful. Gibson’s chief executive noted: â€Å"We had an inverse [price-demand relationship].The more we charged, the more product we sold. † Kotler et al. 2010 (Principles of Marketing, Thirteenth Edition, Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Pearson Education Inc. , Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2010) In case of prestige goods, the demand curve sometimes slopes upward. Consumers think that higher prices mean more quality. For example, Gibson Guitar Corporation once toyed with the idea of lowering its prices to compete more effectively with rivals such as Yamaha and Ibanez that make cheaper guitars. To its surprise, Gibson found that its instruments didn’t sell as well at lower prices. We had an inverse [price-demand relationship],† noted Gibson’s chief executive. â€Å"The more we charged, the more product we sold. † At a time when other guitar manufacturers have chosen to build their instruments more quickly, cheaply, and in greater numbers, Gibson still promises guitars that â€Å"are made one-at-a-time, by hand. No shortcuts. No substitutes. † It turns out that low prices simply aren’t consistent with â€Å"Gibson’s century-old tradition of creating investment-quality instruments that represent the highest standards of imaginative design and masterful craftsmanship. Bild Body

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Chapter 3: Structure and Function of the Cell

Chapter 3: Structure and Function of the Cell Multiple Choice 1. The structural and functional unit of all living organisms is the A)ribosome. B)cell. C)organ. D)organelle. E)plasma membrane. Answer: b Level: 1 2. Which of the following could be used to study general features of cells? A)a magnifying glass B)scanning electron microscope C)transmission electron microscope D)binoculars E)light microscope Answer: e Level: 1 3. In order to study in detail, the anatomy of internal cell parts, it would be best to use A)x-rays. B)flashlights. C)a transmission electron microscope (TEM). D)tissue cultures. E)a scanning electron microscope (SEM).Answer: c Level: 1 4. The plasma membrane A)separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell. B)is a rigid protein membrane. C)is not permeable. D)has a single layer of phospholipids. E)regulates movement of materials into and out of the cell. Answer: e Level: 1 5. The environment outside the plasma membrane is most appropriately referred to as A)intrac ellular. B)extracellular. C)multicellular. D)centrocellular. E)none of the above. Answer: b Level: 1 6. The fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane suggests that A)cholesterol forms the outermost layer of the membrane. B)proteins form a â€Å"liquid† sea in the membrane.C)phospholipids form a single lipid layer in the center of the membrane. D)the membrane is neither rigid nor static in structure. E)proteins are not a part of the membrane. Answer: d Level: 1 7. According to the most current model of the plasma membrane A)cholesterol forms the innermost layer of the membrane B)proteins are free to move about with a double layer of phospholipids C)phospholipids and cholesterol form a single lipid bilayer D)the membrane is a rigid unchanging structure E)the membrane is impermeable to all other molecules. Answer: b Level: 1 8. Which of the following activities is a function of the plasma membrane?A)digestion of unneeded cell organelles B)recognition of bacterial cells by the im mune system C)transport of products from the nucleus to the endoplasmic reticulum D)cell metabolism E)detoxification Answer: b Level: 2 9. Plasma membrane phospholipids A)have polar (charged) tails. B)are arranged in a single layer. C)have tails that face the exterior of the membrane. D)are 95% cholesterol. E)have a hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tails. Answer: e Level: 1 10. Which of the following is correctly matched with its function? A)channel proteins – are part of an intercellular communication system B)marker molecules – are primarily steroidsC)receptor molecules – attach to ligand molecules. D)peripheral proteins – penetrate the lipid bilayer from one surface to the other. E)nongated ion channels – are always closed. Answer: c Level: 1 11. In general, water-soluble molecules diffuse through the ______ ______; and lipid-soluble molecules diffuse through the ______ ______. A)protein channels; protein channels B)protein channels; bilipid lay er C)bilipid layer; protein channels D)bilipid layer; bilipid layer E)none of the above Answer: b Level: 2 12. Cell membrane phospholipids A)have nonpolar fatty acid tails. B)form a bilayer. C)have polar phosphate heads.D)create a selectively permeable barrier. E)all of the above Answer: e Level: 1 13. When a sperm cell comes into contact with an egg cell, there is a change in the electrical charge across the plasma membrane and various channel proteins close. These channels would be called A)open-gated channels. B)voltage-gated channels. C)chemical-gated channels. D)ligand-gated channels. E)nongated ion channels. Answer: b Level: 2 14. Communication between cells occurs when chemical messengers from one cell bind to _____ on another cell. A)channel proteins B)receptor molecules C)marker molecules D)second messengersE)integrins. Answer: b Level: 1 15. Channel proteins A)are binding sites for other molecules. B)utilize the G protein complex to function. C)are found only on endoplasmi c reticulum. D)allow cells to recognize one another. E)provide a â€Å"door† through which extracellular molecules can enter the cell Answer: e Level: 1 16. Molecules that serve as chemical signals in cell to cell communication are called A)isotopes. B)ligands. C)responders. D)communicators. E)membrane potentials. Answer: b Level: 1 17. Cells that respond to ligands A)possess receptor sites for specific ligands. B)generally produce the ligands.C)have lysosomes that destroy the ligands. D)are using electrical signals in cellualar communication. E)are not functional. Answer: a Level: 1 18. Membrane-bound receptors A)are small, lipid soluble molecules. B)have their receptor sites on the outer surface of the plasma membrane. C)can interact with DNA in the nucleus. D)do not exhibit specificity. E)have no effect on the cell. Answer: b Level: 1 19. Consider the following events and choose the one that occurs last. A)Acetylcholine is released from neurons. B)Acetylcholine diffuses ac ross the synapse to the receptor. C)Na+ ion channels in the plasma membrane are opened.D)Acetylcholine binds to membrane-bound receptors on skeletal muscle cells E)Na+ ions diffuse into skeletal muscle cells. Answer: e Level: 2 20. G proteins are found associated with the A)nucleus. B)cytoplasm. C)Golgi body. D)plasma membrane. E)ribosome. Answer: d Level: 1 21. Communication between cells is essential to coordinate the activity of the trillions of cell that make up the human body. Which of the following is (are) directly involved in carrying out communication between cells? A)lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane B)receptor molecules of plasma membrane C)chemical signal molecules released by cells D)mitochondriaE)b and c Answer: e Level: 1 22. The plasma membrane is selectively permeable. This means A)only gases and water can pass through it. B)substances need permission to pass through it. C)only certain substances can pass through it. D)substances need carrier molecules to pass th rough it. E)ATP is always needed to move molecules across the plasma membrane. Answer: c Level: 1 23. Vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin, would move across the plasma membrane into the cell A)in vesicles. B)through vitamin membrane channels. C)by dissolving in the lipid bilayer. D)by transport with carrier molecules. E)by active transport. Answer: c Level: 2 24.Which of the following statements concerning membrane transport across the plasma membrane is true? A)Polar molecules are transported more easily than nonpolar molecules. B)Lipid-soluble substances pass through the membrane by dissolving in the lipid bilayer. C)Water cannot move through the membrane. D)Generally, cations pass through the membrane more easily than anions. E)All molecules are moved across by active transport. Answer: b Level: 1 25. The aroma of cookies baking in the kitchen reaches you in the living room. The distribution of this odor throughout the house is an example of A)active transport. B)dialysis. C)osmosis . D)filtration.E)simple diffusion. Answer: e Level: 2 26. In the process of diffusion, net movement of substances is always from a region A)outside the cell to a region inside the cell. B)inside the cell to a region outside the cell. C)of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration. D)of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. E)none of the above Answer: d Level: 1 27. Which of the following will increase the rate of diffusion? A)an increase in the viscosity of the solvent B)an increase in the temperature C)an increase in the molecular weight of the diffusing particles D)an increase in the distance the molecules have to travelE)all of the above Answer: b Level: 1 28. Salt was added to a beaker of distilled water (the water was not stirred). A sample taken from the bottom of the beaker was found to be 20% salt. At the same time, a sample taken from the top of the beaker was found to be 2% salt. After 24 hours A)the difference in the percentage of salt bet ween the top and bottom samples would increase. B)the percentage of salt in top and bottom samples would be approximately equal. C)the samples would still be 2% and 20% respectively. D)the salt would float to the top. E)none of the above Answer: b Level: 2 29.The movement of oxygen from the alveoli of the lungs into the bloodstream is an example of A)diffusion. B)osmosis. C)active transport. D)bulk transport. E)facilitated diffusion. Answer: a Level: 2 30. Osmosis is the diffusion of _____ across a selectively permeable membrane. A)urea B)oxygen C)water D)sodium E)sugar Answer: c Level: 1 31. Solution A contains 5 grams of sugar per liter while solution B contains 2 grams of sugar per liter. The solutions are separated by a selectively permeable membrane. If the solvent in both solutions is water, predict in which direction most of the water molecules will move.A)move by simple diffusion from solution A to solution B B)move by osmosis from solution B to solution A C)move by active t ransport from solution B to solution A D)move by filtration from solution A to solution B E)there will be no movement of water Answer: b Level: 3 32. The greater the concentration of a solution, the greater A)the tendency for water to diffuse from the solution. B)the osmotic pressure of the solution. C)the number of carrier molecules present. D)the amount of solvent. E)the rate of facilitated diffusion. Answer: b Level: 1 33. A red blood cell that is placed in a hypertonic solution, A)gains water.B)loses water. C)floats. D)ruptures. E)neither gains nor loses water. Answer: b Level: 2 34. If 0. 9% saline solution is isotonic to a cell, then a 0. 5% saline solution A)is hypertonic to the cell. B)will cause crenation of the cell. C)is hypotonic to the cell. D)will shrink the cell. E)will not affect the cell. Answer: c Level: 2 35. A person suffered from burns over a large part of his body. Evaporation of fluid from the surface of burned areas occurs. As a result of the evaporation proc ess, cells will tend to A)shrink. B)swell. C)rupture. D)first swell and then resume their original shape. E)remain unchanged. Answer: aLevel: 2 36. Plasma has an osmolality of 300 mOsm. A solution isosmotic with plasma has an osmolality of A)150 mOsm. B)300 mOsm. C)450 mOsm. D)600 mOsm. E)900 mOsm. Answer: b Level: 2 37. A runner produced hypotonic sweat while running a marathon in hot weather. After the race he drank large volumes of water, as a result of the water intake his body cells will A)shrink. B)swell. C)crenate. D)shrivel. E)not change. Answer: b Level: 2 38. The movement of a solution across a plasma membrane because of a pressure gradient is called A)diffusion. B)osmosis. C)facilitated diffusion. D)active transport. E)filtration. Answer: eLevel: 1 39. Which of the following would increase the rate of mediated transport? A)increase the number of available carrier molecules B)change the shape of the binding site on the carrier molecule C)increase the number of competitive molecules D)fill all binding sites on carrier molecules E)remove the binding site on the carrier molecule Answer: a Level: 2 40. A particular membrane transport process exhibits saturation, uses carrier molecules, but does not require ATP. The process is probably A)active transport. B)facilitated diffusion. C)osmosis. D)pinocytosis. E)phagocytosis. Answer: b Level: 2 41. Active transportA)follows osmotic pressure gradients. B)can move substances along their concentration gradient. C)does not requires metabolic energy (ATP). D)involves vesicle formation. E)requires ATP. Answer: e Level: 1 42. Which of the following are consistent with active transport? 1. movement is against a concentration gradient 2. movement is with a concentration gradient 3. involves a carrier molecule 4. can involve cotransport 5. can involve counter transport 6. exhibits competition and saturation A)1, 3, 4, 5, 6 B)2, 3, 4, 5 C)2, 3, 4, 5, 6 D)1, 3, 4, 6 E)1, 3, 5, 6 Answer: a Level: 2 43. Cyanide stops the pr oduction of ATP.Which of the following processes would be affected? A)simple diffusion B)osmosis C)active transport D)facilitated diffusion E)filtration Answer: c Level: 2 44. The sodium-potassium exchange pump located in the plasma membrane A)actively transports potassium into cells. B)osmotically moves sodium into cells. C)actively transports water out of cells. D)moves chlorine out of cells. E)actively transports sodium into cells. Answer: a Level: 1 45. When ions or molecules involved in secondary active transport move in the same direction, the process is called A)facilitated diffusion. B)counter-transport. C)exocytosis. D)cotransport. E)endocytosis.Answer: d Level: 1 46. Which of the following events occurs in the secondary active transport of glucose? A)Na+ ions and glucose are cotransported by the same carrier molecule. B)The Na+-K+ pump maintains a Na+ concentration gradient inside the cell. C)Energy comes from diffusion of Na+ down their concentration gradient. D)Glucose i s moved against its concentration gradient into the cell. E)all of the above Answer: e Level: 2 47. A group of cells was treated with a proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzyme. Which of the following processes would be least affected by this treatment? A)diffusion of sodium through sodium membrane channelsB)diffusion of lipid-soluble molecules through the plasma membrane C)use of carrier molecules in facilitated diffusion D)sodium-potassium exchange pump E)secondary active transport Answer: b Level: 2 48. Certain cells in the liver ingest bacteria and debris from damaged cells by a process called A)pinocytosis. B)phagocytosis. C)biocytosis. D)calmly regulated diffusion. E)exocytosis. Answer: b Level: 2 49. Pinocytosis A)is a form of exocytosis. B)involves ingestion of liquids rather than particles. C)does not require ATP. D)forms vesicles only when large amounts of material are being transported. E)does not require the formation of vesicles.Answer: b Level: 1 50. Endocytosis A)is mov ement of water through a selectively permeable membrane. B)is a process that requires a carrier molecule but does not use cellular energy. C)is the bulk uptake of material through the plasma membrane by vesicle formation. D)moves material out of the cell. E)ends cell functions. Answer: c Level: 1 51. Arrange the following events of exocytosis in the correct sequence: 1. vesicle membrane fuses with plasma membrane 2. secretory vesicles migrate to plasma membrane 3. vesicle contents are expelled from cell 4. secretions accumulate within secretory vesicles A)2, 1, 4, 3B)1, 4, 2, 3 C)3, 1, 4, 2 D)4, 2, 1, 3 E)1, 2, 3, 4 Answer: d Level: 3 52. Receptor-mediated endocytosis A)does not need ATP; the receptors supply the energy. B)exhibits specificity. C)occurs if oxygen is available. D)is a type of passive transport. E)moves materials out of the cell. Answer: b Level: 1 53. Which of the following are consistent with facilitated diffusion? 1. movement is against a concentration gradient 2. movement is with a concentration gradient 3. involves a carrier molecule 4. involves cotransport 5. involves counter transport 6. exhibits competition and saturation A)1, 2, 4, 5, 6 B)2, 3, 6C)2, 3, 5, 6 D)1, 3, 4, 5, 6 E)2, 3, 4, 6 Answer: b Level: 2 54. Which of the following would increase the maximum rate of facilitated diffusion? A)increase the concentration gradient of the transported molecule B)decrease the concentration gradient of the transported molecule C)increase the concentration of the competitive molecules D)increased ATP synthesis E)none of the above Answer: e Level: 3 55. If a toxic drug inhibited mRNA synthesis, which of the following would be most directly affected? A)protein synthesis B)intracellular digestion C)microtubule production D)secretion of glycoproteins and lipoproteinsE)active transport Answer: a Level: 2 56. Cytoplasm is found A)in the nucleus. B)outside the nucleus but inside the plasma membrane. C)in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. D)on the cristae of the mitochondria. E)between the phospholipids in the plasma membrane. Answer: b Level: 1 57. The cytoskeleton consists of A)lipochromes, microfilaments, and microtubules. B)actin filaments, mitochondria, and intermediate filaments. C)microfilaments, mitochondria, and lipochromes. D)microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments. E)ribosomes, the nucleus, and the Golgi apparatus. Answer: d Level: 1 58.Absence of a cytoskeleton might affect A)cell shape. B)the number of channel proteins in the cell membrane. C)the ability of the cell to generate energy. D)vesicle formation. E)membrane transport. Answer: a Level: 1 59. Microtubules A)are the smallest components of the cytoskeleton. B)contains the protein myosin. C)provide structure and support to the cytoplasm. D)are solid, supporting rods of protein. E)are a component of mitochondria. Answer: c Level: 1 60. Of the organelles listed, which one does not contain microtubules? A)cilia B)flagella C)centrioles D)mi crovilli E)basal bodies Answer: d Level: 1 61.Organelles A)are extracellular structures. B)are unspecialized portions of a cell. C)generally lack membranes. D)vary in number and type depending on cell function. E)are structural, but not functional parts of the cell. Answer: d Level: 2 62. Which of the following organelles function in the destruction of nonfunctional organelles? A)endoplasmic reticulum B)centrioles C)basal bodies D)lysosomes E)mitochondria Answer: d Level: 1 63. Ribosomes are organelles responsible for A)protein synthesis. B)manufacturing lipids. C)cell movement and cell shape. D)packaging â€Å"cell products† for export. E)energy production.Answer: a Level: 1 64. Cells that lack ribosomes cannot A)produce energy. B)eliminate wastes. C)engage in protein synthesis. D)package cellular products. E)ingest and phagocytize bacteria. Answer: c Level: 1 65. Skeletal muscle cells need large numbers of _______ to make the many proteins they contain. A)centrosomes B)pero xisomes C)liposomes D)ribosomes E)lysosomes Answer: d Level: 2 66. If you compare a cell with a manufacturing plant that exports goods, the cell's _____ could be compared to the manufacturing plant's shipping department. A)nucleus B)lysosome C)Golgi apparatus D)endoplasmic reticulumE)ribosome Answer: c Level: 2 67. The organelle that protects cells from the damaging effects of medications and toxins is the A)ribosome. B)microtubule. C)secretory vesicle. D)smooth endoplasmic reticulum. E)mitochondria. Answer: d Level: 1 68. The function of the Golgi apparatus is A)packaging and distribution of proteins and lipids. B)production of microtubules. C)excretion of excess salt. D)DNA replication. E)energy production. Answer: a Level: 1 69. Endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes attached to it is called A)smooth ER. B)dendritic ER. C)nodular ER. D)bumpy ER. E)rough ER. Answer: e Level: 1 70.A cell that produces many proteins for secretion from the cell would have large numbers of A)rough ER an d Golgi. B)lysosomes and Golgi. C)Golgi and microvilli. D)ribosomes and centrioles. E)mitochondria and cilia. Answer: a Level: 2 71. Arrange the following in correct sequence: 1. Protein moves through ER and then carried in vesicles to Golgi. 2. Vesicle pinches off from Golgi and carries product to plasma membrane. 3. Golgi modifies protein and then packages them into vesicles. 4. Protein made by ribosomes on rough ER. A)1, 2, 3, 4 B)4, 1, 3, 2 C)2, 3, 1, 4 D)3, 2, 4, 1 E)4, 3, 2, 1 Answer: b Level: 2 72.A toxic drug destroyed the Golgi apparatus. This would affect A)ribosomal RNA synthesis. B)intracellular digestion. C)energy production. D)microtubule production. E)packaging of glycoproteins and lipoproteins. Answer: e Level: 2 73. The intracellular digestive system of a cell is the A)lysosome. B)microtubule. C)lipochrome. D)rough endoplasmic reticulum. E)smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Answer: a Level: 1 74. White blood cells eat other cells and would be expected to A)have large num bers of lysosomes. B)possess cilia on their surfaces so they can move quickly. C)excrete excess salt as a result of all this eating.D)expel their nuclei to make room for all of the cells they eat. E)have mitochondria to energize them. Answer: a Level: 2 75. Which of the following activities is associated with lysosomes? A)exocytosis B)intracellular support C)destruction of nonfunctional organelles D)energy production E)endocytosis Answer: c Level: 1 76. A cell with abundant peroxisomes would most likely be involved in A)secretion. B)storage of glycogen. C)detoxification activities. D)cellular communication. E)protein synthesis. Answer: c Level: 1 77. Damaged cells can destroy nearby healthy cells when they release ________ enzymes. A)mitochondrialB)nuclear C)microtubular D)lysosomal E)cytoplasmic Answer: d Level: 1 78. A cell's ability to replenish ATP is reduced by a metabolic poison. Which organelle is being affected? A)nucleus B)centriole C)microtubule D)mitochondrion E)ribosomes Answer: d Level: 2 79. Experimental manipulation to increase the energy output of the cell might include A)rupturing the lysosomes in the cell. B)increasing the number of mitochondria. C)decreasing nuclear size. D)removing some of the ribosomes. E)increasing protein synthesis. Answer: b Level: 1 80. Which of the following terms does not relate to the mitochondria? A)cristaeB)self-replicating C)outer and inner membranes D)ATP E)vitamin A storage Answer: e Level: 1 81. When a person trains for running long distances, which of the following organelles increase in his/her muscles? A)rough endoplasmic reticulum B)enzymes for glycolysis C)basal bodies D)lysosomes E)mitochondria Answer: e Level: 2 82. You are looking at a cell with the electron microscope and you notice the following characteristics: presence of many mitochondria and lysosomes; few, if any, Golgi; and many ribosomes. Which of the following is the most likely function of that cell? A)secretion of lipids B)intracellular dig estionC)DNA replication D)modification of protein E)absorption of nutrients Answer: b Level: 2 83. Which of the following pairs of terms is mismatched? A)mitochondria – cristae B)Golgi apparatus – cisternae C)lysosomes – hydrolytic enzymes D)smooth endoplasmic reticulum — chromatin E)cilia – basal bodies Answer: d Level: 1 84. Mitochondria A)contains DNA. B)have inner and outer membranes. C)have inner folds called cristae. D)are the cell’s power plants. E)all of the above Answer: e Level: 1 85. Which of the following cell organelles is correctly matched with its function? A)nucleolus – contains the genetic material of the cellB)microtubules – cell support C)mitochondria – protein synthesis D)smooth ER – ATP production E)ribosome – energy production Answer: b Level: 1 86. A cell can meet increased energy demands by an A)increase in its overall size so it has more room to generate energy. B)increase in the nu mber of mitochondria. C)increase in lysosomal enzyme and ribosome activity within the cell. D)increase in nuclear DNA activity. E)increase in ribosomal subunits. Answer: b Level: 1 87. A cell uses centrioles in the process of A)cell division. B)energy generation. C)protein synthesis. D)RNA replication. E)nuclear centering.Answer: a Level: 1 88. Cilia and flagella are distinguished from each other on the basis of A)width and numbers. B)length and numbers. C)depth and numbers. D)length and width. E)none of the above Answer: b Level: 1 89. Microvilli A)are extensions of the lysosomal membrane. B)function to make the cell mobile. C)are supported by microtubules. D)move the cell. E)increase the surface area of the cell. Answer: e Level: 1 90. Which of the following cell organelles does not contain microtubules? A)cilia B)flagella C)spindle fibers D)centrioles E)All of the above contain microtubules. Answer: e Level: 1 91.The â€Å"control center† of the cell is the A)nucleus. B)ri bosome. C)mitochondrion. D)plasma membrane. E)endoplasmic reticulum. Answer: a Level: 1 92. Which of the following events occurs in the nucleus? A)large and small ribosomal subunits combine B)ribosomal proteins formed C)large and small ribosomal subunits form D)formation of free ribosomes E)None of the above occur in the nucleus. Answer: c Level: 1 93. Which of the following structures is found in the nucleus? A)cristae B)cytosol C)cisternae D)chromosome E)flattened membrane sacs Answer: d Level: 1 94. The nucleus of a cell functions to A)digest lipids.B)produce ATP. C)produce secretory vesicles. D)control and coordinate cellular activities. E)synthesize proteins. Answer: d Level: 1 95. Nucleoli A)are located in the cytoplasm. B)produce ribosomal subunits. C)have a distinct membrane. D)are important for the formation of the Golgi apparatus. E)regulates movement of materials into the nucleus. Answer: b Level: 1 96. Which of the following correctly matches a nuclear structure with its function? A)chromosomes – contains RNA and histones B)nuclear envelope – contains the nucleolar organizer C)nuclear pores – allow molecules to move between the nucleus and cytoplasm.D)chromatin – fluid portion of the nucleus E)nucleolus – DNA synthesis Answer: c Level: 1 97. Glycolysis A)converts glycogen to glucose. B)reduces pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide and water. C)converts glucose to pyruvic acid. D)is oxygen dependent. E)does not occur in the cell. Answer: c Level: 1 98. Aerobic respiration occurs when _______ is available. A)carbon dioxide B)oxygen C)lactic acid D)light E)nitrogen Answer: b Level: 1 99. Anaerobic respiration A)occurs in cells when oxygen supplies do not meet cell demands. B)produces 38 ATP molecules per glucose molecule. C)occurs in the mitochondria.D)frequently involves the electron transport system. E)is referred to as the â€Å"citric acid cycle. † Answer: a Level: 1 100. Messenger RNA A)is synthesized when a por tion of a DNA molecule is transcribed. B)directs the synthesis of DNA. C)determines the sequence of nucleotides in the anticodons of tRNA. D)directs the synthesis of centrioles in the cytoplasm. E)is not involved in the synthesis of proteins. Answer: a Level: 1 101. The transfer of information from DNA to messenger RNA (mRNA) is known as A)transduction. B)translocation. C)translation. D)transcription. E)transmutation. Answer: d Level: 1 102.Which of the following sequences is correct? A)translation ( protein synthesis ( transcription B)transcription ( translation ( protein synthesis C)transcription ( protein synthesis ( translation D)translation ( transcription ( protein synthesis E)protein synthesis ( translation (transcription Answer: b Level: 1 103. Translation A)requires three types of DNA. B)requires the pairing of codons on mRNA with anticodons on tRNA. C)involves synthesis of RNA from DNA molecules. D)takes place in the nucleus. E)requires replication of DNA. Answer: b Level: 1 104. Which of the following molecules contains the anticodon?A)mRNA B)rRNA C)tRNA D)DNA E)none of the above Answer: c Level: 1 105. If a mRNA molecule is 1800 nucleotides (bases) in length, this molecule will contain _____ codons. A)400 B)600 C)800 D)900 E)1200 Answer: b Level: 2 106. The sequence of nucleotides in a messenger RNA molecule is needed to determine the A)sequence of nucleotides in a gene. B)sequence of amino acids in a protein. C)sequence of nucleotides in the anticodons of tRNA. D)sequence of codons in DNA. E)sequence of amino acids in DNA. Answer: b Level: 1 107. Transcription A)requires three types of RNA. B)synthesizes RNA from DNA.C)occurs at the ribosomes. D)copies information from mRNA to tRNA. E)synthesizes DNA from RNA. Answer: b Level: 1 108. A DNA base sequence is A T G C C G. The sequence of bases in a strand of mRNA transcribed from this sequence of bases in DNA would be A)T A C G G C. B)U T C G G U. C)U A C G G C. D)A U G C C G. E)T A G G G G Answer: c Level: 2 109. The anticodon sequence GUA pairs with which of the following codons? A)CAT B)GUA C)CTU D)CAU E)CTT Answer: d Level: 2 110. Posttranscriptional processing is the modification of A)proteins to form pro-proteins. B)mRNA to form tRNA. C)pre-mRNA to form functional mRNA.D)exons to form introns. E)DNA. Answer: c Level: 1 111. Determine the sequence of the following events in a cell after exposure of the cell to a chemical signal. 1. increased synthesis of a protein 2. the chemical signal combined with a cytoplasmic receptor 3. an increase in the nuclear concentration of the chemical 4. an increase in mRNA synthesis 5. genes are activated A)2, 1, 3, 5, 4 B)2, 4, 5, 3, 2 C)2, 3, 5, 4, 1 D)2, 3, 4, 5, 1 E)1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Answer: c Level: 3 112. DNA replication results in two new DNA molecules. Each of these new molecules A)has two newly synthesized strands of nucleotides.B)has one strand of nucleotides from the parent DNA and one newly synthesized strand of nucleotides. C)has tw o strands of nucleotides from the parent. D)has a single strand of nucleotides. E)are incomplete copies of the original. Answer: b Level: 1 113. In DNA replication, A)the leading strand is formed as a continuous strand. B)new nucleotides are added at the 5†² end of the growing DNA strand. C)DNA polymerase splices the short segments of the lagging strand together. D)only introns are replicated. E)the two existing strands are not used as templates. Answer: a Level: 1 114. MitosisA)forms two daughter cells with half the DNA of the mother cell. B)forms two daughter cells with the same amount of DNA as the mother cell. C)forms daughter cells called gametes. D)forms two daughter cells with twice the amount of DNA as the mother cell. E)forms one daughter cell and another incomplete cell. Answer: b Level: 1 115. Human somatic cells contain _____ chromosomes, human gametes contain _____ chromosomes. A)23; 46 B)23; 23 C)46; 46 D)46; 23 E)92; 46 Answer: d Level: 1 116. DNA synthesis occur s during A)the G1 phase of interphase. B)telophase. C)the S phase of interphase. D)anaphase. E)metaphase. Answer: cLevel: 1 117. In prophase A)the chromosomes condense, shorten, and thicken. B)the spindle fibers disappear. C)the chromosomes replicate. D)cytokinesis occurs. E)DNA is synthesized. Answer: a Level: 1 118. Which of the following events occurs during anaphase? A)Chromatin strands condense to form chromosomes. B)Chromosomes migrate to opposite poles of the cell. C)Spindle fibers are formed. D)The nuclear envelope degenerates. E)Cytokinesis Answer: b Level: 1 119. Meiosis is the process of cell division that results in the formation of A)skin cells. B)gametes (egg and sperm). C)diploid cells. D)malignant cells. E)somatic cells.Answer: b Level: 1 120. Arrange the following events of meiosis in correct sequence. 1. pairs of homologous chromosomes separate 2. tetrad formation occurs 3. second meiotic division 4. tetrads align at the equatorial plate 5. interkinesis A)1, 3, 5, 2, 4 B)2, 4, 1, 5, 3 C)3, 1, 4, 5, 2 D)4, 1, 2, 5, 3 E)2, 4, 1, 3, 5 Answer: b Level: 2 121. Each of the cells that result from meiosis A)has the same number of chromosomes as the original cell. B)has half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. C)has one-fourth the number of chromosomes as the original cell. D)has twice the number of chromosomes as the original cell.E)has no chromosomes Answer: b Level: 1 122. Crossing over A)occurs during mitosis. B)increases the amount of genetic diversity. C)results in the formation of chromatids with the same DNA sequences. D)form tetrads. E)decreases the amount of genetic diversity. Answer: b Level: 1 Refer to the following diagram for questions 123-127. [pic] 123. What structure does â€Å"A† represent on the diagram of the plasma membrane? A)membrane channel protein B)phospholipid bilayer C)internal membrane surface D)peripheral protein E)receptor protein Answer: b Level: 1 124. What structure does â€Å"B† represent on the diagram of the plasma membrane?A)membrane channel protein B)phospholipid bilayer C)internal membrane surface D)peripheral protein E)receptor protein Answer: a Level: 1 125. What structure does â€Å"C† represent on the diagram of the plasma membrane? A)membrane channel protein B)phospholipid bilayer C)internal membrane surface D)peripheral protein E)receptor protein Answer: e Level: 1 126. What structure does â€Å"D† represent on the diagram of the plasma membrane? A)membrane channel protein B)phospholipid bilayer C)internal membrane surface D)peripheral protein E)receptor protein Answer: d Level: 1 127. What structure does â€Å"E† represent on the diagram of the plasma membrane?A)membrane channel protein B)phospholipid bilayer C)internal membrane surface D)peripheral protein E)receptor protein Answer: c Level: 1 Refer to the following diagram for questions 128-132. [pic] 128. Red blood cells (RBCs) have been placed in three different solutions: hypotonic , hypertonic, isotonic. What is solution â€Å"A† relative to the RBC? A)hypotonic solution B)hypertonic solution C)isotonic solution D)hemolyzed E)crenated Answer: c Level: 3 129. Red blood cells (RBCs) have been placed in three different solutions: hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic. What is solution â€Å"B† relative to the RBC? A)hypotonic solutionB)hypertonic solution C)isotonic solution D)hemolyzed E)crenated Answer: b Level: 3 130. Red blood cells (RBCs) have been placed in three different solutions: hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic. What is solution â€Å"C† relative to the RBC? A)hypotonic solution B)hypertonic solution C)isotonic solution D)hemolyzed E)crenated Answer: a Level: 3 131. Red blood cells (RBCs) have been placed in three different solutions: hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic. What is the condition of the RBC in solution â€Å"C†? A)hypotonic solution B)hypertonic solution C)isotonic solution D)hemolyzed E)crenated Answer: d Level: 3 132.Re d blood cells (RBCs) have been placed in three different solutions: hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic. What is the condition of the RBC in solution â€Å"B†? A)hypotonic solution B)hypertonic solution C)isotonic solution D)hemolyzed E)crenated Answer: e Level: 3 Refer to the following diagram for questions 133-137. [pic] 133. The diagram is an overview of cell metabolism. What does â€Å"A† represent? A)Glucose B)2 lactic acid + 2 ATP C)O2 D)6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 38 ATP E)Pyruvic acid Answer: e Level: 1 134. The diagram is an overview of cell metabolism. What does â€Å"B† represent? A)Glucose B)2 lactic acid + 2 ATP C)O2 D)6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 38 ATP E)Pyruvic acidAnswer: c Level: 1 135. The diagram is an overview of cell metabolism. What does â€Å"C† represent? A)Glucose B)2 lactic acid + 2 ATP C)O2 D)6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 38 ATP E)Pyruvic acid Answer: b Level: 1 136. The diagram is an overview of cell metabolism. What does â€Å"D† represent? A)Glucose B)2 lactic acid + 2 ATP C)O2 D)6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 38 ATP E)Pyruvic acid Answer: a Level: 1 137. The diagram is an overview of cell metabolism. What does â€Å"E† represent? A)Glucose B)2 lactic acid + 2 ATP C)O2 D)6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 38 ATP E)Pyruvic acid Answer: d Level: 1 For questions 138 to 142 match the following processes with the appropriate definition or description.A)requires a carrier molecule but does not use cellular energy B)bulk uptake of material by the formation of a vesicle C)movement of substances from areas of high concentration to areas of less concentration D)movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane E)movement of molecules against their concentration gradient 138. active transport Answer: e Level: 1 139. diffusion Answer: c Level: 1 140. endocytosis Answer: b Level: 1 141. facilitated diffusion Answer: a Level: 1 142. osmosis Answer: d Level: 1 For questions 143 to 147 match the following types of membrane proteins to its function.A)have exposed site on outer cell surface that can attach to ligand B)integral proteins that move ions or molecules across plasma membrane C)form a passageway through the plasma membrane D)allow cells to identify one another E)proteins that can catalyze chemical reactions on inner or outer surface of plasma membrane 143. Marker molecules Answer: d Level: 1 144. Channel protein Answer: c Level: 1 145. Receptor molecules Answer: a Level: 1 146. Enzymes Answer: e Level: 1 147. Carrier proteins Answer: b Level: 1 For questions 148 to 152 match the following cell organelles with the appropriate definition or description.A)source of the spindle fibers B)organelles that produce most of the cell’s energy C)sacs containing hydrolytic enzymes D)sites of protein synthesis E)contains the chromosomes 148. nucleus Answer: e Level: 1 149. ribosomes Answer: d Level: 1 150. lysosomes Answer: c Level: 1 151. mitochondria Answer: b Level: 1 152. centrioles Answer: a Level: 1 For questions 153 to 157 match the followi ng descriptions with the appropriate metabolic pathway. A)aerobic respiration B)anaerobic respiration 153. occurs without oxygen Answer: b Level: 1 154. uses the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain Answer: a Level: 1 155. ccurs in the mitochondria with oxygen Answer: a Level: 1 156. converts pyruvic acid to lactic acid Answer: b Level: 1 157. produces carbon dioxide, water, and ATP Answer: a Level: 1 For questions 158 to 162 match the following cell organelles with the appropriate definition or description. A)organelle where subunits of ribosomes are manufactured B)an organelle of locomotion C)may or may not have ribosomes attached D)small vacuoles containing oxidative enzymes E)package materials for secretion from the cell 158. endoplasmic reticulum Answer: c Level: 1 159. Golgi apparatus Answer: e Level: 1 160. nucleolus Answer: a Level: 1 61. peroxisomes Answer: d Level: 1 162. flagellum Answer: b Level: 1 For questions 163 to 167 match the following stages of the cell cycle with the appropriate description. A)chromosomes align along equator B)cytokinesis is completed at the end of this phase C)time between cell divisions D)chromatin condenses and nucleoli disappear E)chromosomes begin migrating towards poles of the cell 163. interphase Answer: c Level: 1 164. prophase Answer: d Level: 1 165. metaphase Answer: a Level: 1 166. anaphase Answer: e Level: 1 167. telophase Answer: b Level: 1 For questions 168 to 172 match the following molecules with the appropriate escription. A)structural RNA of ribosome B)mRNA containing introns C)protein that is converted to an active enzyme D)all triplets required to code for synthesis of a protein E)three adjacent nucleotides in mRNA 168. pre-mRNA Answer: b Level: 1 169. proenzyme Answer: c Level: 1 170. gene Answer: d Level: 1 171. ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Answer: a Level: 1 172. codon Answer: e Level: 1 For questions 173 to 176 match the cells described with their most abundant organelle. A)mitochondria B)centriol es C)peroxisomes D)lysosomes E) Golgi apparatus 173. white blood cell, a phagocyte Answer: d Level: 2 174. mucus cell (secretes mucus)Answer: e Level: 2 175. liver cells that detoxify hydrogen peroxide Answer: c Level: 2 176. cardiac muscle cells (require large amounts of ATP) Answer: a Level: 2 For questions 177 to 184 match the type of cell division with the appropriate description. A)mitosis B)meiosis C)both mitosis & meiosis 177. Responsible for tissue growth and repair Answer: a Level: 2 178. Resulting cells are haploid Answer: b Level: 2 179. Occurs only in testis and ovary Answer: b Level: 2 180. Daughter cells genetically identical to mother cell Answer: a Level: 2 181. DNA replication occurs only once Answer: c Level: 2 182. Tetrad formation occursAnswer: b Level: 2 183. Cytokinesis occurs only once Answer: a Level: 2 184. Crossing over Answer: b Level: 2 For questions 185 to 189 match the following terms relative to theories about cell death and cell aging to the most appr opriate description. A)portions of DNA are lost over time resulting in cell death B)loss of the energy source in the cell C)genes that turn on late in life that cause cell death D)after a certain amount of time or cell divisions, the cell line dies E)atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons that may damage cells 185. Cellular clock Answer: d Level: 1 186. Mitochondrial damage Answer: bLevel: 1 187. DNA damage Answer: a Level: 1 188. Free radicals Answer: e Level: 1 189. Death gene Answer: c Level: 1 Fill in the Blank 190. The predominant lipid in the cell membrane is a _____________. Answer: phospholipid Level: 1 191. Glycolipids would contain both lipids and _____________. Answer: carbohydrates Level: 1 192. The _____________ contains the genetic information of the cell. Answer: nucleus Level: 1 193. Cytosol is part of _____________. Answer: cytoplasm Level: 1 194. The centrioles are found in a zone of cytoplasm close to the nucleus called the _____________. Answer: centrosome Le vel: 1 195.At the base of each cilium is a structure called the _____________. Answer: basal body Level: 1 196. The shaft of a flagellum contains _____________ microtubule doublets around its periphery. Answer: nine (9) Level: 1 197. _____________ is the force required to prevent the movement of water by osmosis across a semipermeable membrane. Answer: osmotic pressure Level: 1 198. In _____________, ions or molecules move in opposite directions. Answer: counter transport Level: 1 199. _____________ is the sum of catabolism and anabolism. Answer: metabolism Level: 1 200. According to base pair rules, adenine pairs with _____________ in DNA replication.Answer: thymine Level: 1 201. In females, the sex chromosomes look alike and are called _____________. Answer: X chromosomes Level: 1 202. The term for â€Å"programmed cell death† is ______________. Answer: apoptosis Level: 1 Essay Questions 203. Explain what would happen to a cell in each of the following events: a. A cell los t its nucleus b. All the lysosomes ruptured c. The phospholipids in the cell membrane were dissolved d. The cell began losing its mitochondria e. The transfer RNA molecules are selectively destroyed by viruses. Answer: (a) Without a nucleus cells are unable to synthesize mRNA and so cannot complete protein synthesis.Lack of a nucleus also prevents cells from duplicating themselves. A cell without a nucleus will have a short life span and eventually die. (b) Rupture of the lysosomes releases hydrolytic enzymes that begin to digest the cell and kill it. (c) If the phospholipids in the cell membrane are dissolved, the membrane loses its integrity and would no longer function as a selective barrier. (d) Loss of mitochondria reduces the capacity of the cell to generate energy. (e) If transfer RNA molecules are selectively destroyed, protein synthesis would be inhibited as no amino acids would be brought to the ribosomes.Level: 2, 1 204. Adriamycin is a chemotherapeutic drug that binds to DNA and blocks messenger RNA synthesis. Explain why this drug is fatal to a cell. Answer: When adriamycin blocks mRNA synthesis, it also blocks further protein synthesis in those cells. These cells cannot synthesize additional proteins (structural or enzymatic) that they might need. They will soon be unable to function, and they will die. Level: 2 205. Lysosomes remove nonfunctional cell parts. Explain how this function is important to the overall health of the cell. Answer: Nonfunctional cell parts take up valuable space in the cell.They are also composed of molecules that the cell might be able to recycle. It is healthier for the cell to be able to eliminate these nonfunctional parts and possibly reuse some of the molecular components of those parts. Level: 2 206. The cell is compartmentalized by the presence of organelles. What advantage does compartmentalization give to the cell? Answer: Compartmentalization enables cells to specialize internally. By partitioning the interior o f a cell, different functions can be undertaken in different structured compartments within the same cell.This property allows cells to do more than one thing. Level: 2 207. Describe the relationship among ribosomes, ER, the Golgi apparatus, and exocytosis. Answer: Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis. Some of the proteins have leader sequences on them, which allow them to be inserted into the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticula to which the ribosomes are attached. The proteins can travel in the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus, where they can be modified and packaged for secretion. Vesicles break off from the flattened membranous sacs of the Golgi apparatus.Some of the vesicles carry proteins to the plasma membrane, where the proteins can be secreted from the cell by exocytosis. Level: 2 208. You work for the I. M. the Best Drug Company. Your latest assignment is to design a drug that interferes with translation in cells. You decide the easiest way to do this is to have your drug target those organelles and molecules involved in translation. List the potential targets of your new drug. Answer: Potential targets include: large and small ribosomal subunits, messenger RNA, transfer RNA, any enzyme needed in translation. Level: 2