Monday, December 30, 2019

Critical Analysis of the Skull Beneath the Skin Essay

It could be said that The Skull beneath the Skin is quite typical of the crime genre, however P.D. James has somewhat subverted the genre. The novel incorporates a combination of Intuitionist, Realist and Hard Boiled styles of crime fiction. Usually crime novels fall into one of the three afore mentioned styles. Although obviously an Intuitionist or classically styled crime novel, Skull beneath the Skins as I have previously stated incorporates all three creating a unique novel while still following the traditions and conventions of the crime genre. This can be seen from this essay reference will be made to setting, dialogue, characterisation, dramatic irony, humour, narrative structure and the conventions of crime fiction. Setting is a†¦show more content†¦The reader is presented with a group of characters all struggling with troubled lives. Following the strictures of the Intuitionist text this serves the purpose of making all characters a suspect in the inevitable murder investigation. The reader is introduced to three main stereotypes throughout Skull beneath the Skin; the detective, the victim and the murderer/ villain. The detective in the Shull beneath the Skin Cordelia Gray is typical of the intuitionist text. Cordelia is not perfect but she seems to be morally better than all those around her in particular the occupants of Courcey Island. This particular trait makes her the ‘Goodie’ in the reader’s eyes. She is clever and apt at seeing through the deceptions around her. However she hides this behind a somewhat dithering exterior to make her job at Courcey Island less conspicuous. Also introduced in the novel is the character of Clarissa Lisle the victim. True to the Intuitionist style Clarissa is immoral and a completely despicable character who the reader cannot like at all. This puts more intrigue into the murder investigation because with such a nasty victim many people could have reason to want her dead. In this case almost everyone on Courcey Island has felt the bitter edge of Clarissa Lisle. The last major character stereotype that the novel S.B.T.S includes is the murderer/criminal. Generally as the name suggests the criminal is the person whoShow MoreRelatedHuman Body Systems Outline7161 Words   |  29 Pagesin your blood. Skeletal System Functions * Its 206 bones form a rigid framework to which the softer tissues and organs of the body are attached. * Vital organs are protected by the skeletal system. The brain is protected by the surrounding skull as the heart and lungs are encased by the sternum and rib cage. * Bodily movement is carried out by the interaction of the muscular and skeletal systems. For this reason, they are often grouped together as the musculo-skeletal system. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Poverty Is A Social Problem - 2189 Words

Walking down the street in Missoula, Montana often brings you into contact with poverty. From the courthouse lawn to the sidewalks in front of the grocery stores there are many people who are homeless and begging for money and food. Living in this city for the majority of my life, I have been exposed to people in poverty everyday. This topic is of interest to me because I have worked with these people firsthand and seen their struggles within their lives. These people are often very warm-hearted and hard working but just cannot seem to get back on their feet. Many different organizations have been created to try and assist these individuals and families and help them to maintain a steady income, provide food for their family and achieve some level of financial stability. There are many different opinions of poverty that vary throughout the world but regardless of your personal ideas, the proportion of people who are in poverty is increasing at an uncomfortable rate. Poverty has become a social problem. With the changing nature of the governments, the power has shifted from being more representative to being controlled mostly by those who are at the top of the financial food chain. (Shah, 2014) Those who have the money to get elected to governmental positions receive spots in offices and those are the same people who have limited experience with people who are less fortunate. Therefore they tend to make decisions that give an advantage to those who are at the top of theShow MoreRelatedPoverty As A Social Problem796 Words   |  4 PagesPoverty Name: Institutional affiliation: â€Æ' Introduction Author Browning Cagney (2003), defines poverty as a state of inadequate resources and low living standards that cannot cater to basic human requirements. Poverty thus means lack of basic needs such as food, clothing, health institutes, and shelter. For most countries around the world, poverty is a prevalent social issue. It usually leads to multiple social ills like parental and domestic abuse, drug abuse, diseases, and corruption among manyRead MorePoverty As A Social Problem1739 Words   |  7 Pages Poverty as a Social Problem Magdalena Brania Mrs. Kropf May 27, 2015 Poverty is inscribed in the history of the world, but it is not inherent fate of every human being. It is also not related to the human nature, which does not mean that it can not be due to its nature. All communities experience it, with a greater or lesser extent way causing psychological and sociological conflicts. Society who have to deal with poverty is not only from undeveloped countries, but also developedRead MoreThe Social Problem Of Poverty1173 Words   |  5 PagesNowadays, one of the most important associated topic in people’s live is poverty. The definition of poverty is a social condition where individuals do not have financial means to meet the most fundamental standards of the life is a acceptable by the community. Individuals experiencing poverty do not have the means to pay for basic needs of daily life like food, clothes and shelter. According to Lansley, (365) â€Å"Poverty is humiliation, the sense of being dependent on them, and of being forced to accep tRead MorePoverty Is A Social Problem957 Words   |  4 PagesStates is the wealthiest nation in the world, but yet poverty remains prevalent. Childhood poverty affects every aspect of their life. â€Å"Poverty is not having income for basic needs, food, medical care or basic needs and housing† (Crosson-Tower, 2014, p. 59). Poverty is affecting thousands of Americans every day, and it isn t sparing anyone of a particular race, age or gender, leaving people on welfare, and without homes, or transportation. Poverty is a crisis that deserves attention from everyone,Read MoreThe Social Problem Of Poverty1347 Words   |  6 PagesThe social problem is poverty, a risk factor that predisposes disadvantaged groups to incarceration. Data shows that the incarcerated majority are minority groups like African Americans and Latinos. In today’s society, one can argue that both the state and people tend to place the blame solely on the individual. The poor are often stigmatized, as sociating them with an undesirable stereotype that reduces their value as an individual. Furthermore, people tend to think that those in poverty engage inRead MoreSociology : The Social Problem Of Poverty1251 Words   |  6 Pagespublic issues of social structure. Mills also believed that without a sociological imagination, individualistic bias makes people think that individuals are the source of trouble, when some of the worst problems are caused by social forces. You could use a sociological imagination to examine the social problem of poverty by looking at the social forces that are relevant to the problem. Poverty is a social problem rather than an individual problem because it is a deeply embedded social issue that permeatesRead MorePoverty As A Contemporary Social Problem Essay1704 Words   |  7 PagesPoverty as a Contemporary Social Problem A social problem, is â€Å"a general factor that effects and damages society†. It can be used to describe an issue or a problem within a certain group of people or an area in the world. Examples of contemporary social problems today include anti-social behaviour, drug abuse, and sexual abuse. Poverty is an example of a social problem that exists all over the world, and to different extents. In the UK, poverty has effected at least a third of the population, asRead MoreThe Current Social Problem Of Poverty Essay1368 Words   |  6 Pagesgoing to discuss poverty a current social problem that I chose to focus on throughout this course. There are different factors such as economics, government, and culture that affect poverty. Poverty is not new to our communities and it impacts people of all ages. Poverty Poverty in our communities is getting worse and not enough is being done about this social problem. This is becoming more widespread especially during times of the global economic downturn. I learned that poverty is not having enoughRead MorePoverty : A Social Economical Problem868 Words   |  4 PagesThe idea poverty as a social economical problem started way back during the Early Industrial Age. During the Industrial Age Edmund Burke was a man who searched a way to preserve the good in society and change the bad in society. He also as political expressed expression of objection to â€Å"Labouring the poor†. Later poor laws reformed the expression in relief to the poor. Later in 19th century the poor laws were reformed to a Poor Law Amendment Act 1934. The act was ruthlessly enforced and was unpopularRead MorePoverty as a Social Problem in United States2135 Words   |  9 PagesWhat is Poverty and why is it a social problem? Poverty is a standard of living below the mini mum needed for maintenance of adequate diet, health and shelter (Eitzen187). Thirty seven million Americans were reported poor in 2005 (Eitzen 187). The key word is reported because about another 30 million Americans are unreported since many are homeless or illegal immigrants. These millions of people are discriminated in schools, courts, job market, and marketplace. This discrimination has trapped many

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Renal System Study Guide Free Essays

Renal System Study Guide Med/Surg I Major Functions of Kidney: Regulation of Homeostasis -Filters blood regulates contents (water content blood volume) -Maintain acid-base balance -Control fluid electrolytes -Excrete metabolic waste products -Control BP (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone) Urinary System Structure: Kidneys (produce urine), Ureters (transport urine to bladder), Bladder (stores urine), Urethra (conduct urine outside body) *Nephron- working unit of kidney *Kidneys receive 25% of cardiac output= approx. 1 Liter GRF= 125ml/min increases at night Renal Hormones: ADH- works in DISTAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE Aldosterone- made in ADRENAL CORTEX ANP- inhibits secretion of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone water absorption by kidney tubules Erythropoietin- stimulates marrow to make more RBC’s Renin- made released in JUXTAGLOMERULAR APPARATUS RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN-ALDOSTERONE decreased renal perfusion= low BP ;JGA releases renin ;Liver releases angiotensin I ;Lungs convert angio I to angiotensin II ; Increase in BP due to VASOCONSTRICTION, myocardial contractility, VOLUME INCREASE becase ALDOSTERONE is released by ADRENAL CORTEX ;Aldosterone causes sodium water to be REABSORPTION potassium excretion **** This stops once BP is normal because it is a NEGATIVE feedback system Lab Tests/Diagnostics: Creatnine- 0. 6-1. We will write a custom essay sample on Renal System Study Guide or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2 End product of muscle protein metabolism -reflects GFR, renal disease is the only condition to increase creatnine level (not effected by hydration status) BUN- 8-16 measures amount of urea (byproduct of protein metabolism in liver) -factors affecting BUN: hydration/ urine flow, hypoperfusion, metabolic rate, drugs, diet Elevated BUN with normal creatnine= DEHYDRATION/Volume depletion/low perfusion -Elevated BUN Creatnine= RENAL FAILURE/Dysfunction Specific Gravity- 1. 003-1. 030 measures ability of kidneys to concentrate urine -increased spec. grav = (more concentrated urine) dehydration, low perfusion, too much ADH -decreased sep. grav = (less concentrated urine) too much fluid, diabetes insipidus, or inability of kidneys to concentrate urine Creatnine Clearance- evaluates how well kidneys remove creatnine from blood -best estimate for GFR renal threshold of glucose = blood glucose level of at least 180 before it spills over in urine *bacturia- males 10,00 colonies, females 100 ,00 colonies of bacteria Renal Calculi/stones: Causes: dehydration, infection, change in urine pH, obstruction, diet, immobilization, metabolic factors S/S: CVA (Costal-vertebral angle) pain, N, abdominal distention, fever, chills, hematuria, pyruria DX: KUB, US, Urine cx, stone analysis, serum calcium phosphorus to detect hormonal problems TX: hydration/push fluids, abx, toradol (relaxes ureters), diuretics NSG: strain urine, stone analysis, push fluids 3-4L/day, teach diet s/s of obstruction Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis – bil. inflammation of glomeruli Causes: Strep infection, impetigo S/S: edema, azotemia, hematuria, oliguria, fatigue, HTN, na retention DX: elevated ASO (antistreptolysin-O titer), elevated electrolyte, BUN, Creatnine, KUB-bil kidney enlargement TX: relief of symptoms, bedrest, fluid sodium restrictions, abx, daily BUN creatnine, diet- high calories, low protein sodium potassium fluids. Acute Pyelonephritis sudden bacterial inflammation of kidney risk factors: urinary stasis, inablility to empty bladder (BPH/enlarged prostate), obstruction, sex, pregnancy, DM S/S: urinary freq. urgency, dysuria, hematuria, elevated temp, chills, flank pain, anorexia, malaise UA: show pyuria, hematuria, low spec. gravity, alkaline pH, proteinuria, gycosuria, kentonuria TX: abx, analgesic, reculture urine 1 week after abx complete NSG: antipyretics, increase fluids, monitor for fever Nephrotic syndrome -clinical manifestations caused by protein wasting secondary to diffuse glomerular damage usually after stress to immune system s/s: proteinuria, low albumin, edema, hyperlipidemia, hypovolemia nsg: low protein high calorie diet, i/o’s, sodium fluid restriction, weights, treat underlying cause Renal Failure Prerenal- obstructs flow to kidneys ex: CV disease, hypovolemia, peripheral vasodilation, severe vasoconstriction Intrarenal- poisions kidney tissue x: acute glomerular nephritis, pyelonephritis, sickle cells, lupus Postrenal- bladder obstruction, treteral obstruction S/S of Acute Renal Failure: anorexia, uremic breath, oliguria, n/v/d -elevated BUN/creatnine K+ -low pH, Bicarb, Hgb Hct Tx: reestablish effective renal function, high calorie diet, diet low in protein sodium potassium, restrict fluid, vitamin supplements, MONITOR FOR HYPERKALEMIA NSG: i/o’s, monitor electrolytes, h, vitals, check for pericarditis, small frequent meals BPH (Benig n Prostatic Hyperplasia) prostatic growth that may block urethra -blockage can cause UTI’s, delayed urinary emptying detrusor muscles weakends results in urinary retention– pt unable to urinate can cause uremia, bladder rupture peritonitis TURP (Transurethral Resection of Prostate) -surgery that uses a resectoscope to go in urethra clip out portions of prostate -continous bladder irrigation to prevent clots nsg: keep penis clean. never remove foley, Kegel exercises How to cite Renal System Study Guide, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mediocre Men in Charge free essay sample

In Catch-22, by Joseph Heller, the protagonist, Yossarian, is alienated from the other men in his combat group by his desperate desire for self-preservation and his lack of regard for the common ideals behind war. Instead of focusing on duty and patriotism, he merely focuses on surviving through the war. Because of this, he views anyone who takes any action that may get him killed—which often includes men on his own side—as an enemy. Yossarian’s alienation and differing views expose the backwards logic and inherent wastefulness of war and the bureaucracy that runs it. Behind all of his alienation is Yossarian’s basic desire to survive through the war, which ends up putting him at odds with many other men in his unit, who view death as patriotic, honorable and a necessity. Yossarian disagrees with them, and tries to ask Clevinger why he should have to die, â€Å"History did not demand Yossarians premature demise, justice could be satisfied without it, pro gress did not hinge upon it, victory did not depend on it† (68). Even though Clevinger â€Å"knew everything† (68), he could not answer the question. Yossarian knows that any sacrifice on his behalf will not actually contribute significantly to the overall war effort, and will just be a waste. Death, to the other men, becomes synonymous with victory, as victory is, in many cases, the only way to justify the death. The death is not a waste as long as it goes towards a successful outcome. As Clevinger tries to explain this to Yossarian, who rebuttals by saying, â€Å"‘Open your eyes, Clevinger. It doesnt make a darned bit of difference who wins the war to someone whos dead’†(123). While Clevinger focuses on the bigger picture, trying to justify his superiors’ actions, he has missed the fact that the wasted lives aren’t even allowed to enjoy the benefits of their sacrifice. Benefits Yossarian would like to enjoy, without the sacrifice. And anyone who tries to force sacrifice on Yossarian is, in his book, an e nemy, as he tells Clevinger, â€Å"‘The enemy, is anybody whos going to get you killed, no matter which side hes on, and that includes Colonel Cathcart† (124). In most cases Yossarian’s enemies are the ones who are supposed to be on his side; the Germans, who are supposed to be his real enemies, are only seen through anti-aircraft fire and bomb targets. Colonel Cathcart continually raises the number of missions required, and as a result puts each man in more individual danger. As a result, Colonel Cathcart is an enemy, even though he is a superior officer. As a superior officer, he should be concerned with the fate of his, but he is only ever interested in personal advancement, â€Å"He could measure his own progress only in relationship to others† (187), which Yossarian resents, because Cathcart’s attempts at progress frequently come at his expense. Yossarian resists, and Cathcart is bewildered, thinking it is a personal attack. â€Å"Yoassarin, whoever he turned out to be, was destined to serve as [Colonel Cathcart]’s nemesis† (210). He is blind to the sacrifices he continually asks of Yossarian and the other men. His ambition destroys or distorts any moral character he may have had, and blinds him. The blind ambition within military ranks is counter-intuitive and inhumane, leading to wastefulness and inefficiency. Men become tools to make their superiors look good. And the superiors will do anything to retain a good record. Official records are constantly falsified, useless trivialities such as tight bomb patterns are blown needlessly out of proportion, and circular logic used to keep the men in line. Catch-22 itself is the embodiment of all the circular, broken logic of the army. Men must fly their missions no matter what, as in the case of Orr, â€Å"Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr wou ld be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didnt, but if he was sane he had to fly them† (46), and thus there is no way for men to get out of the missions they would have to be crazy to go on. The logic is irrefutable because it is innately illogical. It is so irrefutable—and illogical—though, that it becomes an excuse to do anything, as in the case of the military policemen who kick the prostitutes out of their brothel in Rome. The policemen’s only explanation was â€Å"Catch-22,† which they did not even show to the prostitutes. Yossarian is mystified by the complete lack of judgment, and he does not understand the logic that controls him, which distances him further from the others in the army, who go along with it unquestioningly. Yossarian never seeks to become one of these sheep, and is constantly trying to break out of the system of unclear bureaucracy. A bureaucracy so incompetent that it will not recognize some men as dead, as in the ca se of Mudd, Yossarian’s short-lived roommate and it will pronounced men dead even when they are clearly still living, as in the case of Doc Daneeka. Yossarian is constantly frustrated by this, â€Å"he had gone to complain to Sergeant Towser, who refused to admit the dead man, [Mudd], even existed†(22) because there weren’t any records of him officially. This is clear ineptitude on the part of the bureaucracy, yet Yossarian is the only one to recognize it. For all its incompetence, the administration still controls everyone and everything, and its decisions have great weight. When Doc Daneeka is pronounced dead, even though he is clearly still alive, he loses all his possessions and is forced to live off the forest and a few some generous benefactors, who still don’t really recognize him as â€Å"living.† When his two enlisted men turn him away from his tent, Doc Daneeka realizes, â€Å"to all intents and purposes, he really was dead† (344) . The administration in control of everything is not only broken, but the men willingly go along with it. Yossarian fights the administration out of self-preservation, because it is the very thing forcing him to take on more combat missions. And, in the end, he finally does take the leap to break away. He deserts for Sweden, as he believes Orr has done. He realizes that he cannot fight the system while within the system; indeed, he cannot fight the system at all and hope to win. Its lack of logic gives it an undeniable sense of logic, and thus an unbreakable hold on its subjects. As long as the nonsensical holds the illusion of reason, it is untouchable. Only when one steps out of common reasoning—as Yossarian does by seeking only self-preservation instead of holding onto ideals such as patriotism—can he break the hold of the system.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A response to Jenni Russell’s The Selfish Generation Essay Example

A response to Jenni Russell’s The Selfish Generation Essay Jenni Russell’s article for the Guardian newspaper that appeared on 6th December 2003 raises contemporary problems in social interactions. She laments the fact that as individual, isolated consumers of a capitalist society, people are gradually losing their humanity. In its place, they are acquiring rather unsavory social tendencies, the most blatant of which is lack of politeness in social interactions. People are always conscious of their own image and social status that they act in an overtly aggressive manner. Hence, there is a tendency for people to take offense where none was intended and inflict hurt where none was warranted. Modern industrial society, as primarily represented by the United States of America and countries in Western Europe, place undue primacy to the superficial over the substantial. This is nowhere truer than with respect to the Public Relations industry’s constant barrage of illusory imagery and ego-stroking message in the form of advertis ements. This is a pitiable state of affairs, as the current standards of civilization are poorer compared to a century past. This essay will argue that Jenni Russell’s point of view holds valid and that it is imperative that our standard of civility improves at the earliest. Russell’s criticism against the capitalist-consumer culture is backed by fact. In this economic paradigm, people are stripped of their higher identities to be equated to units of consumption. By being recognized for their ability to consume products, they themselves turn into commodities. In many ways the bloodshed and human loss witnessed in geopolitical conflicts is a symptom of this fundamental flaw in the global economic order. Though Russell doesn’t go to the extent of linking the two phenomena, the connection is obvious to the discerning reader. The anecdotal evidence for commonplace hostility that Russell presents is experienced by all of us. We’ve all been in situations explained by her, whether it is an unpleasant exchange with a billing clerk or being the victim of an insecure boss in office. This accessible and verifiable reference to real-life situations makes Russell’s arguments quite strong. Further, what makes the author’s arguments hold ground is the background research and supportive evidence. For example, she notes, We will write a custom essay sample on A response to Jenni Russell’s The Selfish Generation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on A response to Jenni Russell’s The Selfish Generation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on A response to Jenni Russell’s The Selfish Generation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer â€Å"Last month new scientific research demonstrated that the brain reacts to a social snub in just the same way as it does to a physical injury. In effect, by our thoughtless and self-protective behavior, we are going through our days delivering small social injuries to one another, each one of which is felt as acutely as physical pain.† (Russell, 211) A serious negative consequence of a capitalist consumerist culture is its tendency to alienate individuals from their own true selves. Most people go through their workdays in a numb routine as a result of not strongly relating to their work. Things they are most passionate about, such as music, dance, literature, etc get relegated to the background as they are preoccupied with the inevitable task of putting bread on the table. A kind of identity crisis develops as individuals are kept away from their most absorbing passions. Moreover, the uniformity and conformity required by the office environment further dents their individual thoughts, feelings and aspirations. Hence, mass production and economies of scale, which are cornerstones of capitalist industry, lead to severe loss in human capital. Moreover, the gains of capitalist industry have been unequally shared, leading to great disparities between the haves and have-nots. Russell correctly observes how the sharpening class d ivide is at the root of social friction: â€Å"Those with the least money and the least authority are made continually aware of others’ contempt. The wealthier you are, the more protected you are from the consequences. Prosperous people can largely pay others to be nice to them, yet, they too practice and suffer from the new selfishness.† (Russell, 212) One of the deep ironies of this situation is that we are living in an era described by intellectuals as The Information Age. We have unprecedented access to powerful media for communication. Yet it is precisely in the area of interpersonal communication that we fall short of. We as members of society show a deficit in qualities such as empathy, solidarity and a sense of camaraderie. The advanced and lightening quick digital media, while opening up new vistas for communication, has actually diminished face to face communication. As a result people inhabit a virtual world of the Internet, where make believe takes precedence to hard core truths. In the same vein, the sentiments, sensibilities and personalities exhibited by people via these media carried the same sense of make-believe. In an arrangement of this kind the ‘selfishness’ of individuals alluded by Jenni Russell takes firm root. While the sociological degradation is quite clear, the psychological abnormality underpinning social friction is outwardly apparent. The authoritarian boss who gets an ego-boost in relation to controlling his subordinates, the menial worker who gets seeks respite by underperforming his role, etc, are all displaying their inherent weaknesses by way of showing strength or acting smart. In either case their low self esteem is evident to the discerning psychologist. As is often the case, it does not matter if the individual is suffering from inferiority or superiority complex. The key word is ‘complex’, which indicates abnormality and pathology. And it is often the people who are feeling inferior who project a sense of false superiority – what psychologists call a cognitive mechanism to compensate for perceived deficiencies.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The supreme court, in the case of kelo v. The city of new london

The supreme court, in the case of kelo v. The city of new london In America, there have been severe allegations that activist judges have grown. This has been the result of some decisions that have been taken by judges that have not gone down well with most politicians and other people. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The supreme court, in the case of kelo v. The city of new london specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Diverse views are raised on the ruling of judges. For some activist judges exist and for others, there does not exist any judges that are activists; rather those you disagree with in their judgments do turn out to be so (at least in your sight.) sensitive cases that have drawn a lot of hullabaloos has been those involving same sex, stem cell operations, abortion among others. The original dissent on cases relating to eminent domain was set up by Justice O’Connor. In her previous ruling she stated that it was allowed for private property to be transferred to anoth er private individual for economic development as long as it is bound to be improved and used in a way that is beneficial to the public in itself or in the process of development (Bodenhamer Ely 14). This precedent has opened leeway for abuse. The case of Kelo vs. The City of New London is one of eminent domain. It was worked out following the precedent set by Justice O’Connor. The facts of this case relate to the use of eminent domain. New London, which is a city in Connecticut, ceased some property that was not for public use and sold it to some people who were to develop it for private purposes (Merriam Ross 180). The city was of the opinion that by coming up with these developments, jobs would be created in the process. Equally there was to be an increase in revenues from taxes. Kelo Susette and some other people who had lost their land by this repossession placed a suit in court against New London. The issues relating to the case included: the property owners raised a n argument that by its actions, the city was in essence violating the Fifth Amendments clause that deals with takings. In this clause, a provision is made for the government to accord just compensation for any private property taken by them. Another issue arising was the determination of whether taking this property and selling it to private developers was in essence a public use of the land. The Supreme Court of Connecticut ruled in favour of New London. In his ruling, Justice John Paul Stevens, stated that the taking qualified to be for public use in relation to the takings clause. The city by taking the land did not intend to benefit a certain group of privates but was intended for an economic development plan. Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Further the judge noted that the Fifth Amendment was not after the literal public use but rather broader interpretation that coul d include public purpose. The bench of judges was accused of being an activist in this case. Upon this ruling, there was outrage and politics in New London became rife. This forced there to be council elections. Due to the claims of activism among judges, Pfizer, which was the drug company that had been allocated the land for a public purpose, announced that it was getting out of the deal and was not going to develop the property again. This was as an aftermath of the public outrage on the seizure of the land. The research center that they had initially set up had to be shut down. Another aftermath of this case is that States were left struggling to clearly define what eminent domain was to envisage. States were asked to consider their individual standards for eminent domain. This case is considered to be activist because the court was accused of having to strain what would otherwise be the plain implications by the constitution to end up achieving their predetermined desirable end s. The main reason the Fifth Amendment Act was formulated was to protect government infringement into private property. Public use of the land should then have indicated that the land be applied generally for public purposes and not be given to a private developer. The court was accused of having abused the precedent that was set by Justice O’Connor. Concerns were further raised that the court put an emphasis on what originally was supposed to be a public use to be a public purpose. Basing on this, there is created an endless way in which the clause can be abused. Work Cited Bodenhamer, David Ely, James. The Bill of Rights in modern America. Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2008. Print. Merriam, Dwight Ross, Mary. Eminent domain use and abuse: Kelo in context. Chicago, Illinois: American Bar Association, 2006. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The supreme court, in the case of kelo v. The city of new london specifically for you for only $ 16.05 $11/page Learn More

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Two methods of losing weight, Eating right and exercise vs cosmetic Essay

Two methods of losing weight, Eating right and exercise vs cosmetic surgery - Essay Example The only similarity that eating right and doing exercise, and cosmetic surgery is that all of these phenomena work toward the establishment of the same aim that is, weight loss. When we include junk food in our diet, we are just giving our bodies empty calories that are of no use except for putting extra fat on us. We become obese and acquire a number of diseases that obesity directs toward us. When we do not exercise properly, we become lethargic and our bodies become inactive and lazy, which again put on us extra fat. Eating right and exercising regularly enable us to lose weight and become smart and energetic. Cosmetic surgery also intends to do the same. The person goes through a number of operations and surgeries to get that extra fat off the arms, belly and legs. Weight is significantly reduced and the difference is very obvious. Hence, we can say that all of these techniques help us to reduce weight. In contrast, eating right not only helps in losing extra weight by cutting off empty calories, but also provides the body with essential nutrients that it needs to stay healthy and active. Whitney, Whitney and Rolfes (2010, p.157) assert that, â€Å"A well-planned diet delivers adequate nutrients, a balanced array of nutrients, and an appropriate amount of energy (kcalories). It is based on nutrient-dense foods, moderate in substances that can be detrimental to health†. Cosmetic surgery only tends to make the body lose the extra fat that it has and does not provide any nutrients. Instead, the person has to take supplements to make up for the nutrients and multivitamins that the body loses in the process of losing weight through cosmetic surgery like liposuction. Hence where healthy diet provides body with healthy nutrients and exercise energizes the body while making it lose weight, cosmetic surgery has only one advantage of weight loss. Another contrast is that healthy diet and exercise have no side

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Four IT Business Management Domains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Four IT Business Management Domains - Essay Example In each of the four categories highlighted, the CIOs have an integral role to play with regard to the facilitation of the overall scheme of improvement. It is high time to ensure that the budget determination techniques are stretched beyond the conventional mode of using Spread sheets and data tables. This through the incorporation of the advanced softwares and databases must be integrated into a more comprehensive and vibrant network which will allow for a robust handling of the overall budget constraints and resources. The next variable is that of the large scaled collaboration with the other networks. This will facilitate better means of communication and cooperation and in turn best outcomes extraction. At present the system of business alignment demand considerable improvements in terms of the tools and techniques used along with the broader means of communication system establishment within. Addressing the risk factor and defining the quality as a overall new concept are two other factors that are part of the overall revamp

Monday, November 18, 2019

Comparing The Success & Future Of Open & Closed Source Software Essay

Comparing The Success & Future Of Open & Closed Source Software - Essay Example This report examines the potential inherent in the Open Source Software and the factors that have hindered its widespread usage thus far. This information will then be used to arrive at an assessment of whether or not open source software could better serve the needs of public sector institutions as opposed to closed software. Open source software is not the same as freeware. Open source is software that a user can use and freely modify or distribute to others, subject to some minimal restrictions to protect the copyright license which exists on the software (Ebert, 2009). Free software on the other hand, is software that can be copied, modified or distributed without any restrictions at all.( The opposite of freeware is closed software. This is software that is not freely available and cannot be used without restrictions; it must be purchased from the individual or company that holds the copyright over its use. The notable example of this is the proprietary Windows software owned by Bill Gates’ company, Microsoft. The design of software is viewed as an investment because it involves an investment in formulating it, but at the same time it also provides benefits in that it facilitates certain operations, which justified the costs(Slaughter et al, 1998). Where closed source software is concerned, it is the short term returns from the software that assume a greater level of importance; as a result quality may sometimes be sacrificed in order to ensure that a piece of software is produced within stipulated deadlines. (Slaughter et al, 1998). Due to this, the quality of the source code may be lacking, so that after a certain period of time it will need to be replaced, updated or modified. Since closed software is proprietary with a copyright and cannot be freely copied or modified, this often means that the Company which produced the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Proactive and Reactive MANET Protocols Analysis

Proactive and Reactive MANET Protocols Analysis Ad hoc network Abstract A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is consisting of wireless mobile nodes. The communication of these mobile nodes is carried out without any centralized control. Routing is a critical issue in MANET. The focus of this thesis is on the performance of routing protocols. We compare three routing protocols in MANET i.e. AODV, DSR and OLSR. OPNET is the simulation tool. These routing protocols performance are analyzed by three important metrics: delay, network load and throughput. All the three routing protocols are explained in a deep way with metrics. The comparison analysis will be carrying out about these protocols and in the last the conclusion will be present. That which routing protocol is the best for mobile ad hoc network. Introduction MANET stands for Mobile Ad hoc Network. A decentralized autonomous wireless system which consists of free nodes. MANET sometimes called mobile mesh network. MANET is a self configurable wireless network. A MANET consists of mobile nodes, a router with multiple hosts and wireless communication devices. The wireless communication devices are as transmitters, receivers and antennas. These antennas can be of any kind. These nodes can be fixed or mobile. The term node referred to as, which are free to move arbitrarily in every direction. These nodes can be a mobile phone, laptop, personal digital assistance, MP3 player and personal computer. These nodes located, might be in cars, ships, airplanes or with people having small electronic devices [59]. Nodes can connect to each other randomly and forming arbitrary topologies. Nodes communicate to each other and also forward packets to neighbor nodes as a router. The ability of self configuration of these nodes makes them more suitable for urg ently required network connection. For example in disaster hit areas where there is no communication infrastructure. It is greatly desired to have a quick communication infrastructure. MANET is the quick remedy for any disaster situation. The word Ad hoc means For a special purpose. So MANET a spontaneous network is useful when dealing with wireless devices in which some of the devices are part of the network only for the duration of a communication session and the need for a dynamic network topology is prominent. The MANET working group (WG) within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working specifically on developing IP routing protocols topologies. In order to improve mobile routing and interface definition standards for use within the Internet protocol suite [59]. After huge research work on MANET, still MANET does not have complete formed Internet based standards. The identification of experimental Request For Comments (RFCs) since 2003 [1] is used. In these RFCs the questions are unanswered concerning of implementation or deployment of these routing protocols. But these proposed algorithms are identified as a trial technology and there is a high chance that they will develop into a standard [1]. Extensive research work in this area has continued since then with major studies on different routing protocols such as Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Temporarily Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) [1]. Also on the standardization of routing and interface solutions for mobile networking support through Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) Working Group WG [59]. Aims and Objectives There are two groups of routing protocols. Proactive MANET protocol, Reactive MANET Protocol, and the third are derived from both called Hybrid MANET Protocol. The Proactive MANET protocol is generally called table driven protocol. It detects the network layout periodically. It tries to maintain the routing table at every node. From which a route to the destination from the source can be detected with less delay. Proactive MANET protocols provide good reliability and low latency for deciding a route. Proactive MANET protocol is not suitable for the node moving with high speed. The routing information in the routing table cannot be updated in the routing table. If a node is not moving, then its routing table information is updated continuously. It makes much traffic overhead and also waste network resources as bandwidth [21]. Proactive MANET protocol is also not suitable for large scale MANETs. Whereas Reactive MANET Protocol is called on-demand routing protocol. Reactive MANET Protocol finds the route when a source node requests to communicate with the other. On-demand approach is suitable for the nodes with high mobility. Nodes that transmit data rarely. The main drawback of reactive routing protocols is that the source node broadcasts the routing requests in the whole network. Then it waits for the responses. This route discovery procedure produces significant delay [21]. Hybrid MANET Protocol integrates the merits of Proactive MANET protocol and Reactive MANET Protocol. Zone routing protocol (ZRP) and two zone routing protocols is the example of hybrid of MANET protocol. Research Question Our goal in this Masters thesis is to evaluate the performance of Proactive and Reactive MANET protocols. These protocols have different behaviors for wireless routing aspects. The main problem is to choice the correct and efficient routing protocol for MANET. The main questions arise for the evaluation of these problems. First question is which routing protocol provides a better performance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks? This will give the overall performance of each routing protocol. Second question is what factors influence the performance of these routing protocols? Finally we address the main key differences in these routing protocols. To answer all these questions, we will model some of MANET scenarios with different parameters. To evaluate the performance of Proactive MANET protocol and Reactive MANET Protocols as, AODV, DSR and OLSR with respect to some parameters as delay, network load and throughput. In simulating these scenarios we come to know that no single routing protocol among Proactive MANET protocol and Reactive MANET Protocol is superior in terms of overall network performance. For example one protocol is good in average delay while other is best in network load and throughput. The performance of these routing protocols greatly depends on network load and delay. So the best protocol can give low delay and high throughput. Scope of the thesis As we know the two categories of routing protocols. Reactive, proactive, and the derived one from reactive and proactive protocols are referred to as hybrid routing protocol. The hybrid protocol is a combination of both reactive and proactive routing protocols. In this thesis, we considered three routing protocols. Two of them are reactive protocols i.e. AODV and DSR. One of them is proactive protocol i.e. OLSR. In this thesis we evaluate the behavior of these routing protocols when implemented in the network. We look that how these protocols affect the network performance, and how the routing protocols behave in these networks. There is no need to go in depth the design of these routing protocol algorithms. But we will give a detailed explanation of these routing protocols. That we are able to explain their effects on the network. We did not consider the effects of varying pause time of the mobile nodes in our simulations. These pause time will be kept constant in all the scenarios. Energy consumption of the routing protocol algorithms was also not considered in the thesis. Thesis structure The thesis is mainly divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the topic. In this chapter we discuss the MANET with detail, and also the research question. Chapter 2 presents the background of our work. Types of wireless networks and some part of related work with example. Chapter 3 gives the state of the art. It gives the full theoretical background and concepts of the ad hoc mobile network routing protocols i.e. reactive MANET protocols and proactive MANET protocols. Chapter 4 is about the performance metrics: delay, network load and throughput and also about the simulation tool OPNET Modeler 14.5. Chapter 5 gives the results and an analysis of all the routing protocols simulated. In chapter 6, the conclusion and future work is presented. Chapter 2 Background and Related Work In this chapter we present the background of our work. Types of wireless networks and some part of related work with example. MANET have a dynamic nature, a large number of applications make them ideal to use. Quick deployment and minimal configuration of MANET in emergencies such as natural disaster makes them more suitable. The growth of technology makes increase in Wi-Fi capable laptops, mobile phones, MP3 players and other small portable devices. Hence a reason for MANET popularity. Extensive research work has been done on the performance evaluation of routing protocols using NS2 network simulator. Different methods and simulation environments give different results for MANET routing protocols performance. We need to look in a broader view for the effects of these routing protocols which are not considered in a specific environment. The theme of this project is to evaluate the performance of Proactive MANET protocols (PMP) and Reactive MANET Protocols (RMP) in OPNET Modeler 14.5 under varying network load [2]. For all these comparisons we will use FTP traffic to look the effects of the ad hoc network protocols. The project goal is to give an extra source of comparison statistics in the research field. In our simulation we have wireless routing protocols carrying FTP traffic. These simulations performed will have a strong link with the theoretical concepts and also with the expected performance in practical implementations. This study work will give a great benef it in the future research work. Related work Extensive research works has been done in the field of MANET routing protocols. Different routing protocols were simulated in different kind of simulators. Here we will discuss different research papers on the performance of MANET routing protocols. In this thesis work we simulate three MANET routing protocols in the OPNET modeler 14.5. AODV, DSR and OLSR were simulated against three different parameters i.e. delay, network load and throughput. The results show that OLSR is best in network delay than AODV and DSR. The protocols best in the network delay must be the finest in the network throughput. Below we will study now different simulators with different routing protocols and their performance. These routing protocols DSDV, AODV, DSR and TORA were simulated using NS2 [3]. Analysis gives different results for every parameter differently. In finding shortest path between the source and destination nodes, delay, DSDV performs well than AODV, DSR and TORA. DSR perform well in network load balancing than DSDV, AODV and TORA. DSDV has good jitter than AODV, TORA and DSR respectively. The results given in [5] analyse DSR and DSDV in idealized and realistic simulation environments on their performance. Another paper in reference [4] gives conclusion in mobile ad hoc network that reactive protocols i.e. AODV and DSR perform well when the network load is moderate. In reference [4] the reactive protocols are saving much resource like energy. It analyse that the proactive protocols perform well in heavy network traffic load. In [6] there are different conclusions about the MANET routing protocols. DSDV, AODV and DSR were simulated in NS2. The reactive protocol AODV outperforms than DSDV and DSR in maintaining connection by sequentially exchange of information for TCP based traffic. The packets are delivered when the node mobility is low and failed to deliver at high mobility. DSR perform well than DSDV at all mobility. In [6] DSR perform well than DSDV and AODV for packet dropping rate (PDR), delay and throughput. DSR generates less network load than AODV. In reference [7], the simulation was done in QUALNET simulator. The author wrote that AODV shows best performance in low and medium node density. Where as in high node density both OLSR and DSR outperforms. The author wrote in [7], that DSR is selected for file transfers where delivery and throughput are critical factors. OLSR performs well in both low and high node density. It is stated in [7] that OLSR is best suited in application oriented traffic e.g. streaming traffic, voice and video traffic. In application based traffic delay is a critical factor. Types of Wireless Networks Before we discuss the wireless networks types, a small difference between wired and wireless network is discussed. A network that sends data from one point to another point with cable or wire is called wired network. The data sent over a network which uses wireless medium from one device to another device is called wireless network. In wireless network data is transmitted from one point to another through wireless links. For communication the devices have to be in the transmission or radio range of each other. Wireless networks are divided into two main groups. First infrastructure wireless network and second is Ad hoc or infrastructure-less network. Infrastructure Networks Fixed network topology is deployed in infrastructure network. These deployed, fixed networks have base stations or access points from which wireless nodes can get connected. All the base stations or access points are connected with the main network through wired links (fiber optic, twisted or coaxial cable) or wireless link. The base station or access point is one of the important units of infrastructure networks. All of the connections will have to pass from the access point. A wireless node can connect to anyone of the access points in its range. Ad hoc Networks An Ad hoc network is deployed where wireless network infrastructure is not available. This kind of ad hoc network is called infrastructure less network. In ad hoc network each node is connected through wireless links. These nodes connected to each other and also act as a router, by forwarding data to other nodes. There is no restriction on these nodes to join or leave the network. Thus the network has no vital infrastructure. Ad hoc networks have two forms; one is static ad hoc networks (SANET), the other is called mobile ad hoc network (MANET). Commercial implementation of ad hoc network becomes possible due to the development of new technology such as 802.11 [5]. The main reason to deploy this kind of network is the flexibility and easiness of deployment. A suitable network for emergency and surveillance use. But with all these qualities, ad hoc network operation is very difficult to handle. Each and every node is responsible for its operation to maintain its routing table and also forwarding packets to its neighbors as routers. MANET has different topology changes while deployed. So ad hoc network need an efficient routing protocol. To construct an efficient routing protocol is a tough and tedious task. Mobile Ad hoc Networks As mentioned before an ad hoc network is a wireless network, which do not have a centralized and fixed infrastructure. MANET is referred to a wireless ad hoc network. In which nodes are free to move arbitrarily. In a MANET, mobile nodes transmit and receive the traffic. Also mobile nodes can act like routers by forwarding the neighbors traffic to the destination. As the routers are mostly multi hops [60]. MANET does not need base stations of wired infrastructure. The mobile nodes in wireless network range can communicate with each other. MANET is self organized network. The mobile nodes form a network automatically without a fixed infrastructure and central management [60]. The mobile nodes have transmitters and receivers with smart antennas, which enable the mobile nodes to communicate with other mobile nodes in the network. The topology of the network change every time by getting in and out of the mobile nodes in the network. In the beginning MANET was designed for military use but now the MANET is used in many areas. Such as in disaster hit areas, data collection in some region, in rescue missions, virtual classes and conferences [60]. This concept with ad hoc network makes the full name of mobile ad hoc network (MANET). By growing the network, combined with the node mobility. The challenges of self configuration of the network become more evident. Security in the MANET is a very important issue. Many techniques were defined for the security of MANET. Intrusion detection technique is investigated in reference [60]. Mobile nodes in the network waste much energy by joining in and out with connection to wireless network. This connection and reconnection create energy limitation in the network. The main purpose of developing the ad hoc routing protocols to cope with the dynamic nature of MANET. The routing protocols efficiency can be determined by the battery power consumption. Energy is consumed during participation of a node in a network and also in routing of traffic. The routing protocol which adapts to the connection tearing and mending is also considered vital. Such routing protocols are AODV, DSR and OLSR, TORA, Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP), Zone Routing Protocol, and Two-Zone Routing Protocol (TZRP) [21]. We will discuss reactive and proactive routing protocols i.e. AODV, DSR and OLSR in chapter 3 respectively. The internet engineering task force (IETF) MANET working group (WG) was dedicated to standardize the routing protocols in MANET. RFC 2501 specifies the charter of the working group [8]. An Example of MANET Application The versatility and self configuration of MANET makes them a best choice for a wide range of applications. MANET can be used in natural disaster areas, pre planed strategic event like surveillance, data collecting in some regions, conferences and virtual classes. In such areas where the fixed infrastructure is not available before. Like earthquake hit areas where the fixed infrastructure has been destroyed, in flooded areas, fire or explosion hit areas, train or air plane crash [21]. A very common use of MANET is during business conferences. The only and key attribute that make MANET ideal is their self configuration and low cost of deployment. Here we will present one practical example. In a virtual class, a WiMAX radio link may be established. Then a MANET access network can be established to give coverage to those areas that is difficult to cover. The nodes far away from the base station rely on midway nodes for communication. Thus provide a best communication network in such hostile situation. Above in figure 1, a deployed MANET over WiMAX backbone is shown. In this figure the mobile nodes and the WiMAX_WLAN Router form a MANET. These nodes are connected to the WiMAX_WLAN router and the router is further connected to the WiMAX network. The router is working like a boundary between the MANET and the WiMAX. The WiMAX_WLAN router is capable of translation between the MANET protocols and the WiMAX network protocols, and also the backbone protocols the WiMAX is connected with. The figure 1 is shown above. Chapter 3 Ad hoc Networks Routing Protocols The theoretical concepts of ad hoc routing protocols are discussed in this chapter. The behaviors of proactive and reactive routing protocols will be analyzed. Routing Routing means to choose a path. Routing in MANET means to choose a right and suitable path to the destination from the source. Routing terminology is used in different kinds of networks. In telephony technology, electronic data networks and in the internet network, the term routing is used. Here we are more concern about routing in mobile ad hoc networks. Routing protocols in mobile ad hoc network means that the mobile nodes will search for a route or path to connect to each other and share the data packets. Protocols are the set of rules through which two or more devices (mobile nodes, computers or electronic device) can communicate to each other. In mobile ad hoc networks the routing is mostly done with the help of routing tables. These tables are kept in the memory cache of these mobile nodes. When routing process is going on, it route the data packets in different mechanisms. The first is unicast, in which the source directly sends the data packets to the destination. The second is broadcast; it means the source node sends messages to all the near and far nodes in the network. The third is anycast, in this the source node sends data packet to anyone which is not in the node group. Routing types Routing has two basic types, which are as under Static Routing Dynamic Routing Static routing is done by the administrator manually to forward the data packets in the network. Static routing is permanent. No any administrator can change this setting [29]. These static routers are configured by the administrator, which means there is no need to make routing tables by the router. Dynamic Routing is automatically done by the choice of router. It can route the traffic on any route depend on the routing table. Dynamic routing allows the routers to know about the networks and the interesting thing is to add this information in their routing tables. This is shown in the figure 3.1 below. In dynamic routing the routers exchange the routing information if there is some change in the topology [61]. Exchanging information between these dynamic routers learn to know about the new routes and networks. Dynamic routing is more flexible than static routing. In dynamic routing it have the capability to overcome the overload traffic. Dynamic routing uses different paths to forward the data packets. Dynamic routing is better than static routing. Routing protocols There are several kinds of routing protocols for wireless ad hoc networks. These routing protocols are categorized as reactive or proactive routing protocols [8]. The ad hoc routing protocols which have both proactive and reactive merits, is called hybrid routing protocols. The first kind of protocol is proactive or table driven routing protocol. The second kind of protocol is called reactive or on-demand routing protocol. The first kind of protocol is simply called Proactive MANET Protocol (PMP). Proactive routing protocol detects the layout of the network actively. A routing table can be maintained at every node. From which a route can be determined with less delay. The proactive routing protocols provide good reliability on the current network topology [21] and low latency for deciding a route. The OLSR is a proactive routing protocol. The second kind of protocol is simply called Reactive MANET Protocol (RMP). In these kinds of protocols the communication is only possible when the source node requests to communicate with the other node. Reactive MANET Protocols are mostly suited for nodes with high mobility or nodes that transmit data rarely. There are some reactive routing protocols which we will consider here. These reactive routing protocols include AODV, DSR and TORA. An ad hoc routing protocol is a standard. That controls the decision of the nodes that which route the nodes have to take to the destination from the source node. When a node wants to join a network, it discovers the topology by announcing its presence, and listening to broadcasts from other nodes in the network. This routing discovery is performed differently according to the routing protocol algorithm implemented in the network. Proactive Routing Protocols The routing information about all the nodes is build and maintained by the proactive protocols. The proactive routing protocols are independent of whether or not the route is needed [62]. Control messages are transmitted with periodically intervals. Even if there is no data flow still control messages are transmitted. Because of these control messages proactive routing protocols are not bandwidth efficient. There are many advantages and disadvantages of proactive routing protocols. One of its advantages is that the nodes can easily get routing information, and it easily starts a session. The disadvantages are, too much data kept by the nodes for route maintenance, when there is a particular link failure its reform is too slow. OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) It is a proactive routing protocol in MANET. It is also called as table driven protocol because it permanently stores and updates its routing table. OLSR keeps track of routing table in order to provide a route if needed. OLSR can be implemented in any ad hoc network. Due to its nature OLSR is called as proactive routing protocol. MPR nodes are shown in the given figure 3.2. All nodes in the network do not broadcast the route packets. Just Multipoint Relay (MPR) nodes broadcast route packets. These MPR nodes can be selected in the neighbor of source node. Each node in the network keeps a list of MPR nodes. This MPR selector is obtained from HELLO packets sending between in neighbor nodes. These routes are built before any source node intends to send to a specified destination. Each and every node in the network keeps a routing table. This is the reason the routing overhead for OLSR is minimum than other reactive routing protocols and it provide a shortest route to the destination in the network. There is no need to build the new routes, as the existing in use route does not increase enough routing overhead. It reduces the route discovery delay. Nodes in the network send HELLO messages to their neighbors. These messages are sent at a predetermined interval in OLSR to determine the link status. Here we can understand this by Figure 3.3. If node A and node B are neighbors, node A sends HELLO message to B node. If B node receives this message, we can say the link is asymmetric. If now B node sends the same HELLO message to A node. This is the same as first case, called asymmetric link. Now if the two way communication is possible then we can call it symmetric link, as shown in Figure 3.3. The HELLO messages contain all the neighbor information. This enables the mobile node to have a table in which it has information about all its multiple hop neighbors. A node chooses minimal number of MPR nodes, when symmetric connections are made. It broadcast TC messages with information about link status at predetermined TC interval [62]. TC messages also calculate the routing tables. In TC messages MPR node information are also included. Reactive Routing Protocols Reactive routing protocols are called on-demand routing protocols. These routing protocols are called when they are required. So the routes are built when they are needed. These routes can be acquired by sending route requests through the network. Disadvantage of this algorithm is that it offers high latency in searching a network. We will consider AODV and DSR in this report. But the analysis will be of AODV and DSR in the fifth chapter. AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) AODV is an on-demand routing protocol. The AODV algorithm gives an easy way to get change in the link situation. For example if a link fails notifications are sent only to the affected nodes in the network. This notification cancels all the routes through this affected node. It builds unicast routes from source to the destination. The network usage is least. Since the routes are build on demand so the network traffic is minimum. AODV not allowing keeping extra routing which is not in use [63]. Two nodes wish to establish a connection in an ad hoc network. AODV is responsible to enable them to build a multihop route. AODV is loop free. AODV uses Destination Sequence Numbers (DSN) to avoid counting to infinity. This is the characteristic of this algorithm. When a node send request to a destination, it sends its DSNs together with all routing information. It also selects the most favorable route based on the sequence number [11]. There are three AODV messages. One is Route Request (RREQs), Route Replies (RREPs), and Route Errors (RERRs) [1]. By using UDP packets, the sources to destination routes are discovered and maintain by these messages. For example the node which request, will use its IP address as Originator IP address for the message for broadcast. It simply means that the AODV not blindly forwarded every message. The number of hops of routing messages in ad hoc network is determined by Time-To-Live (TTL) in the IP header. When the source node wants to create a new route to the destination, the requesting node broadcast an RREQ message in the network. In the figure 3.4 the RREQ message is broadcasted from source node A to the destination node B. The RREQ message is shown by the black line from source node A to many directions. The source node A broadcast the RREQ message in the neighbor nodes. When the neighbor nodes receive the RREQ message it creates a reverse route to the source node A. This neighbor node is the next hop to the source node A. The hop count of the RREQ is incremented by one. The neighbor node will check if it has an active route to the destination or not. If it has a route so it will forward a RREP to the source node A. If it does not have an active route to the destination it will broadcast the RREQ message in the network again with an incremented hop count value. The figure 3.4 shows the procedure for finding the destination node B. The RREQ message is flooded in the network in sea rching for finding the destination node B. The intermediate nodes can reply to the RREQ message only if they have the destination sequence number (DSN) equal to or greater than the number contained in the packet header of RREQ. The intermediate nodes forward the RREQ message to the neighbor nodes and record it in their routing table. The addresses of the neighbor nodes from which it get the RREQ message. This information will be used to make a reverse path for RREP message from the destination node. When the message reach to the destination node. It calculates the shortest path to the source. In the figure 3.4 it is shown. The destination node B replies with RREP message denoted by the dotted orange color line. From node A to node B the shortest path is the lower one shown with dotted line. These nodes routes information were saved in the routing tables and were used to build a reverse route from destination to the source node with the message RREP. The request reach to the destinat ion and then RREP has reached to the originator of the request. This route is only available by unicasting a RREP back to the source. The nodes receiving these messages are cached from originator of the RREQ to all the nodes. When a link is failed an RERR message is generated. RERR message contains information about nodes that are not reachable. The IP addresses of all the nodes which are as their next hop to the destination. All the routing information about the network is stored in the table. The routing table have these route entries; (i) destination IP address, (ii) Destination Sequence Number (DSN), (iii) Valid Destination Sequence Number flag (iv) other state and routing flags (e.g., valid, invalid, repairable being repaired) (v) network interface (vi) hop count (number of hops needed to reach destination) (vii) next hop (viii) the list of precursors and lifetime (Expiration time of the route). DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) Dynamic Source Routing Protocol is a reactive routing protocol. DSR is on demand routing protocol. It is a source routing protocol. It is a simple and efficient protocol. It can be used in multi hop wireless ad hoc networks [64].

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Diabetes This is a chronic metabolic disorder caused by disturbances in carbohydrates, lipid and protein imbalances leading to increased blood glucose levels. There are three main types of diabetes mellitus; type one, type two and gestational diabetes. Type one is common among children under the age of twenty years, while type two is associated with adults. Other types of diabetes are; congenital diabetes, steroid diabetes and monogenic diabetes. However, these other forms are less prevalent compared to the three main types of diabetes. Diabetes is one of the leading cases of blindness, amputations and kidney failure (American Diabetes Association, 2008). Type one occurs due to lack of insulin in the body. In this type of diabetes; the body is unable to produce enough levels of insulin hormone which regulates the absorption of blood glucose. The immune system attacks the insulin producing cells in the pancreas resulting into hormone deficit. This means that individuals with type one diabetes mellitus have to be supplemented with insulin as failure to supplement may lead to death. Type two is characterized by high levels of blood glucose which is referred to as hyperglycemia. It is the most common type of diabetes accounting for 90 to 95 % of diabetic cases. Gestational diabetes affects pregnant mothers and is known to disappear after birth. It affects approximately 2% of pregnant women and 50% of the affected mothers may result to type two diabetes if the condition is not well managed (CDC, 2011). Symptoms Symptoms depend on the type of the disease and the stage of disease. However some symptoms are common in the three types of the disease. The main symptoms are; polyuria, loss of weight, increased hunger and excessive thirst.... ... acquiring the diseases as it can be passed from one generation to another (American Diabetes Association, 2008). Treatment Diabetes can be managed by the use of diabetic medications like metformin, chlorpropamide among others. However, dietary management, regular exercise and weight management are the best ways of managing diabetes mellitus. Type one is managed by administration of insulin and dietary management. Type two is managed mainly through eating healthy, physical activity and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels. Conventional medication coupled with dietary management has improved the outcomes of the patients with diabetes. Studies have shown that use of probiotics can also help in the treatment of the disease. Patients should monitor their glucose and cholesterol levels as the basic tools for managing diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2008).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Impact of Islam on West Africa Essay

Islam impacted West Africa in many ways. It changed the people’s views of their rulers, and in some people, even the way they viewed the world. Other aspects stayed the same, like the beliefs of the pagan people and how they lived. The most important connection that Islam made globally was the establishment of trading centers and routes. When Muslims brought Islam into West Africa from across the Sahara, Africans were attracted to it because it helped them through a time where their rulers were changing. Rulers were extremely attracted to the Islamic idea of state and religion being united under one ruler because they thought it would help reinforce their authority. Also, many lower people converted to Islam because of its egalitarian beliefs. The fact that all people were viewed as equals appealed to them, for they then would be equal to the people that looked down upon them. In many ways, Islam changed the views of the people in West Africa. As Islam was growing rapidly, many people were converting, yet pagan people did not want to change their polytheistic views on life because that was the only thing they had to look forward to. Unlike Hinduism, Islam was very strict when it came to including other beliefs along with theirs. Pagan people made up a large part of the West African population. Therefore in order for Islam to spread even further, Sufi mystics integrated pagan beliefs into Islam. The beliefs did not change, and the pagan people were at peace with the pagan people and its ideas. In global context, Islam made an important connection with other parts of the world through trade. West Africa had many points where Muslims established trading centers that traded with Asia and Europe. Trade spread Islamic ideas to other parts of the world, introducing new regions and empires to egalitarian and monotheistic beliefs. These beliefs helped other regions in the world deal with war, conquering of their land, and unlawful taxation that was part of the people’s daily lives. Without establishing trade routes, Islam could not have impacted other parts of the world as much as it had in such a short time. The changes Islam made in the views of the West Africans helped them get through rough times, and unified them. The continuity of the beliefs of the pagan people also helped Islam spread, and kept most of the empire in order. The impact of Islam in multiple ways helped unify West Africa, and established important connections around the world.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Gun Control Essays (343 words) - Gun Politics, Firearms, Gun Control

Gun Control Essays (343 words) - Gun Politics, Firearms, Gun Control Gun Control Gun Control Guns have many functions. Some people use them for many different sports, some use them for protection, and some use them for murder. The Constitution of the United States of America gives us the right to keep and bear arms. This brings up a very good argument that guns should be outlawed because of the rise in violent crimes with firearms. Should this statistic ruin it for the rest of the nation who dont use guns in violent crimes. These people use guns for legal reasons. Guns are a very big risk to the safety to the American population. With guns in the hands of criminals, they are able to perpetrate serious crimes. If you put a ban on guns there would be a decrease of violent crimes. With fewer guns on the street, there would be less of a chance of you being attacked with a gun. Violent crimes wouldnt disappear, they would decrease. In his essay Desuka states, True, even if handguns are outlawed, some criminals would manage to get them, but surely fewer petty criminals will have guns. (423). A ban on guns will hurt the economy greatly. When the ban is imposed, the government will have to reimburse gun owners for surrendering their guns. the number of handguns is estimated to be between 50 million and 90 million, the cost will be considerable, but it will be far less than the costs-both in money and sorrow- that result from deaths due to handguns. (Desuka 423). This statement totally justifies the ban on guns. The economy will surely suffer but that is nothing compared to the pain associated with burying a family member. By putting a ban on guns, it is a violation of the second amendment. I believe it is more than justified. What would you rather have? One less constitutional right or one less loved one? In this case, the violation of the second amendment is the least of our worries. Our most important worry is getting the guns off the streets.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Retaliating In America essays

Retaliating In America essays A water filled balloon comes sailing over a crowd of onlookers as it crashes into the back of a rather large individual. Immediately, the drenched victim turns and searches aimlessly for the perpetrator. Only, he finds no one to point the finger at for sure. Ideas of who the culprit may be races through his mind, and now he realizes it was probably the group of his peers that jeer at him every day. This time they have gone too far, the suspicion of an individual being responsible has left his mind, instead, he views the entire group of kids to be equally accountable. The aforementioned situation left the victim in a state of fury, wanting to retaliate and strike back. While half of his mind wants to pummel the ones responsible, the other half is left unsure what to do. This is the feeling an entire nation endured after the September 11th tragedy. While America remained united physically, they were separated mentally in whether or not to fire back, and still yet, others counte red with discriminatory remarks and actions to Americans resembling those who were accountable for the horrific tragedy. Those who wished to fight back responded immediately by outraging on the television, in magazines, and on the radio. Every station or page you turned to, there somebody or something was saying that we should retaliate. Most writers and broadcasters stated proficient reasons why they felt we should reciprocate. Each justified their opinions well because of how passionate they may have felt about that tragic day. Some stated that the United States should bomb back or send troops in, as long as it was physical destruction that we partook. While half of America felt we should fight back, the other half of the remaining individuals kept silent or spoke out that non-violence action was the best method of retaliation. Those who remained silent may have been decided in mind but could not actually speak what they felt because they we...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Management Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Management Information Systems - Essay Example omplete inherent chip intelligence has an added advantage in that their layering of the security tools ensure better encryption capabilities that are not existing on other conventional methods of payment such as the magnetic strips of the credit and debit cards, hence this will reduce any chances of counterfeiting and skimming of the payment methods (Coskun, 2012). Also security is largely depends on proximity and since the customer will hold the card near the NFC reader to make payment goes ahead to strengthen the security. By using NFC technology to make your payments is very convenient in the sense that it simplifies the process for the users to make instant payment through their phones or tablets. Using this payment method is considerably very simple to use and understand. It enables the customers perform financial transactions by simply touching the phone screens One of the most exclusive benefit of NFC is the employment of contactless payment. This allows customers to swipe their phone over a card reader without the necessity to using debit or credit card or even cash. This technology also allows the customer to select from multiple card to determine which one he/she wishes to use for any given transaction. With this feature the customer is able to save time and the possibility of losing their cards in the process (IEEE, 2012). Another of the beneficial implications of the near field technology to the customers today is their versatility. Their ability to cover a variety of uses and its ease of use using a regular device we carry dairy is very significant (IEEE, 2012). A customer can be able to do a variety of things such as read information from the NFC tags, pay for groceries or even pay for a taxi. With the rapid growth in the smartphone usage combined with the importance the NFC technology adds to it, customers will have whatever they need at any given time without having to pull out a wallet, cards or tickets (Ahson, 2012). NFC technology come with

Friday, November 1, 2019

Compare and contrast three ethical theories Research Paper

Compare and contrast three ethical theories - Research Paper Example We always, or, rather, mostly focus on actions but we can have a change and focus on consequences. When we focus on consequences we wind up with consequentialism and utilitarianism is one type of consequentialism and the founding father was Jeremy Bentham. (Lafollette, 28) Utilitarianism is divided into two, rule utilitarianism and act utilitarianism. In act utilitarianism, a person performs the acts whose end results are beneficial to a majority of people, without taking into consideration personal feelings or the societal constraints such as laws. Rule utilitarianism on the contrary takes into consideration the law and upholds fairness. A rule utilitarian uses fair and just means to benefit most people. Utilitarianism just like any other ethical theory has flaws. This can be seen in the sense that it is very hard or almost impossible to determine the amount of pleasure that will result from the action. This is because we cannot quantify pleasure and that the pleasure of one person is not the same as the pleasure of another person. The deontological theory spells out that people should adhere to their duties and obligations when analyzing ethical dilemmas. This ethical theory elaborates that the most important aspects of our lives are governed by certain unbreakable moral rules. Deontologists argue that these rules are not to be broken even if their absolution will improve a situation. Whoever follows this theory is bound to produce very consistent decisions since they are mostly based on the individuals set duties. This theory provides ground for obligations and special duties to specific people, such as family. A good and simple example is where an older brother has an obligation to offer protection to his little when they cross a busy road together. Praise is also offered to those who exceed their obligations and duties, which is referred to as supererogation. A

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Explain the conservatism of the New Right - what did it strive to Essay

Explain the conservatism of the New Right - what did it strive to conserve and what did it fail to conserve - Essay Example The concept of conservatism emerged out of the strong protest to socialism and communism. Capitalism and conservatism have always gone hand in hand. The concept conservatism is basically associated with history of the nation which includes a different political attitude in different eras. In American contest the conservatism is marked by tensions and absolute contradictions between anti-communists and anti-statists, but between traditionalist and individualists who declared publicly the primacy of religion, politics, or economics. The central idea, upon which the foundation of American conservatism is based on, is ordered liberty. It comprises of both individual freedom as well as individual responsibility. It also deals with limited government and unlimited market. It means the non interference of government in economy. The conservative attitude was associated with carrying on the past and an established thoughts, rules and conducts. According to the conservative thoughts the change s will affect the society rather than any positive sequel. The conservatives were involved in preventing the growing influence of socialism and communism. From mid 1930 to the 1960s the traditionalists in America gathered with the objective to fight the liberals’ â€Å"New Deal. The modern conservatism in America was influenced by the ideas of Russell Kirk. He affirmed his ideas through â€Å"Conservative minds.† Thus modern conservatism became the main political force in 1964. Russell Kirk was known as the father of modern conservative thought. In the United States the term New Rights refers to historical different conservative political movements. The New Rights were trying to conserve the old things but for their efforts they had to accept the changes. It was not affordable for them to be rigid with their opinion. The first New Right (1955 to 1964) adopted the â€Å"fusionism,† i.e. classical liberal economics, traditional social values, and an ardent anti-c ommunism. The second New Right in America was formed during Goldwater Campaign. The Second New Right became more popular than the first one. The Second New Right helped Ronald Reagan to win the White House in 1980. On the background of conservatism the attempt has been done to take review of two books, one is â€Å"Suburban Warriors,† and second is â€Å"Republican Ascendency.† The two books are basically written on the same background. â€Å"Suburban Warriors,† is one of the books during the rise of the New Rights. In the book the author Lisa McGirr focuses on the conservative monopoly of Orange Country to know the economic as well as social causes for its fanatical embrace of Goldwater- Reagan republicanism. Lisa McGirr here depicts that their movement was not one of unimportant people suffering from status anxiety. On the other hand this movement was established by successful people living a modern life and yearning for bright future. Lisa McGirr explains the importance of Orange Country that it was a â€Å"real centre and symbol of American Conservatism.†(P.4) In the end Lisa McGirr opines that they have become successful they have engaged in preserving things with its new form. They want the original values but at the same time they are aware of the fact that changes are inevitable and so they accept everything with adaptation. While telling that the conservatives have not just adopted the old rules, she says â€Å"

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Normalising Machine Essay Example for Free

The Normalising Machine Essay The normalising machine has two parts to it and I am going to talk about the first part that is what we did in the lessons. We started off by looking at the characters. We had to make a little improvisation up about how the characters are put across to us. We used still images, role plays and prepared improvisations. We had to make it obvious that the characters were greedy, manipulative and just plain stupid. The lessons then progressed and we started to take scenes from the normalising machine book. We made it, again obvious that the characters were greedy, manipulative and plain stupid. We took each lesson one at a time and kept trying to make it more and more obvious that the characters are who they are and people had to guess who was who in the play. We looked at everyone elses performances and discussed their ideas and attitudes towards the play. Some examples of the other groups ideas are: Using different levels, pushing people down to make it seem like they are in control, using still images to emphasise the point they are putting across and using split staging to make it obvious of what they are doing. We discussed how these ideas helped the drama to progress onto the next stage which was trying to be over the top within the role of a character from the normalising machine. I found it very hard to be over the top and I think a lot of other people in the class did too. The drama had to be over the top because the play is very comical and if we werent over the top then it would have just been plain, simple, boring and totally rubbish. I thought that being over the top was a good thing to do but it is also a very hard thing to do. For instance, when Rudolf met Trudy at the tube station, he was so over the top and so outrageous that some people actually got worried that they were too over the top. Also when Rudolf met Mr and Mrs Tolerant he was also very over the top. This was very effective because the Mr Tolerant wanted to beat Rudolf up and he actually got scared of Rudolf because the character was full of beans and giddy as some people said, and when Mrs Tolerant said Rudolf was em barrassing her he got frustrated and worked up as some people said and he told Mr Tolerant to ask him to leave but Mr Tolerant insisted that he stayed. The only thing with Rudolf is that he sometimes gets worked up and feels frustrated because he is doing things wrong when he actually isnt but he thinks he is. Ben percent is Grace Beverly Brices P.R agent. He is the manipulated, sly and cunning character in the play. He swindles his way into the eyes of Grace Beverly Brice and becomes the official spokes person of Judge Juniper Jones. In the scene were he meets Grace Beverly Brice he shows her the contracts of some other people who arent actually celebrities any more but Grace Beverly Brice doesnt realise this and as Ben Percent manipulates her into agreeing to draw up a contract, he gave a sly grin and walks away only wanting 10% of the money she makes from the normalising machine. Also, Ben Percent was the person who finalised Doctor Michael Molecule because Ben got very worked up that Michael Molecule was spreading rumours about Grace Beverly Brice. In this scene we see that when Doctor Michael Molecule enters the room with Ben Percent in it that whoever was in control of the other person would stand up and the person who had no control had been pushed down onto a chair. This is a very effective way of doing things because the audience could see who was and who wasnt in control at that point, and as Ben percent offers for Doctor Michael Molecule to come back on the project of the normalising machine with the excuse that they need something to clear the dust from inside the machine and asks him what he wants to do, Ben Percent pushes Doctor Michael Molecule into the normalising machine and finalises him and gives a very sly and cunning laugh. This was also very effective because the book play shows that Ben percent is a very manipulating any character even if it means finalising them. Grace Beverly Brice is the character that completed the normalising machine because Doctor Michael Molecule got frustrated and couldnt finish it because he didnt know what to add to sedate the radicals and the badicals so Grace Beverly Brice stepped in to finish the project and completed the machine to become a billionaire. Grace Beverly Brice is a manipulated character and a very innocent character who knows what she wants to do with her life but when it all boils down to it she is manipulated by Ben Percent. All the scenes in this play were sometimes complicated to put together and to drop thoughts on, on how to bring the scene together so it looked like the person who was in charge was in charge and the person who was being manipulated was manipulated and the person who was manipulating was manipulating. I think some people found it very hard to be the character they was meant to be playing and to make it seem like they was in charge etc but the groups the people were in dropped some good thoughts and put it all together brilliantly and it looked very professional. I am now going to talk about the development and presentation that the class did. Both groups based their plays on the normalising machine but changed the lines a bit except for my group. We based half of our development and presentation on the normalising machine. This part was the head teachers scene in the normalising machine book. We then went from that scene to a Blind Date scene which was called now been normalised and that was based on the characters from the normalising machine who had been normalised in the normalising machine and wanted to take Trudy on a romantic date. The characters we used are: Trudy, Ben Percent, Doctor Michael Molecule, Rudolf Right and Anthony Badlad. We used these characters because they are the most manipulating, over the top and vile characters in the book. We then used another scene from the book were Trudy takes Rudolf home to meet her parents. This scene is so over the top that even Rudolf was nearly laughing at himself because it was so funny a nd then we went back to the Head teacher who finished the whole play off by using smart and witty comments to make it so that he was put across as evil and cruel. We did this by making him have a very deep voice and made him to shout at the top of his voice for further credit to the character. Over all I think this project was very good fun and we used a lot of skills to put across our point that the characters are who they are. Some of the skills we used are: still images, Role play, development and presentation, role within a role, hot seating, split staging and many more. All the plays that the other groups made were very good. They used all the skills that were needed in the scenes they were acting and even used more skills that werent needed but they put them in any way to make it even better for the audience to watch.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Australian People :: essays research papers

Australian People   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The population of Australia is 18,438,824.The Birth Rate is 13.73, per 1000 people. The death rate is 6.89 per 1000 people. Those two were per year on average. The migration rate is 2.71 immigrants per 1000 people. The Life expectancy is higher than the US at 79.64. (Male 76.69, Female 82.74) There are three major ethnic groups in Australia. The Caucasian makes up 95%, the Asians make up 4%, and the Aboriginal make up 1%.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The official language of Australia is English. It is spoken by more than 99% of the population. The languages come from Europe and Oceania. (Australia, New Zealand etc.) There are several Aboriginal dialects spoken throughout the country. The writing system is Arabic. The Australians often use mate as a way to address others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three major religions in Australia. Anglican makes up 26.1 % of the population. Roman Catholic makes up 26% and other Christian religions make up 24.3% of the population. Burial services are very similar to the ones practiced by Americans in the US. The Aboriginal buries their dead and marks the burial grounds to symbolize the sky world in which they will be reincarnated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Average Australian family consists of three members. The Father is the dominant member. There are some extended families of grandparents. Some Aboriginal now live in cities although most still live in the Outback in small rural communities. Aboriginal families are generally large. The children often work for the parents in the fields or around the dwelling. Families that live in urban areas usually have a higher income rate. They usually live in houses. Marriage is your choice, like in the US. Divorce is allowed by legal agreement and Polygamy is outlawed. Australian People :: essays research papers Australian People   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The population of Australia is 18,438,824.The Birth Rate is 13.73, per 1000 people. The death rate is 6.89 per 1000 people. Those two were per year on average. The migration rate is 2.71 immigrants per 1000 people. The Life expectancy is higher than the US at 79.64. (Male 76.69, Female 82.74) There are three major ethnic groups in Australia. The Caucasian makes up 95%, the Asians make up 4%, and the Aboriginal make up 1%.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The official language of Australia is English. It is spoken by more than 99% of the population. The languages come from Europe and Oceania. (Australia, New Zealand etc.) There are several Aboriginal dialects spoken throughout the country. The writing system is Arabic. The Australians often use mate as a way to address others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three major religions in Australia. Anglican makes up 26.1 % of the population. Roman Catholic makes up 26% and other Christian religions make up 24.3% of the population. Burial services are very similar to the ones practiced by Americans in the US. The Aboriginal buries their dead and marks the burial grounds to symbolize the sky world in which they will be reincarnated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Average Australian family consists of three members. The Father is the dominant member. There are some extended families of grandparents. Some Aboriginal now live in cities although most still live in the Outback in small rural communities. Aboriginal families are generally large. The children often work for the parents in the fields or around the dwelling. Families that live in urban areas usually have a higher income rate. They usually live in houses. Marriage is your choice, like in the US. Divorce is allowed by legal agreement and Polygamy is outlawed.