Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Explain the conservatism of the New Right - what did it strive to Essay

Explain the conservatism of the New Right - what did it strive to conserve and what did it fail to conserve - Essay Example The concept of conservatism emerged out of the strong protest to socialism and communism. Capitalism and conservatism have always gone hand in hand. The concept conservatism is basically associated with history of the nation which includes a different political attitude in different eras. In American contest the conservatism is marked by tensions and absolute contradictions between anti-communists and anti-statists, but between traditionalist and individualists who declared publicly the primacy of religion, politics, or economics. The central idea, upon which the foundation of American conservatism is based on, is ordered liberty. It comprises of both individual freedom as well as individual responsibility. It also deals with limited government and unlimited market. It means the non interference of government in economy. The conservative attitude was associated with carrying on the past and an established thoughts, rules and conducts. According to the conservative thoughts the change s will affect the society rather than any positive sequel. The conservatives were involved in preventing the growing influence of socialism and communism. From mid 1930 to the 1960s the traditionalists in America gathered with the objective to fight the liberals’ â€Å"New Deal. The modern conservatism in America was influenced by the ideas of Russell Kirk. He affirmed his ideas through â€Å"Conservative minds.† Thus modern conservatism became the main political force in 1964. Russell Kirk was known as the father of modern conservative thought. In the United States the term New Rights refers to historical different conservative political movements. The New Rights were trying to conserve the old things but for their efforts they had to accept the changes. It was not affordable for them to be rigid with their opinion. The first New Right (1955 to 1964) adopted the â€Å"fusionism,† i.e. classical liberal economics, traditional social values, and an ardent anti-c ommunism. The second New Right in America was formed during Goldwater Campaign. The Second New Right became more popular than the first one. The Second New Right helped Ronald Reagan to win the White House in 1980. On the background of conservatism the attempt has been done to take review of two books, one is â€Å"Suburban Warriors,† and second is â€Å"Republican Ascendency.† The two books are basically written on the same background. â€Å"Suburban Warriors,† is one of the books during the rise of the New Rights. In the book the author Lisa McGirr focuses on the conservative monopoly of Orange Country to know the economic as well as social causes for its fanatical embrace of Goldwater- Reagan republicanism. Lisa McGirr here depicts that their movement was not one of unimportant people suffering from status anxiety. On the other hand this movement was established by successful people living a modern life and yearning for bright future. Lisa McGirr explains the importance of Orange Country that it was a â€Å"real centre and symbol of American Conservatism.†(P.4) In the end Lisa McGirr opines that they have become successful they have engaged in preserving things with its new form. They want the original values but at the same time they are aware of the fact that changes are inevitable and so they accept everything with adaptation. While telling that the conservatives have not just adopted the old rules, she says â€Å"

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Normalising Machine Essay Example for Free

The Normalising Machine Essay The normalising machine has two parts to it and I am going to talk about the first part that is what we did in the lessons. We started off by looking at the characters. We had to make a little improvisation up about how the characters are put across to us. We used still images, role plays and prepared improvisations. We had to make it obvious that the characters were greedy, manipulative and just plain stupid. The lessons then progressed and we started to take scenes from the normalising machine book. We made it, again obvious that the characters were greedy, manipulative and plain stupid. We took each lesson one at a time and kept trying to make it more and more obvious that the characters are who they are and people had to guess who was who in the play. We looked at everyone elses performances and discussed their ideas and attitudes towards the play. Some examples of the other groups ideas are: Using different levels, pushing people down to make it seem like they are in control, using still images to emphasise the point they are putting across and using split staging to make it obvious of what they are doing. We discussed how these ideas helped the drama to progress onto the next stage which was trying to be over the top within the role of a character from the normalising machine. I found it very hard to be over the top and I think a lot of other people in the class did too. The drama had to be over the top because the play is very comical and if we werent over the top then it would have just been plain, simple, boring and totally rubbish. I thought that being over the top was a good thing to do but it is also a very hard thing to do. For instance, when Rudolf met Trudy at the tube station, he was so over the top and so outrageous that some people actually got worried that they were too over the top. Also when Rudolf met Mr and Mrs Tolerant he was also very over the top. This was very effective because the Mr Tolerant wanted to beat Rudolf up and he actually got scared of Rudolf because the character was full of beans and giddy as some people said, and when Mrs Tolerant said Rudolf was em barrassing her he got frustrated and worked up as some people said and he told Mr Tolerant to ask him to leave but Mr Tolerant insisted that he stayed. The only thing with Rudolf is that he sometimes gets worked up and feels frustrated because he is doing things wrong when he actually isnt but he thinks he is. Ben percent is Grace Beverly Brices P.R agent. He is the manipulated, sly and cunning character in the play. He swindles his way into the eyes of Grace Beverly Brice and becomes the official spokes person of Judge Juniper Jones. In the scene were he meets Grace Beverly Brice he shows her the contracts of some other people who arent actually celebrities any more but Grace Beverly Brice doesnt realise this and as Ben Percent manipulates her into agreeing to draw up a contract, he gave a sly grin and walks away only wanting 10% of the money she makes from the normalising machine. Also, Ben Percent was the person who finalised Doctor Michael Molecule because Ben got very worked up that Michael Molecule was spreading rumours about Grace Beverly Brice. In this scene we see that when Doctor Michael Molecule enters the room with Ben Percent in it that whoever was in control of the other person would stand up and the person who had no control had been pushed down onto a chair. This is a very effective way of doing things because the audience could see who was and who wasnt in control at that point, and as Ben percent offers for Doctor Michael Molecule to come back on the project of the normalising machine with the excuse that they need something to clear the dust from inside the machine and asks him what he wants to do, Ben Percent pushes Doctor Michael Molecule into the normalising machine and finalises him and gives a very sly and cunning laugh. This was also very effective because the book play shows that Ben percent is a very manipulating any character even if it means finalising them. Grace Beverly Brice is the character that completed the normalising machine because Doctor Michael Molecule got frustrated and couldnt finish it because he didnt know what to add to sedate the radicals and the badicals so Grace Beverly Brice stepped in to finish the project and completed the machine to become a billionaire. Grace Beverly Brice is a manipulated character and a very innocent character who knows what she wants to do with her life but when it all boils down to it she is manipulated by Ben Percent. All the scenes in this play were sometimes complicated to put together and to drop thoughts on, on how to bring the scene together so it looked like the person who was in charge was in charge and the person who was being manipulated was manipulated and the person who was manipulating was manipulating. I think some people found it very hard to be the character they was meant to be playing and to make it seem like they was in charge etc but the groups the people were in dropped some good thoughts and put it all together brilliantly and it looked very professional. I am now going to talk about the development and presentation that the class did. Both groups based their plays on the normalising machine but changed the lines a bit except for my group. We based half of our development and presentation on the normalising machine. This part was the head teachers scene in the normalising machine book. We then went from that scene to a Blind Date scene which was called now been normalised and that was based on the characters from the normalising machine who had been normalised in the normalising machine and wanted to take Trudy on a romantic date. The characters we used are: Trudy, Ben Percent, Doctor Michael Molecule, Rudolf Right and Anthony Badlad. We used these characters because they are the most manipulating, over the top and vile characters in the book. We then used another scene from the book were Trudy takes Rudolf home to meet her parents. This scene is so over the top that even Rudolf was nearly laughing at himself because it was so funny a nd then we went back to the Head teacher who finished the whole play off by using smart and witty comments to make it so that he was put across as evil and cruel. We did this by making him have a very deep voice and made him to shout at the top of his voice for further credit to the character. Over all I think this project was very good fun and we used a lot of skills to put across our point that the characters are who they are. Some of the skills we used are: still images, Role play, development and presentation, role within a role, hot seating, split staging and many more. All the plays that the other groups made were very good. They used all the skills that were needed in the scenes they were acting and even used more skills that werent needed but they put them in any way to make it even better for the audience to watch.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Australian People :: essays research papers

Australian People   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The population of Australia is 18,438,824.The Birth Rate is 13.73, per 1000 people. The death rate is 6.89 per 1000 people. Those two were per year on average. The migration rate is 2.71 immigrants per 1000 people. The Life expectancy is higher than the US at 79.64. (Male 76.69, Female 82.74) There are three major ethnic groups in Australia. The Caucasian makes up 95%, the Asians make up 4%, and the Aboriginal make up 1%.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The official language of Australia is English. It is spoken by more than 99% of the population. The languages come from Europe and Oceania. (Australia, New Zealand etc.) There are several Aboriginal dialects spoken throughout the country. The writing system is Arabic. The Australians often use mate as a way to address others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three major religions in Australia. Anglican makes up 26.1 % of the population. Roman Catholic makes up 26% and other Christian religions make up 24.3% of the population. Burial services are very similar to the ones practiced by Americans in the US. The Aboriginal buries their dead and marks the burial grounds to symbolize the sky world in which they will be reincarnated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Average Australian family consists of three members. The Father is the dominant member. There are some extended families of grandparents. Some Aboriginal now live in cities although most still live in the Outback in small rural communities. Aboriginal families are generally large. The children often work for the parents in the fields or around the dwelling. Families that live in urban areas usually have a higher income rate. They usually live in houses. Marriage is your choice, like in the US. Divorce is allowed by legal agreement and Polygamy is outlawed. Australian People :: essays research papers Australian People   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The population of Australia is 18,438,824.The Birth Rate is 13.73, per 1000 people. The death rate is 6.89 per 1000 people. Those two were per year on average. The migration rate is 2.71 immigrants per 1000 people. The Life expectancy is higher than the US at 79.64. (Male 76.69, Female 82.74) There are three major ethnic groups in Australia. The Caucasian makes up 95%, the Asians make up 4%, and the Aboriginal make up 1%.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The official language of Australia is English. It is spoken by more than 99% of the population. The languages come from Europe and Oceania. (Australia, New Zealand etc.) There are several Aboriginal dialects spoken throughout the country. The writing system is Arabic. The Australians often use mate as a way to address others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three major religions in Australia. Anglican makes up 26.1 % of the population. Roman Catholic makes up 26% and other Christian religions make up 24.3% of the population. Burial services are very similar to the ones practiced by Americans in the US. The Aboriginal buries their dead and marks the burial grounds to symbolize the sky world in which they will be reincarnated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Average Australian family consists of three members. The Father is the dominant member. There are some extended families of grandparents. Some Aboriginal now live in cities although most still live in the Outback in small rural communities. Aboriginal families are generally large. The children often work for the parents in the fields or around the dwelling. Families that live in urban areas usually have a higher income rate. They usually live in houses. Marriage is your choice, like in the US. Divorce is allowed by legal agreement and Polygamy is outlawed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Story About Seeing Mxpx :: essays research papers

On November 13th I went to Tramps in New York to see one of my favorite bands, MxPx. MxPx is a Christian pop-punk band. Pop punk basically means happy punk. The band members, are Mike Herrera who plays bass and sings, Tom Wisniewski who plays guitar and Yuri Ruley plays drums. They played about 10 songs, all of which I knew.Some of their songs have to do with society problems through the eyes of a teenager. At the show, the first song they played was one of my favorite's, "Teenage Politics". Some of the lyrics to this song are, "No I'm not mad but I think they forget what it's like and how hard it is to be a teenager. This is a new day and age, we read a different book where Elvis ain't the rage and polyester ain't the look." "...Is it time again to disagree about anything, everything and what's on TV it's a vicious circle, never ending a linear equation worldly extending. No, I'll never be like you; I'll never be like you. Oh no! I'm just like you!"The second song they played was "I'm the Bad Guy". The first couple lines of state, "Legalistic people suck. Legalism makes me sick." Even though they openly bust on legalism, they also know the world has nothing to offer them but hurt and pain, while God is the only answer.Since they are a Christian punk band, of course they have to play religious songs. One really good song that they played there was "False Fiction". This song basically means that the world is going through such turmoil because we don't have Christ in our lives. "They guarantee our freedom but freedom isn't real unless you know Christ you wont know how I feel. Inflections of the way things were supposed to be the mental disorder of our society...maybe this world had stopped thinking maybe all their minds are shrinking you failed system is including chaos, it's chaos, it's your loss."In "Like sand through the are the days of our lives," they say, "My world is breaking down around me. I see my destroyed world in front of me. Any and everything I trusted, I weep for my world disgusted. Will I look to you? Jesus, yes I do!"Not only did they play songs about Christ and society, they also played songs about love.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Zachman Framework

THE ZACHMAN FRAMEWORK FOR AND ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ENABLING ENTERPRISE STRATEGY What Data Function List of Processes How Where Network Who People When Time Motivation List of Goals Why List of Things List of Locations List of Organizations List of Cycles Scope Planner ENTITY = Class of Business Entities PROCESS = Class of Business Processes NODE = Class of Business Locations PEOPLE = Class of Business Organizations CYCLE = Class of Business Cycles END = Class of Business Objectives Scope Planner The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture s a comprehensive classification scheme for descriptive representations (models) of an enterprise. First conceptualized nearly two decades ago by John Zachman, it has evolved to become a universal schematic for defining and describing today's complex enterprise systems and for managing the multiple perspectives of an organization's information and knowledge infrastructure. e. g. , Semantic Model e. g. , Business Process Model e. g. , Logistics Network e. g. , Work Flow Model e. g. , Master Schedule e. g. , Business Plan INTERVISTA INSTITUTEEXECUTIVE EDUCATION Business Model (Conceptual) Business Model (Conceptual) ENTITY = Business Entity RELATION = Business Relationship I/O = Business Resources PROCESS = Business Process NODE = Business Location LINK = Business Linkage PEOPLE = Organization Unit WORK = Work Product TIME = Business Event CYCLE = Business Cycle ENDS = Business Objective MEANS = Business Strategy Owner Owner Intervista's Enterprise Architecture courses provide you with an in-depth understanding of the Zachman Framework and the key success factors for implementation.Over 5000 IT and Management Executives from all sectors have chosen Intervista for their professional development and strategic advancement. To learn more about our Enterprise Strategy, Enterprise Architecture and Knowledge Management Executive Education programs call 1-800-397-9744 or visit us at: www. Intervista-Institu te. com e. g. , Logical Data Model e. g. , Application Architecture System Model (Logical) e. g. , Distributed System Architecture e. g. , Human Interface Architecture e. g. , Processing Structure e. . , Business Rule Model System Model (Logical) TIME = System Event CYCLE = Processing Cycle ENDS = Structural Assertion MEANS = Action Assertion Designer ENTITY = Data Entity RELATION = Data Relationship I/O = User Views PROCESS = Application Function NODE = IS Function LINK = Line Characteristics PEOPLE = Role WORK = Deliverable Designer Technology Model (Physical) e. g. , Data Design e. g. , System Design e. g. , Technology Architecture e. g. , Presentation Architecture e. g. , Control Structure e. g. , Rule DesignTechnology Model (Physical) Builder ENTITY = Table/Segment/etc. RELATION = Key/Pointer/etc. I/O = Data Elements/Sets PROCESS = Computer Function NODE = Hardware/System Software LINK = Line Specifications PEOPLE = User WORK = Screen/Device Formats TIME = Execute CYCLE = Compo nent Cycle ENDS = Condition MEANS = Action Builder www. zifa. com e. g. , Data Definition e. g. , Program e. g. , Network Architecture e. g. , Security Architecture e. g. , Timing Definition e. g. , Rule Specification Detailed Representations SubcontractorENTITY = Field RELATION = Address I/O = Control Block PROCESS = Language Statement NODE = Addresses LINK = Protocols PEOPLE = Identity WORK = Job TIME = Interrupt CYCLE = Machine Cycle ENDS = Sub-condition MEANS = Step Detailed Representations Subcontractor www. ZachmanInternational. com Example Example Example Example Data Function Network Organization Example Example Schedule Strategy FUNCTIONING ENTERPRISE For the Enterprise Architecture Executive Education schedule call Intervista Institute at 1-800-397-9744. www. Intervista-Institute. com Copyright 2003, Intervista Inc. All rights reserved. Framework by permission John A. Zachman.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cohen Vs Virginia Essays - Supreme Court, U.S. State, Free Essays

Cohen Vs Virginia Essays - Supreme Court, U.S. State, Free Essays Cohen Vs Virginia is Cohens vs. Virginia, in which the question arose as to the right of the Supreme Court to exercise its appellate jurisdiction over the judgment of a state court involving the validity of state legislation. The contention of the counsel for the state struck at the very root of the judicial system of the Union, with its authority to review state decisions which involved the binding effect of the Federal Constitution and laws: and so to the discussion of this fundamental question Marshall brought his heaviest artillery. In a series of powerful paragraphs he proclaimed the principle of nationalism and the existence of a real union resting on the will and determination of the people: That the United States, he said, from, for many, and for most important purposes, a single nation, has not yet been denied. In war, we are one people. In making peace, we are one people. In all commercial regulations, we are one and the same people. In many other respects, the American people are one; and the government which is alone capable of controlling and managing their interests in all these respects, is the government of the Union. It is their government, and in that character they have no other. America has chosen to be, in many respects, and to many purposes, a nation; and for all these purposes, her government is complete; to all these objects, it is competent. These words give us some idea of the simplicity of the style, the evidence of power and confidence, the eloquence which can raise a judicial opinion into the realm of literature. This decision, emphatically maintaining the appellate authority of the Court and the supremacy of the national law when the law is consonant with the Constitution, left no further ground for legal discussion, though the men of Virginia, fretting under the authority of the Court, poured out their wrath in many word

Monday, October 21, 2019

One of the primary structural elements Essays

One of the primary structural elements Essays One of the primary structural elements Essay One of the primary structural elements Essay One of the primary structural elements of groups is the fact that members tend to play specific roles in group interaction. A role can be defined as the typical behaviours that characterize a person in a social context (R.Baron and J.Greenberg 1990). An understanding of roles can help to determine why group members will show a consistent preference for certain behaviours and not for others. As a group deals with its problems, individuals begin to behave in certain ways taking on different roles within the group. Some may contribute to the welfare and progress; others may add little or nothing to its success. Meredith Belbin developed a useful framework for understanding roles within a group or team.He produced a self-report questionnaire and distinguished nine team roles which people with certain characteristics will fit, limiting the likelihood that they will be successful in other roles. Belbins team-role theory is extensively used as a counselling and team development tool by organisations and management consultancies in the UK as stated in The Journal of Management Development. The study tested Belbins proposal that teams in which a wide range of team-roles are represented perform better than those when there is an imbalance of roles as certain roles are over-presented. Results showed that a mixed group consisting of one co-ordinator, one plant, a completer finisher and a team worker performed better than teams consisting of shapers alone.On the other hand, Belbins team-role theory is not without its critics. The Journal of Management development states that most teams have no set roles and that every member often takes the roles of others. Conflict is also an issue that needs to be considered as it can have dramatic effects on group behaviour. Due to the different roles that members play within groups, conflict can arise under certain conditions and can cause frustration and added pressure upon certain members. Conflict can be positive as constructive disagreements between members can lead to better group outcomes. However, conflict can also be destructive and dysfunctional.Group norms are acceptable standards of behaviour within a group that are shared by the groups members (Stephen.P.Robbins, 2001). Each group will establish its own set of norms. For example, group norms may determine who to communicate with, how hard to work etc. When agreed to and accepted by the group, norms act as a means of influencing the behaviour of group members, thus need to be taken into account when finding out why groups behave in a certain way.Today, groups make many of the decisions in organisations. An advantage to this is a greater amount of information and experience can be gathered than an individual alone can gather. However there are many disadvantages. Working in groups may lead to certain members thinking they can free ride and not contribute to decisions. Traits such as shyness can affect certain people from offering opinions, as can loud, dominant people, leading to a lack of group action.One of the major problems facing organisations today is groupthink, a process discovered by Irving Lester Janis (1941). This is when group members develop a strong spirit and become so concerned with not disrupting the like-mindedness of the group, they are reluctant to challenge the groups decisions. This process that occurs can be damaging to organisations. The International Journal of Corporate Communications states two cases of possible groupthink at British Airways and Marks Spencer causing blocked management communications and leading to the fall in reputation and stock market valuation of these two companies.In conclusion, all of the above factors are what I would consider when assessing the behaviour of groups within a commercial or industrial setting. Managers should note that groups existing within their organisation, whether formal or informal, can be utilised at all levels, despite downfalls that can occur such as conflict, stress etc. However, it is the consideration of these behaviour changing elements and the balancing of the positive and negative factors that can produce a great team in the long run, thus enabling them to be more productive within the work place.List of ReferencesA.Huczynski and D.Buchanan, 2001, Organisational Behaviour An Introductory Text, 4th Ed, UK, Prentice Hall R A Baron and J Greenberg, 1990, Behaviour in Organisations: Understanding and Managing the human side of work, 3rd Ed, USA S P Robbins, 2000, Essentials of Organisational Behaviour, 6th Ed, UK, Prentice Hall

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The long run effect of the Eurozone crisis in Germany and Greece

The long run effect of the Eurozone crisis in Germany and Greece Introduction The European financial crisis, which is mostly referred to as the Euro crisis, is an economic term that depicts the economic status of most European countries. The Eurozone crisis started in the year 2009 when most countries in Europe exceeded their spending limits and embarked on borrowing mostly from the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The long run effect of the Eurozone crisis in Germany and Greece specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The most countries affected by the Europe crisis were members of the EU including France, Germany, Italy, and Greece among others. The crisis followed after the introduction of the Euro currency to be used as a common trading currency among members of the European Union that excluded countries like the Great Britain. The Euro crisis was instigated by reducing the bank lending rate meant to steer economic growth, but most of the countries could not repay these loans. The countries defaulted to repay back the loans. Thus, the European Central Bank was left to struggle to keep the economy of Europe in the worst case scenario since 1998 when the global crisis emerged (Arestis 2012). The existence of the European Union was threatened by this crisis as the banking lending rates became very low. This could stall economic growth thereby instigating loss of jobs in Europe when companies are forced to limit their spending just to keep afloat. Stringent measures had to be thought out quickly as it required the intervention of economic giants like the US and Germany. This was meant to help avert the crisis that would lead to another global financial crisis. Countries like Greece were on the verge of defaulting to repay some of the loans lend out by the ECB and IMF. Thus, the intervention of Germany to help in stimulating the economy of Greece to help it repay the loan was crucial (OECD Economic Surveys: Greece 2011, 2011). The Solow growth model The Solow growth model is an economic graph that examines economic growth by checking how factors like production, population and capital affect the economy. Factors of production like capital and labour affect production in terms of volume and quality. Consumption of goods forms a part of the equation. In this case, demand and supply forces determine the cost of production. The Solow model is represented by the following equation. Y = c + I, where y represents the production function in an economy, c represents consumption, whereas the I represent investments. The Solow model can be represented by the graph below.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From the graph, it is clear that the higher the economy’s output, the greater the amount of investment. In the case of Greece, the government should increase the level of national output to stabilize the economy. In turn, this will increase the level of investment and thus leading to increased production. A country’s level of output is determined by the input factors. These are factors present in the country where capital and labour resources need to be well utilized to increase the level of output. The Solow growth model can indicate that German has put in place good production resources. Thus, the economy of the country is stabilizing while else the economy of Greece seems to stagnate. A country’s growth is determined by its production and how the production is integrated into its input such as labour and capital. The population in a country provides manpower that helps the industries to operate efficiently. The capital is used to set up a new production line that will help the country to experience growth. The Eurozone Crisis German is known to have a stable economy where any decline in the lending rates could affect the e conomy of the country. The government of Germany has set good and solid financial policies that shield the country’s economy from major global financial crisis. However, the Eurozone crisis happened right in the middle of the country’s major trade partners and thus the value of export in the country could be reduced. Thus, to the emergence of a single currency to be used by members of the European Union the effect of the Eurozone crisis would affect adversely on the members of this union. The Eurozone crisis would spell out a weak Euro currency, which would have a long term effect on the economy of Europe. The economy would reverse due to closure of businesses and companies as they try to cut down on the spending through employee lay off and reduced sale value (Great Britain 2012).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The long run effect of the Eurozone crisis in Germany and Greece specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A strong currency would spell out economic growth where countries would experience an economic boom. Thus, the countries would increase the level of their export, and the government would collect high revenue. In the short run, the bailing out of most of the countries would spell out a relief to the economy of Europe where the central bank would be required to print more money to help in repaying some of these loans. However, in the long run, the inflation in Europe would sky rocket registering double digits. This will finally affect the global economy leading to adverse effects on the running of major governments and businesses. The economy of Greece was on the verge of collapse, and as a result of the Eurozone crisis, the country’s economy was in huge trouble. This would affect other countries in Europe (Petrakis 2011). Thus, proper policies from countries like Italy and Spain were to be implemented to help avert the situation in Greece. Greece would have resulted t o more borrowing and accumulate the international debt further and thus slow down their economic growth or even resort to the printing of money, and this would raise the rate of inflation in the country (Siebert 2005). The Eurozone crisis would spell out a sovereign financial crisis to major economies in Europe. Here, they would lose investors, and the Euro currency would fall in value affecting most export from Europe. This will also increase the governments spending as they try to avert the crisis. The value of the Euro would fall amid fears from major world currencies like the US dollar and the sterling pound (Lynn 2011). Thus, the effect of the Eurozone crisis would not only affect Greece and Germany, but other countries in the world would also be affected negatively. The economy of most European countries sustains many countries, especially in Africa and Asia. These are countries that rely a lot on the trading of the Euro and the financial capability of the European Central Ban k to help in money lending and foreign exchange rates to stabilize. The effects of the Eurozone crisis are more profound on the running of the economy of countries like Germany and Greece. The value of the Euro was mostly set out to match the value of the Deutschmark, which was the most stable currency in Europe. Thus, the economy of Germany mostly depends on the value of the Euro (Raussello 2012). The German central bank also referred to as the Bundesbank acted as preservation of the Euro. The bank sought to clear the Eurozone crisis through the economic stimulus program.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This was designed to help most European countries to steer to better economic growth and preserve the value of the Euro. The Euro is highly recognized as a strong trading currency due to its capability and power to trade in different countries around Europe. Thus, any fall in the global market would adversely affect the Euro plus other major currencies in the world (Rogers 2012). The demand of the Euro would reduce if its value declined and this would affect the international trade in Europe that relies mostly on the export of industrial goods and services. Third party governments had to intervene and help in financing these loans. This was due to the effect that some governments could not repay or finance some of the debt they owed to the major world financial institution. Some of the countries that were unable to finance their debts include Greece. In the case of Greece, there was the intervention from countries like German (Fiorentini Montani 2012). The government of German was willing to bail out some of these governments. This was to be taken as a policy to address the crisis, which would have an adverse effect on the economy of many European countries in the long run. Sluggish economic growth in many European countries would even shake stable economies like Germany and Spain. Thus, as a caution to shield their economy from the crisis, the government of these countries resolved to help avert the crisis effects. This was especially the case in other countries like Greece, which were not in a position to finance its foreign debt (Fiorentini Montani 2012). The Eurozone crisis has had adverse effects on the economy of Germany and Greece and not to mention the effect it has had on the economy of Europe and the world. The loss of investors as a result of weak Euro will affect the GDP of most European countries. The effect of the Eurozone crisis in Greece would be adverse and considerably profound due to its inability to finance some of its foreign debts. In t his case, the government would be forced to borrow significantly to repay a part of this loan. The financial position of the country would be on the decline as many jobs would be lost as a result of the financial meltdown. The government would resort to either print extra money or borrow from other sources. In turn, this would increase the money supply within the economy thus raising the level of inflation. Inflation in the country would spell a low bargaining power of the goods and services in the country. International trade would be adversely affected as the countrys goods would fetch low prices on the market due to low currency value in the country (Hardach 1980). The country’s import would cost the country more money as compared to a situation with a strong currency. The country would be spending more than its capacity for the same goods and services. The level of unemployment would increase as most companies would be involved in labour restructuring as a result of cutti ng costs in the country. The government should give relief to the laid off workers when the level of unemployment increases. In this case, the revenue collected from the tax would also decline resulting in low economic growth (Farnsworth Irving 2011). The long run effect of the Eurozone crisis on the economy of German would be a reduced economic growth. In this case, considerable funds would be directed to countries like Greece, which have defaulted in paying their foreign debt. The country’s government would resort to issuing of tax relief to some of its companies that may be affected by the low value of the Euro. The low value of the Euro would affect local industries that produce goods and services for export. Here, their sales would decline due to low currency value thus leading to the lay off some of the workers as a cost cutting mechanism in order to remain in business (Habermas Cronin 2012). The countrys lending rate would go down. This will adversely affect the econ omic growth in the long run as the government tries to revive some of the companies to enhance borrowing in order to stay in business. The government would resort to privatization of some of its assets as it tries to offset some of the deficits it may incur in the process. The country had to budget for over 110 billion Euros to bail out Greece and other countries that had a problem in meeting up the loan repayment. Such financial budgets can affect both the country that is bailing out, and the beneficiary as more stringent measures could be issued to avert the whole situation (Arestis Sawyer 2012). There were various solutions to the Eurozone crisis where major economies in Europe like German, Spain and Italy resolved to help countries like Greece that had problems in repaying their foreign debts in time. The country had to privatize most of its assets as a means of payment for the bail out. This would also help restore the country’s economy, which was on the verge of collap se (Lipschitz McDonald 1990). This will also stimulate economic growth within the next few years. The country had to implement a complete restructuring of its financial reforms so as to stimulate competitiveness and economic growth. The reforms would help in steering the economy to greater heights and project government initiated investment into the economy. The economy could be improved by issuing government bonds to raise more funds and service the loan without having much effect on the value of the Euro. The bail out would help Greece to reduce a part of its foreign debt by over a half. This would help the country to increase its GDP through increased investment and strengthening of the countrys economic growth rate to a great extent (Baldwin, Gros Laeven, 2010). Conclusion The Euro crisis is said to have emanated from various countries in Europe. These are countries that had defaulted in paying their public debt. This led to a fall in value of the Euro currency. Countries like German, which have had strong and stable economic growth characterized by strong, financial capability, resolved to bail out some of these countries that had un-serviced foreign debt accumulating to millions of dollars. These defaulting countries included Greece that had a foreign debt amounting to more than 110 billion Euros. Most industries in the country were on the verge of collapse and thus required an economic stimulus package to help revive the economy back again. The long term effects of the crisis are still being experienced in these countries as they try to revive the value of the Euro for competitive trading. Reference List Arestis, P Sawyer, MC 2012, The Euro crisis, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire. Arestis, P 2012. The Euro crisis, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Baldwin, RE, Gros, D Laeven, L 2010, Completing the Eurozone rescue: what more needs to be done? Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, Farnsworth, K Irving, Z 2011, Social poli cy in challenging times: economic crisis and welfare systems, Policy, Bristol. Fiorentini, R Montani, G 2012. The new global political economy: from crisis to supranational integration, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, Glos, UK. Great Britain 2012, Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance: impact on the eurozone and the rule of law: sixty-second report of session 2010-12. Vol. 1, Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence, Stationery Office, London. Habermas, J Cronin, C 2012. The crisis of the European Union: a response, Polity, Cambridge, UK. Hardach, K 1980, The political economy of Germany in the twentieth century, Univ. of California Press, Berkeley. Lipschitz, L McDonald, D 1990, German unification: economic issues, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Lynn, M 2011. Bust: Greece, the Euro, and the Sovereign Debt Crisis, Hoboken, Bloomberg Press, N.J. OECD Economic Surveys: Greece 2011 2011, OECD, Paris. Petrakis, P 2011. The Greek Economy Afte r the Crisis: Challenges and Responses, Springer Berlin, Berlin. Raussello, F 2012, The Eurozone experience: monetary integration in the absence of a European government, F. Angeli, Milano. Rogers, C 2012, The IMF and European economies: crisis and conditionality, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills Basingstoke. Siebert, H 2005, The German economy beyond the social market. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mattels's Chines Sourcing Crisis of 2007 Assignment

Mattels's Chines Sourcing Crisis of 2007 - Assignment Example 3.Many international trade and development experts argue that China is just now discovering the difference between being a major economic player in global business and its previous peripheral role as a low-cost manufacturing site on the periphery of the world economy. What do you think? 14 1. Mattel’s global sourcing in China, like all other toy manufacturers, was based on both low-costs manufacturing, low-cost labor, and a growing critical mass of factories competitively vying for contract manufacturing business. Do you think the product recalls and product quality problems are separate from or part of pursuing a low-cost country strategy? Mattel was founded in the year 1945 by Ruth Handler, Elliot Handler and Harold Matson (Mattel, 2001). Mattel, a toy company from the United States, has been preserving a business relationship with China since 1959. Despite having a long-term trade relationship with China, Mattel had to face numerous ethical problems regarding its production process. Likewise any other multinational company, Mattel’s functions in the Chinese manufacturing sector was majorly focused on the low-cost production process with the virtues of low-cost labourers. Moreover, with the effect of modernisation and globalisation, the Chinese industry was also flourishing with growing numbers of small factories which were solely focused on operating as third-party manufacturers for global brands and thus earn a large amount of foreign currencies. This further motivated Mattel to shift its production process in the Chinese manufacturing sector with the intention of minimising its responsibilities towards quan tity production and thus attaining a larger market share along with increased sales (Dietz & Gillespie, 2012). With its production functions transferred to the low-cost market of China, Mattel was able to earn various advantages in terms of low-cost labourers as well as low-cost raw materials. However, the shift of Mattel’s production functions

Friday, October 18, 2019

International Human Resources Management Strategies Essay

International Human Resources Management Strategies - Essay Example Some companies tend to lack the knowledge that globalization is closing the gap on how we relate to others. This paper on International HRM aims to assess various key issues associated with the management of human resources in a global environment, such as the key strategies or challenges faced by companies operating in international locations; the most effective approach recommended for global companies to operate successfully in an international environment; etc. For the purpose of this study, Nike Inc., is chosen for discussion and analysis. International HRM strategies: Nike Inc. Nike Inc., is an international footwear, sportswear and equipment supplier headquartered in Washington, U.S.A, and having branches all over the globe. The company truly reflects the characteristics of a truly global multinational brand, due to its successful operations in international markets. Nike’s international HRM strategies involve introduction of market driven policies aimed at profit maxim ization. Led by visionary Phil Knight, Nike Inc.'s phenomenal success in international markets was achieved by outsourcing majority of its manufacturing operations to low-wage countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam and China. The company received flak for its outrageous HRM policies whereby young children and other workers in the Nike factories were made to work for long durations in unsafe work environments, raising alarm in the international community (Aswathappa & Dash, 2007). However, ever since the company has focused on improving its working conditions and rewired its approach to human resource management by introducing polices focusing on an integrated and multi-disciplinary team to support and monitor its outsourcing operations. The company today focuses on worker safety and sustainable business as its core business strategy and vision (Nike Inc., 2012). Global challenges of IHRM: A significant number of organizations have internationalized their operations over the past coupl e of decades. This new trend has given rise to global challenges with regard to the management of human resources across international borders. The key challenges faced by managers today, with regard to International HRM include aligning its resources and work practices with those of the host nations; increasing risk of global terrorism; change in patterns of hiring and staffing; ethical and CSR challenges; strategic challenges etc (Dowling, Festing, and Engle, 2008). However one of the most pressing issues faced by multinational companies today is to monitor and supervise the code of conduct and HRM practices in the host countries. Various multinational companies such as Nike, Benetton, Levi Strauss, Reebok, Adidas etc., among many others have faced severe criticism in their home country for their unethical work practices. These companies have been accused of child labor and violation of human rights thus resulting in a serious negative impact on its brand image. Similar challenges were faced by companies like Google for its questionable ethical practices in China; Coca Cola for its CSR practices; Allure Cruise Lines' strategic challenges etc (Dowling, Festing and Engle, 2008; Deresky, 2007). Some of the other key challenges faced by the multinational related to international HRM include those associated with ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric and/ or region centric approaches. Ethnocentricity refers to

ASSIGNMENT ( The judiciary as a referee ) Essay

ASSIGNMENT ( The judiciary as a referee ) - Essay Example It plays the role of a neutral arbiter, or a referee in any dispute before it, by applying the law as it is to the facts before it. The judiciary is vested with the powers to interpret the law. The Supreme Court is the court of last resort as far as interpretation of the law is concerned. The duty of the court is to interpret the statute law from parliament, to affect the purpose and intention of the parliament. The judiciary cannot make law. If the parliament is not satisfied with the way the court interprets the law, it can make law to quash the court’s interpretation. As a referee, it is the judiciary’s role to determine who should do what, or which state of affairs should prevail in any dispute that is presented before it, that is, it makes decisions. In essence, it arbitrates disputes that arise over facts and law. In doing so, the judiciary should apply the law, and should not let the personal opinion of individual judges or their bias to influence the outcome of the court. Everyone should be treated equally before the law, and it should act without fear or favour. The New Zealand legal system is an adversarial one and, therefore, the judge’s duty is just to hear cases presented by both sides, and plays minimal role as far as evidence adducing is concerned. To add, they should not make law or policy that should be a reserve of the parliament. ... In doing so, the court can never question the validity of the Acts that have been passed by parliament. The court has jurisdiction to look into administrative decisions of public officials to ensure that they observe the law. The courts role is to ensure that the public officers execute their mandate in good faith, without malice, and pursuant to the law. In R v Somerset County Council, ex parte Fewings [1995] 1 All ER 513, 524, stated that any action taken by a public official must be justified by a positive law. The court also has a duty to enforce and uphold personal liberty and human rights that are enshrined in the law: to wit the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Magna Carta 1215, which still applies in New Zealand. Therefore, it is the courts duty to enforce human rights and to prevent the government from abrogating human rights. In Attorney General V Chapman [2011] NZSC 110, the court held that the bill of rights does not apply to the judges in discharge of their du ties. It relied on the common law protections under the judicial immunity to render New Zealand Bill of Rights’ remedies available for breach of rights by the New Zealand judges nugatory. Nevertheless, the judiciary, as a referee, it should not make laws. In essence it does, through the doctrine of precedence. For instance, the court in Fitzgerald v Muldoon [1976] 2 NZLR 615), made a decision that is considered to be part of the constitutional law. In this case, the court held that the Prime Minister had no powers to suspend law. He stated that sentiments made by the Prime Minister to that effect were contrary to the bills of right of 1688 that prohibited public authorities from suspending the law.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cr(VI) reduction by natural product Research Proposal

Cr(VI) reduction by natural product - Research Proposal Example A new strategy to reducing hexavalent chromium, which is safer and more efficient, is therefore necessary and this study seeks to investigate potential use of ascorbic acid as a better reducing agent for toxic hexavalent chromium. Experiments will be used to collect data on reduction kinetics. Different concentrations of ascorbic acid will be reacted with a controlled solution of hexavalent chromium, at room temperature and changes in hexavalent chromium concentration observed, for each concentration of ascorbic acid, over time. The modified diphenylcarbanize colorimeter method will be used determine concentration of the hexavalent chromium and the project will be completed by June 2015. Regional and national forums will be used for immediate dissemination of research findings while peer reviewed journals will be used for dissemination in the future. The proposed research will improve scientific understanding of hexavalent chromium reduction and reduce environmental effects of the ch emical element besides supporting other research interests at GGG CCC science

Housing discrimination of new immigrants in Toronto and Ontario Research Paper

Housing discrimination of new immigrants in Toronto and Ontario - Research Paper Example As many immigrants would say, racial discrimination is a fact that ills many societies and is not only a problem in Canada. In essence, minorities attract ratings according to their racial origin, religious background, ethnic language, and their sources of income influenced their living conditions (Patrias, Savage & CCLH, 2012). This tends to be a matter that is of exceptional human concern as discrimination of any kind is against the human rights provisions (OHRC, 2007). Often, immigrants tend to be last in the consideration list for possible occupancy in residential areas resided by those who are economically able in society. However, the grimiest housing blocks play host to immigrants who have poor economic background in Toronto and Ontario. This happens irrespective of the education level of an immigrant but because of their skin tones that make them appear unable. Is discrimination according to ones race justifiable in determining whether one can have decent living conditions? T herefore, this essay will delve on the housing challenges that new immigrants encounter in Ontario and Toronto. Background and current status Ideally, racial prejudice arose mainly because of international slavery that saw millions of minority racial groupings move to the western nations. In essence, slave trade in the early centuries was a trade that many viewed as contravening to human nature principles. Subsequently, slaves increased in numbers making their descendants remain in the foreign lands. However, immigrants find themselves working for minimal pay as it happened in the past where slaves worked for lesser pay packages. In addition, housing conditions for many immigrants are demeaning as they cannot afford to house themselves decent housing because of their jobs (Reitz, Phan & Banerjee, 2009). In the past, slaves lived in poorly ventilated rooms as per the wishes of their masters. This aspect of inferiority has existed to date as Canadians do not opportunity to immigrants from other continents the opportunity to live in their expensive houses. Ironically, even for immigrants that have better income levels still find it hard to occupy houses in the up market as many Canadians are prejudicial to race and ethnicity (Anisef & Lanphier, 2003). This attribute creates an avenue for inequality as no one has more entitlement to living than immigrants residing in Canada. As per the view of many house owners in Canada, immigrants tend to have low education levels meaning that they may not be able to access quality work opportunities (Reitz, Phan & Banerjee, 2009). These landlords turn them away despite the availability of a vacant room in their premises as they view as unemployed and troublesome. In many instances, this may not be the actual case as these immigrants have made intense strides in ensuring that they acquire education that is the required quality. Therefore, immigrants may not necessarily suffer from unemployment but tend to work in deplorable work stations. Arguably, slavery seems to have set the standard to which immigrants could not surpass in terms of wages or salary levels. This means that no matter how hard immigrants in Toronto and Ontario try to access better housing conditions, their past will forever drag them in to misery (OHRC, 2007). On the contrary, visible discrimination against immigrants of minority descent is a contravention of the Human Rights Code existing in Ontario. Key considerations Over the years,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cr(VI) reduction by natural product Research Proposal

Cr(VI) reduction by natural product - Research Proposal Example A new strategy to reducing hexavalent chromium, which is safer and more efficient, is therefore necessary and this study seeks to investigate potential use of ascorbic acid as a better reducing agent for toxic hexavalent chromium. Experiments will be used to collect data on reduction kinetics. Different concentrations of ascorbic acid will be reacted with a controlled solution of hexavalent chromium, at room temperature and changes in hexavalent chromium concentration observed, for each concentration of ascorbic acid, over time. The modified diphenylcarbanize colorimeter method will be used determine concentration of the hexavalent chromium and the project will be completed by June 2015. Regional and national forums will be used for immediate dissemination of research findings while peer reviewed journals will be used for dissemination in the future. The proposed research will improve scientific understanding of hexavalent chromium reduction and reduce environmental effects of the ch emical element besides supporting other research interests at GGG CCC science

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Should the U.S. lower the drinking age to 18 Research Paper

Should the U.S. lower the drinking age to 18 - Research Paper Example In the 1970s , the drinking age was reduced to 18 , as this was followed by many of the states so that the individuals be given the right under the Twenty Sixth Amendment passage. There are some states which give the permission to the 18 year olds to be present in the places where alcohol beverages are consumed , even if they are not consuming the beverages themselves and sometimes even give them the permission to work as bar tenders , serving the beverages. Whereas there are some states which give the permission to the 21 year olds to consume the alcohol beverages on the private property with the permission or the supervision of a family member. (Williams, Elizabeth M, and Stephanie J. Carter. The A-Z Encyclopedia of Food Controversies and the Law. Santa Barbara, Calif: Greenwood/ABC-CLIO, 2011.) Despite the specific changes made by the federal law there are about thirty states within the United States which give the permission to the individuals of the 21 years age or over to consu me the alcohol under the supervision of a family member or with the consent of their parents. ... lif: Greenwood/ABC-CLIO, 2011.) There have been many arguments and the debates that the minimum age of drinking should be reduced so that so that the individuals have the responsibility and staring at an early age will broaden their horizon to the responsible drinking. Amethyst Initiative , which are one of the groups of college educators, have agreed and given the advocacy of the underage drinking. National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism College Drinking Task Force, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving , on the other hand have urged and they advocate rigorously against the reduction of the underage drinking so that the fatal consequences such as the alcohol related traffic incidents , alcohol related traffic deaths and alcohol related sexual assaults can be reduced and it can only be done with the help of the minimum drinking age laws enforcements on the campuses and the schools. For the policy makers in the United States, the underage drinking has been a well debated issue in the country and there have been various laws introduced and changed over the past many years as well. Due to the increase in the drunk driving fatalities , the United States government increased the drinking age from 18 years to 21 years so that the fatality rate could be decreased. There have been arguments put forth which question that what reasons have resulted in the underage drinking to be reduced to 18. There are some critics who criticize the current drinking age which differentiates and arbitrarily discriminates between the individuals who are 21 years old and the individuals who are 18 years old. In the country like United States, the individual who is 18 years old is regarded as the legally adult, and hence has the freedom to join military , have the capability and ability to

Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Two English Learning Visual Advertisements Essay Example for Free

Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Two English Learning Visual Advertisements Essay It was not until the advent of â€Å"new media age†, which by definition involves prevailing digital-mediated communication modes and substantial usage of multiple semiotic resources combined in the realization of discourses, did the mainstream preference of monomodality unprecedentedly challenged (Kress Van Leeuwen, 2001). Language, as one of the semiotic resources, is by no means the only carrier to realize discourses. Diversity should be acknowledged in the current age when visual, audio and other kinds of semiotic resources are convenient and efficient in delivering the abstract discourses concept into expressions (Kress, 2003). The present study will base its analysis primarily on the multimodal discourse analysis framework and visual grammar proposed by Kress and Van Leeuwen (1996, 2001), as an application of their theoretical framework into practices. Since the multimodal discourse analysis (hereafter MDA) theory has been established only within this recent decade, and it is relatively hard to find solid references to support this theory, flaws and limitations are therefore unavoidable. As MDA is considered the subdivision of Systemic Functional Linguistics (hereafter SFL) which focus on social semiotic approach of critical discourse analysis (hereafter CDA), this present study should be considered as an experimental attempt of utilizing MDA in incorporating social culture and ideology into discourse analysis[1]. Firstly, the rationale underneath this present research is based on Kress and Leeuwen’s four-layered meaning rendering domains known as â€Å"strata† (Kress Leeuwen, 2001), as well as their theoretical construction of visual grammar, which is an outspread, or more specifically generalization of verbal grammar (Kress Leeuwen, 1996). Basically, the theory of strata gives an overall account of meaning-making in multiple articulations among discourse, design, production and distribution, the first two of which being associated with content and the latter two with expression. The basic meaning making flow is conceptualization (from discourse to d esign), materialization (from design to production) and reproduction (from production to distribution). In this research, only the first phase of meaning articulation will be dealt with, because the data analyzed here are visual advertisement posters on the internet without tangible material texture such as paper or stone, which made the analysis less complex and more focused. According to Kress and Van Leeuwen (2001, pp.21), the process of design involves three things simultaneously: (1) a formulation of a discourse or combination of discourses, (2) a particular (inter)action, in which the discourse is embedded, and (3) a particular way of combining semiotic modes. This threefold process has at least two implications: (1) the realization of social communication by encoding the abstract discourse into a specific design and (2) deliberate choice of communication media through which the meaning could be more effectively delivered, such as the combination of music, image and sequence in films. For the second implication, this present research only involves visual mode of semiotic resource which further reduced the complication of analysis. The first implication is actually the central focus in this research paper. If the process of designing is, to some extend, a process of encoding, then using the visual grammar to analyze this design is exactly the reverse process, namely decoding. That is to say, this paper is aiming at using visual grammar as a tool to decode the visual image so that to find out the hidden social constructed discourses underneath the poster. The similarity between visual grammar and verbal grammar lies in their system underlying the language-use, the ubiquitous fundamental elements of linguistic rules (Chomsky, 1972). This generative grammar lends validity to the set of rules Kress proposed suitable for analyzing visual literacy or visual language. This present analysis will primarily follow Kress’ framework of visual grammar, divided into three levels: representational, interactional and compositional. The representational grammar is heavily associated with ideational meaning in SFL, which basically deals with the internal relations between the depicted participant s and a setting of circumstances in which they occur[2]. The representational grammar is basically realized by vectors which could exhibit the interrelations between the participants or between the participant and the viewer. In advertisement 1 (see appendix), the participant is a young white-collar employee who desperately gazing towards the reader/viewer. From the perspective of the representational grammar, this is a non-transactional reaction, characterized by a gazer but without a phenomenon appearing on the poster. The non-transactional process is characterized by a vector extending from the gazer’s eyes towards directly outside the poster or to the reader/viewer who looks at the poster. Similarly, advertisement 2 (see appendix) also shows a non-transactional reaction. But the gazer—a caricature figure of ancient Chinese historical character Zhuge Liang—does not extend his eye-line vector directly towards the reader but to somewhere else without specified phenomenon. Moreover, the second advertisement has, though implicit, an action vector: the feather fan in the cartoon figure’s hand indicates a manner of waving. Although this action vector is also non-transactional, it is stronger than a reaction vector. If comparing these two posters from a representational level, the first one is completely reaction vector with clear pointing angle to the reader. That is to say, the reader/viewer here is actually the phenomenon of the gazer. The second one has both action vector and reaction vector, though both non-transactional. The action vector adds to the poster’s agentive quality and centralized its salience on the movement of waving feather fan. The interactive grammar is concerned with social relations between interactants and the represented world of text (readers/viewers). There are four major systems: contacts, social distance, attitude and modality (Kress Van Leeuwen, 1996, pp.43-118). The following part will analyze the two posters within each system. In the first advertisement, the interactive participant, or that young male white-collar imposes a â€Å"demand† contact towards t he viewer, which is a direct eye-line vector towards outside the poster. Contrastively, the gazer on the second poster presented an â€Å"offer† contact, which is characterized by no direct eye contact (though imaginary) with the viewer. The distinction between demand and offer significantly distinguished these two posters. The mood represented in the first one is more engaged, direct and intensive. The young male looks directly to the reader as if interrogating the readers if they had been through the same desperation and suspicion on the fact whether Chinese could ever learn English well. He seeks the recognition and resonances from the reader towards his own feelings. His demanding eye-line attracts the reader’s counter-directional reaction vector, and the reader will feel passively being gazed and therefore a tense feeling and obliged inward self-inspection: â€Å"whether I am just like him who cannot learn English well.† However, the mood in the second poster is more disentangled, aloof and carefree. The cartoon character looks at somewhere else as if intentionally avoiding eye contact with the reader. This manner of â€Å"offer† invites the reader to cast reaction vector towards him. By showing a confident manner of â€Å"already discovered the secrets of learning English†, this advertisement uses the absence of contact as a strategy to arouse viewer’s interest in discovering â€Å"what exactly is the secret that this ancient sage has†. Similarly, under the social distance system of analysis, the first poster is very intimate/personal, characterized by a close shot, yet the second one is relatively impersonal under a medium shot. From the perspective of attitude system, the first poster is presented from a front, eye-level angle which represents heavy involvement and equal status with the viewers. The designer of the poster intends to create a young man who could be anyone of those young white-collar who has problems learning English. The second one is also presented from a front, eye-level angle. Yet it is noticeable that due to the disproportion of its body and the small proportion between his eyes and the entire face, it is very likely to get an illusion that it is a low angle, which signifies the represented participant’s power. The compositional grammar primarily deals with the way in which information or value is transferred from the represented participants towards the viewers. Since the two posters both adopted a centered circular position which presented their central characters in the very core of the composition, there is very little to compare in the aspect.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Looking At Great Gatsby English Literature Essay

Looking At Great Gatsby English Literature Essay In Tom Burnam essay The Eyes of Dr. Eckleburg: A Re-examination The Great Gatsby, he puts forward his interpretation of the text. He believes that though the Great Gatsby was a great work of literature it is a flawed one. As it lacks something, he believes that the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald made the mistake of placing to much of himself, as the author and of his life into the characters. Tom Burnam, in his essay, also put forward a point about the novel being more about carelessness than illusion and integrity. Tom Burnam posits that there is little differentiation between the author and the character as he believes that not even the most skillful novelist could make us, the readers accept Nick Carrarway as fully responsible for composing the wonderful description in chapter iii. In his essay The Eyes of Dr. Eckleburg: A Re-examination The Great Gatsby, he believes that lack lies within stems from Fitzgerald placing himself in the novel, however unwittingly, stating that: The book, great as it is, still falls short of its possibilities because its energies are spent in two directions. If The Great Gatsby revealed to us only its protagonist, it would be incomparable. Revealing, as it does, perhaps a little too much of the person who created it, it becomes somewhat less sharp, less pointed, more diffused in its effect. Tom Burnam stated in his essay that The Great Gatsby was also a commentary on the nature and values, or lack of them, of the reckless ones, the reckless ones being the rich. My own interpretation of the text is in short, a commentary on the generation and society left after the First World War. This interpretation follows from F. Scott Fitzgeralds other novels and short stories as they all follow a similar theme. As I will show, there are multiple interpretations of the book however some are more logical than others. During the First World War thousands of Americans died, despite joining the conflicting April 1917 and this, quite understandably, created disharmony in society and also lead those returning from war to try to come to terms with their experiences. Although Fitzgerald himself never actually went to war he was called up to fight but the war ended before he was called upon to make the trip to Europe. This is in contrast to Gatsby who we are told tried very hard to die durin g the war and for that earned great honors from every Allied governmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦- even Montenegro, little Montenegro down on the Adriatic Sea. This romanticized expression of Montenegro is one of the things described as enchanted throughout including Gatsbys life and Daisy. It is here in chapter IV that we get the first impression that Nick does not wholly trust Gatsby and although it doesnt last long, it is evidence enough to suggest that there is something not quite right about Gatsby and the way in which Nick reveres him. Fitzgerald intentionally threads doubt into every account of Gatsbys past and Nick begins to wonder if there wasnt something a little sinister about him, after all. This lack of integrity is a running theme of the novel and although care is given as the reason for Jordan liking Nick earlier in the chapter she is described by Nick as incurably dishonest and although this is written in hindsight we, as readers, cant help but question everything she has said up to this point, until Fitzgerald reassures us by telling us [Nick is] one of the few honest people [he] has ever known. This self-justification that the reader is not entirely sure of is similar to that of Stevens in remains of the Day, when we suspect him of eavesdropping; he attempts to reassure us by saying I could not help but get the gist of what was being said. As we can see, there is a distinct difference between the authors voice and intentions and the narrators voice. Undoubtedly Fitzgerald intended us to be suspicious of Gatsby throughout the novel until we begin to feel genuinely sorry for him. After the atrocities that happened during the war it is easy to sympathize with those who lost their faith. It has been suggested the eye of Dr T.J Eckleburg were put in after the cover illustration had been finished and Fitzgerald added them in homage to it, however I feel that the symbolism is far too poignant for this to have been a mere after-thought. For me, these eyes are directly representing the eyes of God, a God that has been abandoned and left to decay such as his eyes, dimmed a little by many painless days, under sun and rain,[brooded] on over the solemn dumping ground. Burnam uses the examples of careless driving in support for his claim to the central theme of the text being the tragedy that this has brought to all affected by it and only[Gatsby] and he alone, barring Caraway survives sound and whole in character. I cannot accept that Fitzgerald wrote Gatsby in the sole purpose to put across the hazards of bad driving; I can, therefore, only speculate that this is a smaller issue than Burnam makes it out to be and instead would suggest that the references to driving are there simply as pointers or symbols of foreshadowing the accidents that occur later in the novel. The passage with the amputated wheel gives those who return to the book a pointer as to the ending, with the line: You dont understandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I wasnt driving. Afterwards, as a solution to the problem, the criminal suggests [putting] her in reverse to which the response is but the wheels off In a very abstract way this episode is a taste of things to come as Gatsby tries to beat onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦against the current and reclaim the past which poverty and war robbed him of. While Burnams essay simply puts forward his alternative view of The Great Gatsby I cant help but feel he has taken the symbols at too deep-a-level. Burnam says the reason he does this is due to the confusion of themes and duality of the symbol-structure, of which Fitzgerald seems to have been unaware. The bookà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦falls short of its possibilities because its energies are spent in two directions revealing both the protagonist and author in great detail making it somewhat less sharp, less pointed, more diffused in its effect. By this, Burnam is simply saying he thinks Fitzgerald should have been more careful in allowing himself to come through in his work and stuck to telling the story of Jay Gatsby. Sometimes we must take a text at face value and not look too deep as not all novels have such unfathomable depths

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Violence of Christopher Marlowes The Jew of Malta Essay -- Jew of

The Violence of Christopher Marlowe's The Jew of Malta      Ã‚   Christopher Marlowe's The Jew of Malta is a violent, bloody, destructive play that literally jars the senses.   Part of this is due to the modern reader's background:   we see the characters through modern eyes, with distinct views of "low class" and "high class."   It would be easy, as such, to discount The Jew of Malta as only appealing to the base interests of its time, and it would be only slightly less easy to protest that it has meaning beyond any crude first glance, and that the extreme acts presented are merely metaphors for deeper social commentary.   Steane writes:    There is a general feeling that this is a play of distinctive character, and an equally widespread difference of opinion as to what that character exactly is.   Few plays have been given more names: tragedy, comedy, melodrama, farce, tragical-comical, farcical-satirical, 'terribly serious' or 'tediously trivial'; 'terrifying', it seems, cannot be too heavy a term, nor 'absurd' too light [sic]. (166)    The Jew of Malta is extreme, and is meant to be extreme.   The protagonist, Barabas, is gleeful, scheming evil, and does not represent anything other than himself.   Barabas, with his frequent asides, betrayals on top of betrayals, and unending blood-thirst, is the eye of the play's chaotic, whirling storm.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marlowe, too often seen in Shakespeare's shadow as an inferior whose modest body of work either pales to the mighty canon of Shakespeare or merely subtly influences him as a popular contemporary, produced in The Jew of Malta, and in Barabas, wit and savagery, perhaps to a degree foreign to most audiences.   Much is also made of Barabas as a Jew... ...ontested status of Huckleberry Finn).   But a given work, even as edgy a work as The Jew of Malta, can be reasonably expect a fair break from the "liberal arts" critical interpreters, who, doubtless, will reveal hidden meanings, as well as postulate new meanings, in this worthy work in the coming years.          Works Cited Deats, Sara Munson, and Lisa S. Starks.   "'So neatly plotted, and so well perfom'd': Villain as Playwright in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta."   Theatre Journal.   Vol. 44, 1992.   375-389. Eliot, T. S.   "The Blank Verse of Marlowe."   The Sacred Wood.   London: Methuen, 1964.   86-94. Henderson, Philip.   Christopher Marlowe.   New York: Barnes & Noble, 1974. Marlowe, Christopher.   The Jew of Malta.   Ed. James R. Siemon.   London: Black, 1994. Steane, J. B.   Marlowe: A Critical Study.   London: Cambridge UP, 1964.    The Violence of Christopher Marlowe's The Jew of Malta Essay -- Jew of The Violence of Christopher Marlowe's The Jew of Malta      Ã‚   Christopher Marlowe's The Jew of Malta is a violent, bloody, destructive play that literally jars the senses.   Part of this is due to the modern reader's background:   we see the characters through modern eyes, with distinct views of "low class" and "high class."   It would be easy, as such, to discount The Jew of Malta as only appealing to the base interests of its time, and it would be only slightly less easy to protest that it has meaning beyond any crude first glance, and that the extreme acts presented are merely metaphors for deeper social commentary.   Steane writes:    There is a general feeling that this is a play of distinctive character, and an equally widespread difference of opinion as to what that character exactly is.   Few plays have been given more names: tragedy, comedy, melodrama, farce, tragical-comical, farcical-satirical, 'terribly serious' or 'tediously trivial'; 'terrifying', it seems, cannot be too heavy a term, nor 'absurd' too light [sic]. (166)    The Jew of Malta is extreme, and is meant to be extreme.   The protagonist, Barabas, is gleeful, scheming evil, and does not represent anything other than himself.   Barabas, with his frequent asides, betrayals on top of betrayals, and unending blood-thirst, is the eye of the play's chaotic, whirling storm.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marlowe, too often seen in Shakespeare's shadow as an inferior whose modest body of work either pales to the mighty canon of Shakespeare or merely subtly influences him as a popular contemporary, produced in The Jew of Malta, and in Barabas, wit and savagery, perhaps to a degree foreign to most audiences.   Much is also made of Barabas as a Jew... ...ontested status of Huckleberry Finn).   But a given work, even as edgy a work as The Jew of Malta, can be reasonably expect a fair break from the "liberal arts" critical interpreters, who, doubtless, will reveal hidden meanings, as well as postulate new meanings, in this worthy work in the coming years.          Works Cited Deats, Sara Munson, and Lisa S. Starks.   "'So neatly plotted, and so well perfom'd': Villain as Playwright in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta."   Theatre Journal.   Vol. 44, 1992.   375-389. Eliot, T. S.   "The Blank Verse of Marlowe."   The Sacred Wood.   London: Methuen, 1964.   86-94. Henderson, Philip.   Christopher Marlowe.   New York: Barnes & Noble, 1974. Marlowe, Christopher.   The Jew of Malta.   Ed. James R. Siemon.   London: Black, 1994. Steane, J. B.   Marlowe: A Critical Study.   London: Cambridge UP, 1964.   

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Database Models :: essays research papers

In this paper I will be discussing the differences and similarities of the three database models we have talked about in class the Entity-Relationship, Object model, and the UML modeling. First let’s look at the definition of the three models. The Entity- Relationship Model is used to visually represent data objects and is used for database design. It is easy to understand which makes it easier to communicate the design to the end user. The form used in the ER model can easily be transformed into relational tables. (Information Technology Services [ITS], 2004) Another database model we went over in class is the Object Model. There are three concepts to understanding the Object Models one of them being the Data Abstraction which is the process of condensing data down to its essentials. Another one is the Inheritance in the object model is the means of defining one class in terms of another. The third concept in the object model is the Encapsulation which is the concept of including processing or behavior with the object instances defined by the class. Encapsulation allows code and data to be packaged together. The third database model would be the UML model that stands for Unified Modeling Language used for writing software blue prints. The UML can be used to visualize, specify, construct, and document the artifacts of a software-intensive system. (Safari Tech Books Online, 2002, chap. 2) Some of the similarities in the database model are that all three can be used in the database design process in some way. In our previous class DBM 380 we used the ER model for our projects even from our preceding projects we can create the database model in an Object or UML model. Of the three database models I find that the Entity Relationship model was the easiest to create and explain to an end user it also transforms effortlessly into relationship tables which worked well in Access. The Object model and UML model seem to be more of a language model than the ER model seems to be more for just databases although the Object model addresses both programming and databases. The UML model is more for intense software programming such as Java programming it would allow you to visualize and document your programming steps before starting the code.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Gypsum Seting Time

g [pic] Faculty of engineering Civil engineering department ENCS 314 Building material lab Experiment No. 15&16 â€Å"Determination of water content used to prepare gypsum samples and the determination of the final setting for gypsum† Prepared by: Rasha Abed 1031107 Partners: Hazem No'man 1060155 Mohammed Hashlamoun 1060173 Ehab Alawi 1051449 Instructor: Ms. Randa Al- Asmar Date of experiment: 25-03-2008 Date of submitting: 01-04-2008 â€Å"Determination of water content used to prepare standardized gypsum samples and the determination of the final setting for gypsum† Introduction:In civil engineering, gypsum plays a role as a building material that contributes to many products such as cement and plaster. In this experiment, we investigated some properties considering hardening of gypsum, such as the standard water content and setting time. Aim of the experiment: – Determination of the proper water content to prepare gypsum paste samples – Determination of the final setting time for gypsum paste. Theory: Standard water content: amount of water added to gypsum to form a paste that'd allow the pointer of Vicat's apparatus to descend to a point (30-32) mm above the base of the mold.Setting time of Gypsum: the amount of time that passes from the moment of adding water to the gypsum paste (would be already determined); to the moment that Vicat's needle would descend to reach 3 mm above the base of the mold. Apparatus: †¢ Determination of the water content: – Vicat apparatus – Balance – Metal tray – Graduated cylinder †¢ Determination of the setting time for gypsum: – Vicat's apparatus (the pointer is replaced by Vicat's needle of 10 mm diameter. – Stop watch Procedure: †¢ Determination of the water content: . A 200 gm sample of gypsum is prepared, and put over a plate, to be added with a specified amount of water. 2. The gypsum is mixed thoroughly with water for 3 minutes, to form a moist paste. 3. A part of the paste is poured in the Vicat's mold, until the mold is filled completely with the paste and the surface of the mold is rimmed. 4. Vicat's mold is applied on the base of Vicat's device. The pointer of the device is adjusted to just touch the surface of the mold, then left to fall freely under the influence of its weight. . The reading of Vicat's pointer is taken. This reading indicates the depth that the pointer has reached above the base of the mold. 6. The experiment is repeated using a new sample each time; until the standard water content is reached (Vicat's needle would reach a height of (30-32) mm above the base of the mold. †¢ Determination of the setting time for gypsum: 1. A 200 gm sample of gypsum is prepared. The amount of water determined in the previous experiment is added to the sample. 2.The gypsum is mixed thoroughly with water for 3 minutes, to form a moist paste, and then part of the paste is poured in the Vicat's mold, until the mold is filled completely with the paste and the surface of the mold is rimmed. 3. Vicat's mold is applied on the base of Vicat's device. The needle of the device is adjusted to just touch the surface of the mold, then left to fall freely under the influence of its weight. 4. The reading of the device's pointer is taken, until we reach a reading of 3mm. 5. The time needed for the needle of the device would descend to a height of 3mm above the base of the mold is recorded using a stop watch.Data and calculations: |measured depth |The amount |Trial no. | |from the base (mm) |of added water (%) | | |39 |48 |1 | |34 |49 |2 | |35 |48. |3 | |32 |50 |4 | |50 |Standard water content (%) | |4. 16 |setting time (minutes) | Conclusion:As we can see from the results, the standard water content needed to prepare a standard gypsum paste = 50%, and we obtained a setting time = 4. 16, which compared to other building materials considered quick hardening. This advantage increases the role of gyps um as a component in Portland cement and plaster industry. [1] Engineering use: Gypsum is considered very valuable from the economical and industrial side, since it can be found a lot in nature. It can be used to manufacture plaster moldings (ceramic industry and engineering industry).Also gypsum plays apart in cement industry (for example: Gypsum cement and Portland cement). Many new techniques have been developed get benefit from gypsum and Portland cement. these techniques uses both the advantages of gypsum (early hardening, high early strength, enhanced workability) and Portland cement (improved durability in moist conditions), but are free of the deleterious effect of ettringite and thaumasite, which are formed when gypsum and Portland cement interact. Such properties enhance the workability of cement. [2][3]References: [1]: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science? _ob=ArticleURL=B6V2G-4BRRGD8-2=10=1==search=d=c=C000050221=1=0=10=4e71cbde7aba9b4d1338fea79920ab39 [2]: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science? _ob=ArticleURL=B6TWG-40GRJTP-7=10=1==search=d=c=C000050221=1=0=10=5c7ed60e8eed63f2ad9c9a5412b00080 [3]: http://www. apitco. org/Profiles/Gypsum%20based%20building%20materials. pdf

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Case Study: Rogers’ Choclates

CASE 9: Rogers' Chocolates Strategic Management INTRODUCTION Rogers' Chocolates is the oldest chocolate company in Canada based in Victoria, British Columbia. Rogers' Chocolates focuses on the premium chocolate market and differentiates itself by delivering award winning quality products at a fair price; this combination creates a good value for its customers. They also have expertise at creating an outstanding customer experience within their Victorian themed retail locations that have also won awards. The company is privately held and currently focuses its business in four market areas, direct retail , online/mail order , wholesale, and sales from a restaurant in Victoria. The company also produces and sells a line of premium ice cream. The company employes 130 people, the majority of which are in retail. Sales from the company's retail establishments account for 50% of revenue. Production takes place on a one-shift operation in a 24,000 square foot facility and is labor intensive. There are currently no measurements in gauge productivity and efficiency in the plant. The past president focused a growth strategy in the wholesale market and current order fulfillment strategy is to give priority to online and mail-order business, followed by wholesale accounts, leaving the retail locations last to be serviced internally. Sales have seasonal swells during the holidays and demand forecasting has been an issue; they have increased inventory to deal with these sales patterns but still encounter out of stock situations. The new president has been given a goal by the board of directors to double or triple the size of the company within 10 years. PROBLEM STATEMENT The focus on the wholesale market does not inline with the strengths of the company. Furthermore, the issues in operational efficiency with regard to production capabilities and demand forecasting are hindering the company from increased growth potential. ALTERNATIVES Focus on strengthening current retail operations. Focus growing the retail business into new geographic markets. Continue to grow complementary business lines (ie. Ice Cream) Develop core competence in operations management to drive efficiencies and reduce inventories. Upgrade technology in production to increase capacity Create new product lines and packaging to broaden the customer base. Franchise Sam's Deli. Franchise retail chocolate stores. ANALYSIS In 2006, the chocolate market size for Canada was US$167 million with the premium chocolate market growing at a rate of 20% annually. Competition within the premium market is a broad mix of small local niche players to large multinational corporations and is growing as larger traditional manufacturers enter the market via acquisitions or new product launches. Product differentiation is healthy and there are no indications of a price war starting between rivals. Product innovation appears limited, mostly focusing on new flavor introductions and variations in molding and coloring. Seasonal demands, especially the eight weeks prior to Christmas, can create demand that can challenge small companies with low production capacity and/or inadequate forecasting and inventory management. Competitors vary in the level of vertical integration and companies with large-scale operations and distribution networks enjoy a competitive advantage through economies of scale. Rivalry among competing sellers is active and fairly strong due to the following conditions: There is little to no cost for buyers to switch brand. There is a fair amount of product standardization in the industry. The products in the chocolate market have large seasonal swells and are perishable causing some price competition. Higher fixed production costs adds to this pressure. The addition of new competition by established companies such as Hershey's and Cadburys. Competitive pressure from potential new entrants is medium as most of the major players in the industry are already in the premium chocolate market; the projected growth rate in the market will strongly attract new upstarts but they will have challenges developing distribution and retail penetration with little to no brand awareness. Firms in other industries will have little impact in this market as there aren't any strong substitutions to premium chocolate. Competitive pressures stemming from supplier bargaining is mixed; large-scale manufacturers will enjoy less pressure from suppliers due to economies of scale while smaller niche companies will not have as much influence, especially in the area of organic and fair trade raw materials. Pressure from the buyer community is fair; demand is high but so is the ability to switch brands. Growing demand for socially responsible products, such as fair-trade and organic will increase pressure from the buyers. The current driving forces in the market are the high growth rate in the premium market and the entrance of new major firms; consumers' emerging interest in fair-trade and organic products is also a force to be considered. Key success factors in this market include a well known and respected brand and strong direct sales and/or wholesale distribution; quality and efficient production capabilities are also key success factors. Although profit margins are down, Rogers' Chocolates is in a strong financial position. Retail accounts for 50% of the company's revenues although the two new stores in the company's portfolio are not performing to expectations. Ice cream sales, although small compared to retail, show a strong contribution to overall sales. The key financial indicators are shown below; one area of concern is the major increase in the â€Å"days of inventory† and the accompanying decrease in â€Å"inventory turnaround†. This is a concern due to the perishable nature of the product and the negative affect on customer quality perception when product is sold past the expiration date which has occurred with some sales via wholesale accounts. {draw:frame} A SWOT analysis of the company has turned up the following points: STRENGTHS: a distinctive competence in retail, specifically the â€Å"customer experience† a strong financial base to grow the business a strong regional brand and company reputation to build upon better product quality relative to rivals ood customer service capabilities in retail and online sales. WEAKNESSES: weak wholesale network brand/company awareness is poor outside of the region weak supply chain competences in forecasting problems with operational efficiencies with old technology and high cost changeovers. OPPORTUNITIES: expansion into new areas entering into alliances or joint ventures to expand market coverage continued expansion of complementary products (premium ice c ream) explore new technology within production THREATS increased competition by new entrants in the market slowdown in market growth hift in buyer needs and tastes RECOMMENDATIONS I believe that Rogers' Chocolates should implement a combination of the following alternatives: Focus on strengthening current retail operations. Focus growing the retail business into new geographic markets. Continue to grow complementary business lines (ie. Ice Cream) Develop core competence in operations management to drive efficiencies and optimize inventories. The Rogers' Chocolates brand has been built based on a high quality product and the retail experience of their Victorian themed shops and packaging. This is their core competence and strength and it should be the focus of their growth. By solidifying the performance of the current locations and then opening additional stores in new areas the will expand their brand recognition while preserving the quality of their product. There ice cream line is complementary to the business and should be further developed and sold in the stores. Internally, and operational strategy to improve efficiencies in production and demand forecasting will reduce costs, preserve product quality and optimize production and inventory capabilities.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Summary of a book chapter Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Summary of a book chapter - Assignment Example The terrorists undergo various training that are well discussed in this chapter. They include, disguise techniques, clandestine travels, recruitment, communications, handling of weapons- including bombs and explosives, assassination and ambush techniques and even collection of intelligence and counterintelligence methods. Terrorists go to training camps to acquire particular tactics and gain proficiency in a variety of skills. They are taught how to handle and execute terror plans in target states and nations. Such training is usually of a wider array of tactics than that of the counterterrorism police forces. For example, training on Arson and bombs. Terrorist are taught on how to make and use explosives and incendiary bombs. They are provided with guidelines and instructions on how to operate these explosive devices in training camps. Teachings on the incendiary type of weapons give terrorist insights on how to make simple fire bombs using locally available materials such as bottles and inflammable mixture attached to a fuse. In the latter days though, they are taught how to make plastic bombs from plastique that are sophisticated explosives and not readily detectable by most modern airport security. These training camps equip terrorists with assassination and ambush techniques usually how to penetrate through security systems and kill at close range. Methods of clandestine approach, disguise and escape are incorporated with handling and use of handguns fitted with silencers. Such kind of training enabled the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in 2007. Another training is on how to raise money through extortion and kidnapping for ransom from wealthy families and employers. It is usually a little risk, but high-profit operation. These terrorists are also trained in recruitment, counterintelligence, and communication. Such training gives them proficiency in acquiring intelligence on